Bodybuilding: Achieve Dream Body And Change Themselves To Become Better

As you enter a local gym, you start to get a smell of mixed sweat and cologne and you hear people talking and the brand new hits on the radio. Bodybuilders in the gym are working out to achieve just one goal to get as ripped: as possible. Bodybuilding is a subculture in which people follow extreme workouts, training session and diets to be something no one has ever seen before. For bodybuilders getting ripped is their main goal and what they live for.

We think there is a limit or endpoint to certain things, but bodybuilders have proven that there truly is no endpoint with their extreme workouts, diets, drug use, their passion to get muscular and stand out from the rest.

Bodybuilding first began with stone lifting in Egypt, Greece, and Tamilakam but Western Weightlifting began in Europe from 1880 to 1953. Bodybuilding developed in the late 19th century in England by a German known as Eugen Sandow who is known as the “Father of Bodybuilding”.

He displayed his muscle so the audience can enjoy viewing his muscles. He started a bodybuilding competition in 1901 which was held in London. It became more popular and mainstream in the 1950s and 1960s due to the appearance of strength and gymnastics championships and also due to the popularization of bodybuilding magazine and physique contests. In the 1970s it gained major publicity due to the appearance of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, and many others. The 1970s was also when anabolic steroids made their appearance in bodybuilding as well as in various other sports.

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In 1990s new bodybuilding organization was formed which is known as the World Bodybuilding Federation (WBF). Now people have less interest in bodybuilding. People aren’t interested in huge muscular bodies anymore but instead, they just want a healthy and fit physique.

Bodybuilding is a form of art which allows people to achieve their dream body. They do various things to achieve their goal such as extreme workouts, diets, use of steroids and damaging their body. Some bodybuilders exceed the limit to achieving their dream body without realizing the consequences. According to Leslie Heywood, “A very literal form of “play” in which your own body is the construction site, the bodybuilder’s dream is the dream of endlessly re-arrangeable flesh, the manipulation of the material without limits” (Heywood 220). For bodybuilders, their body is the site of construction where they are the construction workers and are willing to do anything in their power or even exceed it to get the body they have always dreamed of. A bodybuilder’s dream is to have as much flesh as they can possibly get to increase their muscle mass and get as ripped as possible. For bodybuilders, there is no limit or endpoint for them the more they achieve the more they want. They want to get noticed in a crowd, they want to be the best around. They wouldn’t be scared about the fact of overdoing the process but instead, they would be proud because they are becoming a better self. For them, there is no limit to getting ripped. For a bodybuilder the bigger they are, the better.

Part of a bodybuilder’s routine to stay muscular is extreme dieting. Extreme diets play a major role in staying fit. According to Frances Berg, “ I recommend four to six small meals a day, with 55 percent of calories from carbs, 10 percent fat, and 35 percent from protein, including flank steak, skinless chicken, turkey, egg whites and protein powder…….I sometimes have to stop myself from doing too much training, not getting enough rest or not eating enough”(Berg, 2). Bodybuilding is a sport which is all about performing tasks which are extreme and tough but still performed by bodybuilders to achieve their dream body. Some bodybuilders follow very strict diets in which they consume six meals per day with a few amounts of calories which are less for their bodies to produce energy. They only consume products which are high in proteins and are less in fat. Consuming fewer calories can have various harsh effects on the body. Some bodybuilders are willing to go above and beyond to get the muscular body they want, even if it means cutting short on eating and sleeping. They usually work out on an empty stomach which can have various harmful effects on their body. Sleeping and eating are two key components which aid for us to live a long and healthy lifestyle.

Bodybuilders follow a process where they burn calories which they consumed by working out. They spend most of their time in the gym training and working out to build muscle mass. Some bodybuilders perform such hard and long duration exercises which are n’t even. According to J. M. Schrof “ I commonly spend at least three hours a day almost every day of the week there, sometimes working out in the morning before work and again after work”(Schrof 4). Spending six hours in the gym every day seems like a time-consuming procedure. Bodybuilders work long periods of time in the gym to get rid of the heavy meals which they consume. For them, it is a continuous cycle of eating and exercising to lose the calories which are consumed. Working six hours a day isn’t just hard and stressful but it can also cause various other alarming health risks. Bodybuilders want the maximum results even if it results in overdoing exercises. They perform heavy weightlifting instead of simple exercises such as push-ups or crunches. According to J. M. Schrof “ During my season, the five hours of working out twice a day, lifting 50, 60 tons of weights a day helped me to train”(Schrof 7). Working out for ten hours a day is equivalent to spending half of the day in the gym training. The lifting he performed was very hard lifting 50 to 60 tons just proves that bodybuilders are all about going all out to achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Lifting heavyweights not only train bodybuilders but could also result in various side effects and increases the chances of having a muscle related disease.

Drug usage in bodybuilding has always been a controversial topic. Steroids play a huge role in the life of a bodybuilder. They use muscle enhancing drugs like steroids even though the use of it is illegal in sports. According to Ronnie Coleman “It’s a norm in pro bodybuilding that you need steroids to thrive in this industry” (Coleman 2). Some bodybuilders think of steroids as a part of their lifestyle. Even though steroids are illegal and are prohibited to be used, it doesn’t stop bodybuilders from taking the risk. The use of drugs is an easier way to achieve the muscular appearance desired by bodybuilders. Steroids are not time-consuming but rather quick with the effects it provides the body. This is the reason some bodybuilders consider the use of steroids. Some bodybuilders use steroids to get the energy through which they can perform their exercises. According to J M Schrof “Here they often meet 20-to-30-year-old men using steroids to bulk up for powerlifting and bodybuilding”(Schrof 7). Various other factors can be used to achieve energy rather than steroids. It would be a better approach to reduce the amount of exercise performed than using a harmful fuel to power your body. For 20-30-year-old bodybuilders, the use of steroids is unnecessary because they already have enough metabolism and stamina to work out. Steroids have negative and positive effects, steroids can help you achieve your dream body but also have various side effects.

