The Usage of Politics in Life

Politics is basically defined as who gets what and how in a group of people. What people get through politics is generally described as resources. Resources are assets and advantages that help one get ahead of others, How valuable these resources are depends on the rarity and desirability of them. How people get these resources is through power, or the ability to make other do what you want, Power can be used through authority, which is power accepted as right and proper.

Who has power, authority and gets resources is all decided by the social order of the people involved This refers to how people are viewed by other people, and what their status is in government, and in their social life, When people talk about politics, it is ttsually referring to the active use of it. It is most commonly thought to be used actively through government. Government is the system that people have for exercising authority Government makes rules that distributes out resources to different people in the social order.

Usually politics is split up in government into institutions. Institutions all follow the main government’s politics, but these institutions can form their own political structures within themselves, Politics in government can be written out (like our constitution), but just because it is written out, doesn’t mean that the politics aren‘t subject to change, Politics are changing all the time in government making it very active. Sometimes politics can be portrayed passively, through people. People are always setting up their own politics without knowing it, From leaders rising to make decisions for their groups, to little kids distributing out toys based on how they see others at a party, Politics is always involved in our everyday lives, even if we don’t see it.

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In government, there are usually leaders, embodied with power. These leaders are either elected, self-appointed, etc. They are given a special status, like president or prime minister. They make most of the rules and decisions in their governments and all have authority, a main part of politics. This same principle can also apply to real life. People have little groups, organizations, or even school clubs, where people are appointed leader, or president of the group. They also make big rules, and big decisions. Even children generally recognize one of them as the leader, spoken or not The difference between these two types of leaders is that leaders in government usually have more people to lead than those of regular groups in society.

Leaders of large governments have more authority and control over their people, whereas other less significant leaders don’t have as much definite power. Politics isn’t a new, modern concept If one looks far back in time, politics could relate to people’s lives too. Politics could be just used socially in the simplest of societies, like that of the cavement Cavemen had food, or resources that were used to distribute to the people who deserved it. Who got the food would be decided by their social order, or who deserved it (i.e. who worked for it, who fought for it). The power of this society could be put in the hands of those with the food, or those who hunted because everyone else would need it to survive. Politics existed in government too. Ancient Rome had a government system that had a leader, Julius Caesar who had power over all of his people. The government gave the people safety, and rules, and proved as a position of authority. Politics in everyday life has been around since the beginning of man, but politics in government had only shown up when the first governments had risen with it.

In strict authoritarian government, the usage of politics in government and everyday life differs. In authoritarian government, the government has maximum social control. Government would have absolute power over all of the people, They would control every distribution given to people and they would limit politics in day to day life for the people. The people would have little to no politics involved in their life They wouldn’t be allowed to make many choices, and they wouldn’t have certain groups where they would have their own systems of politics. Nobody would have power over the government, and they couldn’t choose how they get their resources used to live. Not many would be allowed to prosper and rise above others, making no real social order within the people There still could be tiny traces of politics, like from friend to friend, which one is a follower and which one leads the other. But otherwise, authoritarian governments kill politicsi Politics can widely vary.

It could relate to how if there was world domination, how that dictator would handle the entire Earth, or how a group of lions distributed the hunted meat among themselves Politics in government is definite and is usually written out (like our Constitution) The government is usually active and showed up not too long ago, compared to the millions of years of Earth’s existence, which would mean politics in government could only show up when the first signs of government showed up alongside it. Politics in everyday life is very vague, but exists It is usually inferred as to exactly what the politics of a situation is This type of politics has been around since the first people on Earth started communicating with each other making it exist longer than politics in government, But, no matter where politics are found, problems are solved by the working together of all of the parts of the affected. 30, in every situation, cooperation is always the answer to having the best political system possible.

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The Usage of Politics in Life. (2022, Oct 25). Retrieved from

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