A Consequence Of a Lack Of Intelligence

Dementia is the consequence of lack of intelligence, which has repercussions on the way of thinking, reasoning and memorizing. Behavioural competence is also altered as it hinders day to day activity. Dementia grants itself as a wide spectrum from the benign stage, when it is affecting the person mildly and at a mellow stage, up to the harshest stage, where the patient needs others help for his activities of daily living. Cortical and subcortical dementias are two types of dementias. It is when the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain, starts flourishing problems which in consequence damages the human being’s memory adversely.

In result of this cortical dementia will be introduced. Alzheimer Disease is a case in point on what we are talking about. Cerebral Cortex affects the area below the brain cortex, though people experiencing this type of dementia, do not experience memory loss or speech problems but shows lack in thought and initiative for an activity.

Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease are two causes amongst others that cause this type of dementia. My focus in this writing will be on the social consequences in persons who needs care due to dementia using Gibb’s model of reflection. SWOT analysis will be mentioned and well explained in this assignment like: weakness and strength of the mentioned model, encouraging social care and health and addressing barriers to any person. I work as a nurse in elderly setting. At my place of work, I meet a lot of dementia cases and this helps me to combine practice with theory, while gather more insight on the experience that the relatives face and the condition itself.

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Good observation is prudent because it gives medical staff a clearer picture how to tackle future experiences and activities if they happen to re-experience them.

For this reflective essay, Gibb’s model of reflection is ideal to understand deeply the stages of the activity, and thus I will have the opportunity to reflect and acknowledge what was introduced. With the help of Gibb’s model, I managed to identify the good and bad and thus I could act. Examination of every detail started to kick in and thinking outside the box for criteria which will be useful in the near future. What I found helpful in this evaluation is breaking down the event into separate pieces so that the analysis of what needed to happen was clear. Evidence based research helped me expound this reflective essay, by getting a crystal-clear picture why such negative actions where still in practice since studies help me notice how society revert. It is not always that simple or straight forward for medical stuff to care for people undergoing the experience of dementia. For sure it leaves an impact be it emotional, physiological or psychological let alone experiencing it from a close relative.

Recently, I experienced a nasty experience in the ward I work in. While I was preparing the midday treatment other staff where giving out food to the patients. Almost half of them needed help in managing their food intake. During this, a carer was very unprofessional. The care who was feeding such patient acted very unethical and showed lack of respect towards the patient. The carer was acting disloyal and ignoring that patient. This was notified by other staff also and so I closed the trolley so that no one can make use of any pills by himself without supervision, and tackled the situation. I had a long chat with the carer trying to utter that those actions are not ethical and not on in our duties. In this section I will explain my feelings/reflections, before, during and after the episode. Before the event happened, I was very settled and organised the time with what next to be done. I was managing people to get patients ready as the food was soon to be ready.

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A Consequence Of a Lack Of Intelligence. (2021, Dec 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-consequence-of-a-lack-of-intelligence/

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