The Story Of Hitler

The person I have decided to do my research project on is Adolf Hitler. I am doing a research interview on him for my report. Hitler had five siblings, a rough father and a supporting mother. Most of his siblings died after the age of 2. Hitler and his youngest sister were the only ones to endure to adulthood. Hitler was born and raised in Austria-Hungary. He was born on April 20, 1889 and committed suicide on April 30, 1945. Young Hitler was very interested in art and German nationalism.

His father did not approve of Hitler’s like and passion for art though. Hitler’s dad died in 1903 and two years after his mom allowed him to drop out of school. His mother died in 1907, Hitler then moved to Vienna and did watercolor paintings and worked as a casual laborer. Soon he applied to the academy of fine Arts but , they rejected him both times he applied. Due to lack of money, he bounced around homeless shelters.

Hitler soon moved to Munich in 1913. When World War I broke out, he applied to serve in the German army. In August 1914 he was accepted, even though he was still an Austrian citizen. He spent most of his time away from the front lines but he did participate in some important battles. In the Battle of Somme, he was injured on his left thigh by a shell explosion.

After WWII he continued to work for the German military. He was an intelligence officer, who monitored the activities of the German Workers’ Party (DAP).

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He also adopted many of the anti-Semitic, nationalist and anti-Marxist ideas of party founder Anton Drexler. In  September of 1919 he joined the DAP, which soon changed its name to NSDAP, aka Nazi. Hitler was the one who made the Nazi banner which included the swastica in a white circle with a red background. His vitriolic speeches against the Versailles Treaty, rival politicians, Marxists and Jews soon gained notoriety. Hitler then replaced Drexler as Chairman of the Nazi party in 1921. Hitler’s speeches attracted army captain Ernst Rohm, who was the head of SA. Hitler and the SA stormed a public meeting in a large beer hall in Munich on November 8, 1923, featuring Bavarian prime minister Gustav Kahr. Hitler proclaimed the beginning of the national revolution, and declared the establishment of a new government. Unfortunately for Hitler his storming failed and he was arrested and tried for high treason and sentenced to nine months in prison. During his 9 months in prison he dictated most of his first book of autobiography and his political manifesto, which he called Mein Kampf. He published the first volume in 1925 and the second in 1927. The book laid out his plans to transform German society into one based on race. The Great Depression was great for Hitler because it opened up political opportunities for him. Uncertain about the democratic republic, the Germans were increasingly open to radical options. So Hitler ran for the presidency in 1932, against Paul von Hindenburg who was 84-years-old. He became second in both rounds. This was good for him because in German politics the results established Hitler as a powerful force. Hindenburg then agreed to make Hitler chancellor so they could promote political balance. By the end of June the other groups were intimidated into disbanding. Hitler’s Nazi Party was later declared Germany’s only legitimate political party on July 14, 1933. Hitler ordered to get rid of the League of Nations in October of 1933. Military opposition was being punished, too. The SA- ‘s demands for greater political and military power had led to the infamous Long Knives Night. This took place from June 30 to July 2, 1934. 

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The Story Of Hitler
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