What are the Effects on Children whose Parents Push Them in Sports?

Topics: SportsSwimming

Parents sometimes push their children in swimming. When parents push their children there can be bad consequences. When it comes to swimming, health is a big part of it and if a person gets pushed then that can result in a bad thing. For example, there can be injuries and not enough sleep. Swimming is a hard sport to accomplish. “Swimming takes time and dedication.” This might be why some swim teams practice two times a day. Even though they go two times a day, always work on perfect technique.

If a swim team does two practices a day they will usually do one in the morning and one at night. In the morning swimmers have to be careful with the cold. Sometimes the temperature can be in the twenties in North Carolina. One way somebody can help themselves, in swimming is to go to the gym. The perfect way to help somebody at the gym and to benefit them for their swimming is to use lightweight, but more repetitions.

If they do that they will not get injuries. When they do that they will gain muscle too.

When it comes to injuries, it is a crucial part of swimming. If an injury happens the person who got it can be out of swimming for a very long time. The effect of injuries is overuse. Also, this can happen when a person has not recovered fully from a hard practice that they had. Some examples of injuries are the shoulders, the knees, and spondylolysis.

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“Even a minor injury can progress to a serious injury due to the volume of the intensity of swimming. It is also important to address muscle recovery in order to restore torn down muscles in preparation for the next practice and prevent in the long run.” Lastly, another way to prevent injuries is to stretch. Michael Phelps had some injuries. In 2004 he had major worries about his back so he tried to work around it. Then, he broke his bone in his hand in 2005. Next, he broke his wrist in 2008. Soon after he broke his wrist he had a small stress fracture so he needed rest. After he was healed he broke his right pinky finger in half.

There was another swimmer of some injuries from swimming. His mane is Preston. He had two broken wrists and a knee operation in eighteen months. He was frustrated every time he got injured because he had to work harder to get back where he was in swimming. There is another way your health can be reflected in swimming. Sleep is very good for a person’s body. The average teens sleep that they should get is around eight to ten hours of sleep. On the other hand swimmers usually, do not get that much sleep. Swimmers probably get around seven hours or less of sleep every night except Saturday nights. This is because swimmer usually does not have practice on Sundays. Some swimmers might like to be on their phones, but that is a bad thing before bed. If a swimmer is on their phone before bed that can keep them up even if they are in the bed. There is a substance that makes a person awake. It is called melatonin. Even if somebodies phone if off after they looked at it their brain will not release the melatonin that they have in their body.

There are strategies that will help anybody to help them fall asleep if they are in bed. One example is to count backward from one hundred by threes. Another example is “think about a cute animal, your favorite sports team, or something else that makes them happy.” Another example is to get out of bed and read something in dim light for about 10 minutes. Lastly, the other example is to take deep breaths. There are strategies that will help anybody to fall asleep quicker even if they are not in bed. One example is to go to bed and wake up and at the same time. Another example is to stay off of T.V. or computer screens one hour before bed. Another example is to avoid heavy or large meals within a couple of hours before bed and to avoid caffeine. Another example is to keep the room quiet, cool, and dark wherever they are sleeping. Lastly, they can use relaxing methods before bed.

Rebecca Adlington has a busy schedule. She gets up at five a.m.. She has to do her homework in the car before going to bed because her training is right after school. She trains four hours a day and ten times in the water per week. When she trains in the pool she is in the water two hours at a time. After she does her morning swim, goes to school, and does afternoon swim she gets home at 7:20 p.m. Her mom was kind of like a taxi driver for her. She took Rebecca to every swim practice and gym practices. When she was at a young age, her parents took her and her two older sisters for swim lessons. Soon after, her sisters joined a swim club called, Sherwood Colliery. When she was nine, she joined too. Her sister’s got to a national level. This is called the National Championships. Then, she joined a bigger swim club in Lincoln when she was twelve. Afterward, when she was thirteen, she was fast enough to go to the 2003 European Youth Olympic Games. She got two silver medals. Since she got those two silver medals she joined the Nottingham Swim Club. Later in life, in 2005, she got a mild case of glandular fever. Every swim meet she went to she would only eat things like pasta and plain chicken.

There can be personal opinions on this topic. The one that was interviewed was a guy named Gunther Rodriguez Osorio. He said that “kids can get stressed out if their parents push them. They can be too concerned about what their parents thought about because of the pressure they put on them. The worst I has seen was when parents yelling at their children at a swim meet in front of their peers. Parents should push their children to do better is good, but when they push past a certain line then the children will think that they have to do it because if their parents. Swimmers should feel that they want to do it. Parents should be there to support and to courage their children to do better, not to be coaches. I think that parents who are passing the limit are doing the wrong thing.” Overall, everybody should always watch out for injuries and to get enough sleep. Health is a big part of swimming. Even though parents might push their children in swimming that is a bad thing to do. Swimmers should always feel comfortable at the place in swimming that they are in.

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What are the Effects on Children whose Parents Push Them in Sports?. (2021, Dec 21). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/what-are-the-effects-on-children-whose-parents-push-them-in-sports/

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