A Summary of The Wolf of Wall Street, a Movie by Martin Scorsese

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film) is a film featuring the career story of Jordan Belfort, who start his career as a stockbroker in New York City in 1987. Jordan Belmont, an adult, the son of the two accountants who reside in Bayside, Queens. At the age of 22 years, he joined Wall Street as a broker and he had a wife Teresa Petrillo, the film show that Jordan Belfort was an employee of L.F Rothschild and work under the supervision of Mark Hanna, Jordan Belmont is surprised how people work and talk because his childhood he was not that aggressive and easy to use abusive words at work place.

Mark Hanna is a friend of Jordan Belfort and introduce him to pimp life of sex and drugs, which later on we discover is the culture and lifestyle of Stockbrokers.

Mark Hanna advises Jordan Belfon that the only job of a stockbroker is to make money. On black Monday Jordan‘s job come to end and later on he joined Boiler room brokerage firm that specialize in penny stock.

In Boiler room brokerage firm, Jordan meets with Dwayne the owner, who challenges him to pitch a sale for Aerotyne Companyi Jordan pitch wins the heart of other employee and he make 50% commission Jordan Belmont is aggressive and high-spirited person, these traits make him successful in pitching about his business. Jordan Belfort together with his partners, they co-found a brokerage firm ‘Stratton Oakmont’ that later own grow and engage in rampant corruption and frauds on the Wall Street, Stratton Oakmont use pump and dump method to swindle people in business.

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The firm grows and makes serious money and it get a front page of Forbes magazine. The Forbes writer refers Jordon as ‘sleazy Robin Hood’ because of his tactics in sales of stocks. Over few years, Stratton Oakmount keeps on growing until it attracts the attention of FBI Investigating Officer (Patrick Denham) The film again show the view Jordan personal life where he throws party at his apartment with the help of Nicholas (gay friend), and later on Naomi complains about lost valuable and Nicholas is the suspect, who choose to keep silent to protect his gay friends (after gay orgy), which lead to a fight , police arrive and arrest Nicholas. We see Jordan through corruption and money laundry he manages to recover the stolen items and money, using hired attorney Manny Riskin to hide the offence. Jordan marries another wife Naomi, and they celebrate the proposal in Les Vegas using party, hookers, and drugs. Later on, the couple was blessed with a baby girl (Skyler).

After Jordan Belmont realize that he is in FBI radars and watch list he starts to launder money to offshore accounts with an aim to evade taxman and avoid thieves. Jordan, Donnie, and Ruggart move to Switzerland to open Swiss offshore account to hide money without trace, where they meet French Swiss Banker (Jean Jacques Sorel). Jordan uses Naomi’s family to smuggle enough cash to Switzerland. He also call FBI agent Hughes and Denham and try to bribe them to drop the investigation. Jorden Belmont is the main offender in The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film), he commits several crimes in money laundry, Bribes, defraud investors in stock, and doing drugs (cocaine)lThe main victims Jorden Belmont were stock investors who trade on security exchanger.

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A Summary of The Wolf of Wall Street, a Movie by Martin Scorsese. (2023, Apr 20). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-summary-of-the-wolf-of-wall-street-a-movie-by-martin-scorsese/

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