Why Do People Believe There Is Another Version Of Themselves?

People believe there is another version of themselves because they believe in parallel universes, but what is a parallel universe? A universe or universes that are theorized to be existing alongside our own that have some similarities and some differences. This means that in our universe you are reading this paper, but in another one you could be making decisions as the leader of a country and in another, you could be reading this paper but without an eye. Now even though parallel universes started off as a theory of quantum mechanics it was quickly picked up by conspiracy theorists.

Today many people believe in parallel universe conspiracy’s such as the Mandela effect because the theory of parallel universes is supported by science, they want to have something to blame for or explain the things they don’t understand, or they just don’t want to admit that they were wrong.

To first understand why people may believe in any conspiracy theory you have to understand what a conspiracy theory is.

A conspiracy theory is the belief or “theory” that a covert group or organization is looking to harm or keep information secret from the public for their gain. Conspiracy theories can come out of anyone’s skepticism of any major or minor event and they don’t have to have any logical backing for people to believe in them. This can include conspiracies such as the Freemasons, which Abraham Lincoln and many other presidents were rumored to be a part of, the Illuminati, and much more.

A conspiracy theory called the Mandela effect is the biggest conspiracy theory under the umbrella of parallel universes. The Mandela effect is the theory that many people who have probably never met each other have one or many clear memories of something that never happened in this reality. This theory speculates that we have “been “sliding” between” parallel universes without noticing or realizing it. Ask yourself, how do you remember the children’s books Berenstain Bears being spelled, Berenstein or Berenstain? Many people remember the books as being the Berenstein Bears, but in this reality, it is the Berenstain Bears.

The theory of parallel universes is supported by science. It is assumed that space is infinite and almost all of it is filled with matter. Because of this, there can be an infinite number of inhabited planets somewhere within the many levels of the “multiverse” some of which include other versions of you. This means that even the most improbable events must happen at some point. Today cosmological models predict that at the closest you have a twin about 10 to 1028 meters from our galaxy. You will probably never see this twin since we can only see as far as light has traveled in the 14 billion years since the Big Bang still isn’t far enough for us to visualize the next universes. This upholds the theory of the Mandela effect by supporting the possibility that we happened to slip through one of these universes without realizing it or having the technology to notice it at the time.

People want to have something to blame for or explain the things that they don’t understand. This is the reason for many things, not just parallel universes. The human brain doesn’t like when there isn’t an understandable explanation for something. So, in the early days of civilization, we turned to things such as higher powers to explain why the seasons changed or why we die. Then as science evolved and we could explain the simpler things we turned to more outrageous answers for more complicated situations. This is why some people may believe in aliens or why religion get more and more vague. The Mandela effect is another thing that some people may use to explain the things they can’t such as missing people that seem to have never existed.

People don’t want to admit that they were wrong about something. This can be attributed to something called “false memory” which is when someone remembers something one way that was never actually that way or an event happening that never actually happened. This can be attributed to pride especially if we have gotten so invested in an argument that when we realize that we are wrong it would be highly embarrassing to lose. Someone could easily use the Mandela effect as an excuse as to why they are wrong, and the other person is right, they are just right in a different reality.

People believe in parallel universe conspiracy’s such as the Mandela effect because the theory of parallel universes is supported by science, they want to have something to blame for or explain the unknown, or they just don’t want to be wrong. Science gives us reason to believe that there can be other versions of us. Xenophobia wants us to find a reason for the unknown. Pride doesn’t want us to admit that we were wrong. So, we turn to parallel universes for explanations.

In my opinion conspiracy theorist are a good thing because they caution us to be vigilant and question what happens around us and the things that we are told. They help to keep us from conforming to the formalities of society and from believing everything that the people we believe are smarter than ourselves tells us. At the very least they give us an interesting form of entertainment.

In today’s day in age we need an answer for everything whether it be religion, aliens, or that we are in a different reality now then we were then, but the simple fact is that sometimes there isn’t an answer for everything.

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Why Do People Believe There Is Another Version Of Themselves?. (2022, May 11). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/why-do-people-believe-there-is-another-version-of-themselves/

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