Why Hercules Was a Great Hero

Topics: Hercules

When you think of a Homeric hero what types of characteristics would you consider? Would you say that they are a person of lifetime goals, a person who strives for excellence, or a complex person? I think that Hercules was a great hero. He had super human strength, was married to a princess, and died a hero. As Hercules was growing up he defended Thebes from the armies of Orchomenus. He was rewarded with Megara, the daughter of King Creon. Hercules then was granted with two sons.

Once the children were born Harrah wanted him to believe that his family is out to get him, but really she just wanted Hercules to have no happiness.

After Harrah convinced Hercules it was true he ended up killing his wife and kids. When he recovered to sanity, he wanted to purify his soul so he went to the court of King Eurystheus of Tiryns for twelve years to do twelve arduous labors. Those twelve labors included: killing the Nemean lion and the Hydra; catching the Erymanthian boar and the Cerynean hind; driving off the Stymphalian birds; cleaning the stables of Augeas; capturing the Cretan bull and the horses of Diomed; made off with the girdle of the Amazon queen Hippolyte; killing Geryon; capturing Cerberus; and finally taking the golden apples of Hesperides.

Some people may say that Hercules is a bad person because he killed his family but if you really think about it he only did it because he was convinced.

When Harrah said that his family was out to get him he believed her.

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Another thing people would probably say is that he wasn’t a good hero because he had to do twelve deadly labors that no man should be able to do. For example, when Hercules had to kill Geryon, people probably think that he is just an unworthy killer that doesn’t deserve to be alive. After Hercules’ challenges were completed he was involved in many other adventures and combats, including the Calydonian hunt and the Argonaut expedition. Then he married another woman, Deianira, and she was seized by Nessus.

When Hercules found Nessus he killed him with arrows dipped in “poisonous” blood of Hydra. Nessus told Deianira that his blood from his wounds would restore Hercules’ love for her. As Deianira tried winning back her husbands love she tried to get him to wear a robe smeared with the blood but ended up burning his skin unbearably. Hercules was in so much agony he built a huge pyre at the top of Mt. Oite and set himself on fire. When the mortal parts were burning away the rest rose to heaven and married Hebe.

Some people may say that Hercules is a bad person because he killed his family but if you really think about it he only did it because he was convinced. When Harrah said that his family was out to get him he believed her. Another thing people would probably say is that he wasn’t a good hero because he had to do 12 deadly challenges that no man should be able to do. For example, when Hercules had to kill Geryon, people probably think that he is just an unworthy killer that doesn’t need to be alive.

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Why Hercules Was a Great Hero. (2022, Mar 04). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/why-hercules-was-a-great-hero/

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