A Business Should Profit Themselves and Others

Topics: Economics

Last week, I watched a movie called the Corporation This short documentary revealed several unethical business practices that severely hurt consumers in the process. This is where my inspiration on such topics emerged I believe that these practices give business bad stigmas, and desired to learn more about such cases, while understanding the causations and possible solutions to such problems. In the article “Go ahead and be evil” showed the opposing beliefs in regard to business practices Each question the goals of a business, whether helping others should be a part of such or not, According to this argument, donating money will only harm the economy, not make it bettert I feel that this stance is completely bias, and of coarse the side that does not agree with social business would claim this (Saporito,2016).

I feel that it is one’s social responsibility to take care of others, and I wish more business‘s felt this way If this was done, I feel the entire world would be a better place The wage gap in America is ridiculous, and the top 1% has more than the rest of the 99%.

This is a huge issue, that can partly be fixed if others were more generous.  The ethical issues I will be discussing throughout this paper involve why businesses should and must help others I feel very strongly about this topic, for it can truly help fix the economy and touch other people’s lives. I don’t see how money can be a more pressing issue than someone who is starving Greed has certainly influenced the minds of people to the point where they only care about themselves.

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After reading this article, I felt sympathy for those who feel that profit is the only importance in a business.

This is a business not focused on customers or even the rest of the world. I understand that money is the main focus in most businesses, but it does not have to be the only focus. I really enjoyed one part included in this article about a third way of looking at this situation It claimed that no matter what the business is, social responsibility is incorporated somehow. I found there to be a lot of truth behind this statement. It discussed how consumers’ minds change and demand for certain guidelines do as well. A smart business will make these adjustments to please consumers. Such changes were mentioned like being green, fair treatment of employees, and sustainable sourcing. I feel that this is done to an extent. Many companies are still using cheap methods of creation that are dangerous to food supplies Monsanto for example uses GMO’s which have been linked to cancert Ideas of Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) is not a topic new to either academics or practitioners.

These ideas, however, have expanded considerably in recent times. These practices served highly in the 1960’s for the first time. During this time, civil rights, women’s rights, and environmental rights were addressed Amongst these, were also rights of consumers This is when CSR’s were first spoken about. CSR‘S posit that business should outreach to others and not simply increase profit for shareholders (Carroll, Shabana, 2010) The main reasoning for those against such social responsibilities, generally deals with economics. The United States is composed of a free market economy. Which basically claims that people have open margin for profits Consumers are the ones who have the choice as to which goods they want to purchase and what companies they desire to support (Carroll, Shabana, 2010). I feel that having this freedom in the country is very good, however, consumers generally go with the cheapest companies and make purchases based on prices.

For many consumers, they don’t have much “freedom”, I say this because the economy is not that good, Yes, it has significantly improved. However, prices are still considerably high in most cases. Huge corporations such as Wal Mart can provide cheap products, but the company is not good to employees and that is a huge issue. I know a man personally working for this company, and they keep most workers under 40 hours, so benefits cannot be offered to them. Even though this business is cheap, it is not fair. Grameer group is a wonderful example of a social business who is quite successful, This group consists of 30 small companies, who practice giving back The article I am analyzing “Go Ahead, be Evil” claimed that businesses cannot prosper if they are concerned with issues other than profit. However, the Grameer group proves this theory incorrect This company is mostly concerned with lending money to those who are impoverished due to greedy moneylenders. Most of which are entrepreneurs.

According to the authors, having an organization that is based upon helping others has not only been highly profitable, it is rewarding alike (Yunus, Moingeon,Lehmann-Ortega, 2010). I feel there is one solution to this problem, and that would be to make these instances mandatory. A business should have to donate a certain portion of their money to better the economy and those living in poverty. It is our social right to help others, and by doing so, businesses and corporations would be less greedy. I understand that many people will disagree with this, and claim it to be unjust. In a sense, they are correct, people should be entitled to spend their money as they please However, I feel it is certainly a good and proper thing to do. People need to gain morals back and understand that their success should be used for the bettering of this country and not only beneficial to them.

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A Business Should Profit Themselves and Others. (2022, Oct 20). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-business-should-profit-themselves-and-others/

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