Bodybuilders who use steroids are never satisfied with themselves because they believe there is always room for improvement. According to Joe Weider “Despite massive weight gains and sharply chiseled muscles, many steroid users are never quite happy with their physiques — a condition some researchers have labeled ”reverse anorexia.” ”I’ve seen a kid gain 100 pounds in 14 months and still not be satisfied with himself,””( Weider 30). When bodybuilders start to expect a lot form themselves and they want all the muscularity they stressed because there is always someone better out there. They are never happy with how they look. Bodybuilders work out, change their diet and some also take steroids to completely transform themselves into what they always admired. Even after taking the steroids which can help them to increase their muscles. Some still aren’t happy with the results they get because they always know that someone better themselves exist and they want to be the best there is this is a disease which is known as reverse anorexia. Probably because they can’t ever be satisfied with themselves and they always want more and more from their body. Bodybuilders are never satisfied with themselves because they always feel incomplete. The kid gained 100 pounds but he still wasn’t satisfied with himself because bodybuilders think there is always room for improvement even if they don’t need the improvement.

Some bodybuilders don’t use the help of steroids because they believe it’s better to work for the change. According to J. M. Schrof “It was not the drug that made me the champion. It was the will and the drive and five hours of working out being on a strict diet and training, my posing and doing all the different things that I had to do”(Schrof 8). Some bodybuilders prefer to go to the gym and follow the right diets to maintain muscle mass. They consider to workout and follow the extreme lifestyle rather than make use of steroids into consideration. They take time out of their schedule to achieve healthier results. Some bodybuilders perform various other tasks to achieve their goals but don’t consider drugs as an option. For them, results achieved with hard work are worthier. On the other hand, some bodybuilders prefer to consider steroids because they believe it’s a shortcut to achieve their dream body. According to Mary Champ “We’re using modern science to help us reach our goals”(Champ 2). Some bodybuilders want to take advantage of the resources provided to them by scientists, they want to use science and technology to achieve their goals. Even though steroids are harmful to their body, they seem like a better and quicker option to them. They are taking a faster and quicker route to achieve their goals. Achieving your goal isn’t a success but it’s the journey to get to that goal which has various experiences and wisdom along the way. Soon or later bodybuilders could get caught using steroids or have impairments to their body. They should go for a longer and safer process rather than a shorter and easier process which in the future can have several consequences. By using steroids bodybuilders might not get the results they were hoping for.

We are always told that we are perfect the way we are and we don’t need to change for anything or anyone but for bodybuilders that’s not the case. Bodybuilders want to change their body because they aren’t satisfied with the way they are. They want to impress people around them and mostly themselves. According to Leslie Haywood “Platz had given up everything to reverse the course of nature. He had been born with a miserable structure, his hips wider than a yardstick, his shoulders narrower than a ruler. But through the sheer industry, through set after set of 315 pounds squats for 50 straight reps, through training sessions…….Tom hurdled these obstacles and became Mr. Universe”( Heywood 220). Bodybuilders aren’t impressed with their body because they always want more, they want to be the best out there. Just like Tom Platz, he worked out to become Mr universe because he desired a perfect body to fit his wants. In the process, he had to follow an extreme workout to get to his end goal. He never had that perfect body which everyone desired because there was always someone better. He had various impairments with his body which he wasn’t satisfied with. Nobody is born with their dream body and bodybuilding allows to achieve that dream and change themselves to become better. Bodybuilders choose to have an extreme life, they choose to work out, and be on strict diets, their perfect body isn’t just handed to them. These extreme steps can cause them to have several problems especially with the use of steroids. Bodybuilding is a hobby for many people which can someday cost them their lives.

We always want to fit in with the rest of the world but bodybuilders want to stand out from the rest of the world. They want to be different from everyone else. According to Leslie Heywood “ I want to look like something you’ve never seen before….whatever it takes I don’t want to be like you. I don’t want to look like you, I don’t want to talk like you, I don’t want to be you” (Heywood 222). Bodybuilders don’t the image of a boy next door but they rather want to look like something which no one has ever seen before. They would do anything to achieve the image of something different. When standing in a crowd a bodybuilder wants to stand out. They don’t want to look like anyone else in that crowd. They want to look different and bigger than everyone else. Bodybuilders don’t want to look alike to anyone else. They don’t want to be like us because we know there is a limit to everything but they want to thrive past that limit. They don’t want to talk like us and most importantly they don’t want to be us because they know and believe there is always a way of going all out and achieving the desired goal which has been set. Bodybuilders would do everything in their power to be different and not be like the rest of the world.

Now as a bodybuilder is about to leave the gym. He or she is going to get home and probably drink a protein shake or eat food which is rich in protein to get the energy. Bodybuilders follow a continuous never-ending cycle of eating, working out and sleeping which they follow every day of the year to achieve one goal to get as muscular as possible. They follow such extreme diets, workouts and some also use muscle enhancing drugs like steroids to get muscular and be the best there is. For bodybuilders, they don’t consider themselves perfect and they don’t want to fit in with the world. In fact, they want to stand out, they don’t want to look like us. Bodybuilders are people who can do anything to achieve the goals even if it means to go beyond any limit.

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Bodybuilding: Achieve Dream Body And Change Themselves To Become Better. (2022, Apr 25). Retrieved from

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