A Female Progression Activist

Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish immigrant who rooted himself into producing a steel company while contributing to industrial success after the Civil War. Carnegie began his endeavors of providing a solid steel company in the year of 1873, whilst having gained experience in textile manufacturing work when his family emigrated to the US beforehand. As the year 1890 came closer, Carnegie was a steel mogul in the industries that were growing indefinitely around him. He planted his successful steel business in Homestead, Pennsylvania.

The importance of Carnegie himself and his accomplishments includes his motive to disburse funds from the more fortunate community members and himself to create a better industry within labor and societal measures. After the founding of his business, he has become an icon to the world of philanthropists and industrialists.

Vertical integration was tied into Carnegies’ created movements of a company relying on its own supply of materials used in different aspects of business, such as how something is transported, manufacturing supplies, or how products are released to customers.

The vertical integration began when Carnegie made great efforts that launched his successful steel business in 1873 and beyond with future expansion. With the dominating growth of his business, vertical integration allowed him to present his wealth to his business and communities while building a strong economic stance in the industry. The implementation of vertical integration was highly sought after when outside companies saw the success of the tactics to industrialize steel, causing competition to rise and faster industrialization of the US.

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The importance of vertical integration follows with the growth in saving’s funds, employment, and social establishment. Without vertical integration, outsourcing would cause many early companies fail in later business strategies.

The Chinese Exclusion Act occurred in 1882, causing Congress to extinguish the movement of immigrants from China that tried to relocate to the US territories. This was due to the unfavorable views on the Chinese population from the political parties (California) in regard to the safety of the white community. Prior to this movement in 1875, only the Chinese population that included woman prostitutes were considered unable to enter the country, with concurrent regulations stating that women and children of Chinese men who already worked in the US could then arrive to the lands’ boundaries. Permanence took place in 1902 of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which forced the Chinese immigrants to register with the government with identification materials to prove their participation in the Chinese Exclusion Act in terms of a legal sponsorship similarly. If they did not comply with the act and proof of identification, the unwilling immigrant would be impelled to deport from the US. The importance of the act signified the beginning efforts that the population faced after the Civil War in a free country.

Muckraking was a type of journaling style that revealed secrets of the American ways while proving information about corruption, wrongdoing, or deceptive issues. While the Progressive American era took place in the years of 1890-1920, it was critical for journalists to learn the tactics of muckraking to make headlines, make sales, and to become notorious in how the American life was deterred due to underlying issues not known to the public. The importance of the muckrakers proved to be invasive of all companies, but the journalism style provided a future in new laws, regulations, and acts that protect different aspects of business and communities in general once allegations were voiced. When muckraking was done in a productive way, consumers were able to distinguish if it affected their own businesses, life events or if the journalism sought after a new legality that affected a bigger entity in general. With the heat of muckraking, as more laws and regulations were established and in place, the community became more aware of how to be precise and to follow rules before losing credibility and money, such as child labor in the Progressive American era.

Jane Addams, a female Progression activist, founded the Hull House in the year 1889, located in Chicago, Illinois. The usage of the Hull House was to provide a stable environment where lesser privileged female immigrants could rely on for help in areas such as children’s infrastructures, labor accessibilities, health facilities, while gaining the knowledge needed to fight against abuse. The importance of the Hull House was to make a concrete notion on female activists’ movements while teaching female immigrants the things that they would not have learned in the outside communities dominated by the male population. Jane Addams continued her activist’s movements with campaigns and reform strategies to propel necessary social transformation. This also symbolized the future standards by rights in which females would be allowed to have after movements were made successful, or to better visualize the attempts made in governing the immigrants.

Midterm: Section 2

Economy, manufacturing, agriculture, and mining are only a few concepts that are vastly known for amplifying the characteristics of the second industrial revolution. While certain geographical spots in the US fit the needs of certain companies more than others, most cities that were being established during this economic period thrived off of the population growth and industry improvements more than ever imagined in the US. During this era, most struggled while some succeeded in the usage of railroad implementation, but only in certain areas pertaining to the revolution. One of the biggest turning points in the second industrial revolution involves the building of the national railroads across the country. Understanding the importance of the railroad implementations will provide a distinct nature in which the rise of America came about during the second industrial revolution.

Economic values tend to place a higher rank in the usage and engineering of the railroads understandably. As when population growth increases revenue for companies, the economy sees a boost as well. This causes a competition with the movement of company products and accessibility for customer between personal business economy as well as overall governed economy. One could imagine that while engineering the plans for the railroads, great detail went into the navigation on what towns would need to be stopping points in order to market their product without driving to every small city with a flowing increase in sales with ease of access. “The growing population formed an ever-expanding market for the mass production, mass distribution, and mass marketing of goods, essential elements of a modern industrial economy.” (Foner 594). Essentially, the economy flourished while using the railroads from to the East, West, North, and South, endless types products were able to be transferred such as food, machinery, furniture and more.

Creative proposition suits the rise in the second American industrial revolution while enabling inventors to gain more access to products and also to travel for research. During this revolution, the railroads needed a way to communicate for many different reasons, which trails to the invention of the telegraph machine and later the telephones. With what is to this day considered simple, the telephone portrays the process in how technology was new but also made lives easier in a sense that messages were received faster as the railroads began to grow. This sped up the processes in all departments at the companies involved in duties before a product could be shipped by railroad. As time went on, more accessible communication cables were implemented for communication in more locations, including overseas. “The opening of the Atlantic cable in 1866 made it possible to send electronic telegraph messages instantaneously between the United States and Europe” (Foner 594). Not only did this help economically, it also opened up future manufacturing, agricultural, and medicinal prospects in outsourcing or supply chain opportunities. This further legitimizes that technology demonstrates a dependency in railroads.

Playing in the contender field deemed to have cause havoc in the placement of railroads and the rise of America’s second industrial revolution. While working through a tougher era called the Great Depression, which overall inflicted the economy from 1873-1897. The competition placed hardships between companies and establishments that eventually tumbled in success because of the intense company buyouts and exchanges of ownerships with the economic struggles. With the decrease in products in weaker companies, the stronger companies continued to endure profitable times. In order to keep moving through the depression, unprecedented companies in industries such as oil gained recognition because the public made their product a necessity for daily living and work when possibly in order to get the economy back to estimated stability. “Such efforts to coordinate the economic activities of independent companies generally proved short-lived, disintegrating as individual firms continued their intense pursuit of profits.” (Foner 596). With the guidance of railroads, companies that concurred through this period still battled amongst each other while devouring the smaller entities. At the same time, without the railroads, a company would have struggled indefinitely causing the nation to start over.

Ultimately, associating the significance in railroads during the rise of the second American industrial revolution allows for an in depth knowledge on why the railroads were a necessity for growth in different aspects of life. Economic values that pertain to the revolution signified the importance in how Americans continued to build their country at an industrial standpoint. Along with that, technological innovation within the railroad sector created communication projects that lead to a necessity that continued to grow as inventors worked harder to produce more useful patents. Lastly, competitiveness became a wealth based game in regard to the strength of companies, making the railroad useful in the rise of underlying companies. The importance of railroads during the second American industrial revolution plays a role in more than one industrial component to the era, further compelling the ideas of persistence and continuity in the rise of America.

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A Female Progression Activist. (2022, May 14). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-female-progression-activist/

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