Unhealthy School Lunches: Impact & Solutions

What is nutrition? Nutrition is a belief system that focuses on scientifically identifying nutrients that determine the worthiness of a particular food or food product. Nutrition is very important in a growing child’s life because, with bad nutrition, the child doesn’t develop fast enough. In a school community, an issue that many students run into would be the everyday school lunches. One solution that an ordinary student could come up with is informing a good amount of people about the not-so-healthy lunches.

Another way is finding out what an ordinary student can achieve by speaking to the business people that make a difference when it comes to making a decision for school lunches. An easy way to improve nutrition is to increase fresh fruits and vegetables in a school lunch.

If there is no nutrition in a school lunch, school lunches will be the leading cause of obesity. Obesity is the beginning to a huge problem in the United States.

A problem that is going on in our school that many students have is our school lunch, It looks very disgusting and I have received many complaints from my fellow students that t he school lunches need to be improved. I have completed a survey with in my friends that go to CMS. The problem has been considered as a big problem but yet no one does anything about it. I think it is time someone takes a stand and makes a difference! Make a change! There are many causes for unhealthy school lunches and why students choose to eat unhealthy foods.

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A problem, which will be encountered with selling healthy vegetables, is that the children don’t like it.

Children are how being taught that broccoli and peppers etc. just make the food taste good and kids L111 eat the food. Adults only say that the school lunch is goof for their kids because they don’t want their kids wining at home complaining that they don’t like what they are sewing. Kids usually only want sweets, so if the cafeteria serves vegetables, they will complain because they are not getting what they want. The only reason that children eat unhealthy food at school is because they actually serve it and their parents aren’t watching their backs looking if what they are eating is “healthy”, Another major problem with unhealthy school lunches is funding, Most school funding is being spent on newer faster technology but the schools food lunches are still only being funded are about $1 per meaL Most of the schools in America have very little or no funding at all, So the schools will either have to pay with the “meal sales and federal reimbursements?

These are only about $021-$130 for each meal, this is not getting your kids what they need to eat and all their everyday vitamins. In order to get the funding of many acts, schools have to meet the requirements to the minimal daily nutrition of a 1012 year old. Which is; 1/2 pint of whole milk, protein rich food, 3/4 cup of raw, cooked or canned vegetables, bread and 2 TBLS of BUTTER or FORTIFIES MARGARINE! It is unfair for kids to be forced to be eating 2 TBLS of butter or margarine for the funding to be supported in the school, Another major problem that is making school foods unhealthy is the vending machines. Schools have vending machines or a school store, canteen, or snack bar where students can purchase food or beverages. 43% of elementary schools, 73.9% of middle school orjunior high, and 98.2% of senior high schools have vending machines, school stores, canteens or snack bars. There are many different causes for the unhealthiness of most school lunches.

There are many solutions for this problem, If you take away one of the main sources for unhealthy school food, the outcome for your students will be major for their mental health and physical health, 50 getting rid of the vending machines or putting healthy snacks into the vending machines is the best way to make e school lunches healthier. Another major source for unhealthy school lunches is the baked sweets, If the school cafeteria stops baking most of the cookies and brownies etc., the outcome will also be great for the students physical and mental health. If the school cafeteria makes the food look gross and disgusting, but it has all the nutrients that a growing child will need. Children will not eat it; they will immediately choose the unhealthy junk food, So making the food look better will be a huge improvement.

Another solution for the problem is convincing. Convince other students and their parents to help protest in town hall and make them stop spending so much money on the new technology and start spending more money on the school lunches. With more money, the school will be able to provide something healthy and attractive, Convince your school administrator, principal, or a superintendent to enter your school in program where your school competes for the academics and in return the organization donates money to your school, for the school lunch program Based on many studies, unhealthy school lunches have been leading to an unhealthy life style. Students have been learning to eat a lot of junk food and not be nutrionally balanced.

If this school lunch keeps up, most of America will be suffering from obesity, My goal is to help America before we lead into a problem, Schools: the only thing you have to do it stop having cookies out at lunchtime as well as brownies and chips etc, everyone can do something about out unhealthy school lunches, Superintendents can apply the school to a program for school that wants their school lunches to be healthieri And if you don’t have any power in deciding what is good for the school, spread awareness. Make all your family members aware that America will be lead to a huge unhealthy school food problem and get everyone you know to rebel against unhealthy school food! Anyone can make a difference!

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Unhealthy School Lunches: Impact & Solutions. (2022, Dec 16). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/the-unhealthy-nature-of-school-lunches-its-impact-on-the-health-of-the-students-and-possible-solutions-to-the-issue/

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