The Next Level of Education

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Today’s era is the technological era, everyone attracting towards technology for every purposes like Business, Education, etc. We can also say ‘next level of education is digital education’. Children show more attention towards learning Apps with compare to books because in Apps have many interesting learning-based games that help to learn more efficiently and easy way, colorful pages and moving animation can make learning fun to core. Students prefer e-story books than books. As “Smeets & Bus” discuss in his paper about e-story books and how children get benefited out of it.

“By increasing number of android phone, tablet, iPad the way of learning or reading is changed because interactive pictures, music, sound, animation, colorful pages make it easily understandable, its attract reader mainly child to spend more time on E-story apps, animation video-based apps.”

It creates more connection with surrounding and generates creativity in students, they easily understand the connection with their own environment. At this modern era by use of technology your imagination is easily constructed on a screen which makes learning easy in kids.

At a minimum, multimedia additions to electronic picture storybooks include at least an oral reading of the story text. In addition, they may involve symbolic elements typically not used with Interaction with adults is still considered to be the optimal way to familiarize children with stories and the varied and rich vocabulary in picture storybooks. On the other hand, additional features may provide new opportunities for text comprehension. In the age of Common Core State Standards teachers may wonder whether e-books are appropriate tools for familiarizing 4- to 6-year-olds with children’s literature and contributing to a positive relationship with reading that lasts a lifetime.

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When young children have learned to enjoy books, they will continue to read, whereby technical reading and oral language skills keep improving, resulting in sustained motivation to read. The gold standard of book reading to 4- to 6-year-olds is interactive reading that combines an oral rendition of text with clarification about the story text through the actions of pointing at pictures and highlighting details mentioned in the text. In addition to building comprehension skills, shared book reading may also promote print knowledge, especially when parents actively focus children’s attention on print features. Therefore, teachers of preschoolers and kindergarten children may want to explore whether additional multimedia features can bolster similar or additional beneficial effects of e-book reading. As the number of living storybooks available on the Internet and through apps and other digital media increases, it becomes more and more imperative to examine effects of electronic books that allow young children to hear a story and explore a range of activities while the tale moves along.

My action research based on an App that’s name is the BOLO app that aims to help learn to read in Hindi and English. The app offered 50 Hindi & 40 English stories and some games also. In this app they use one character (built-in assistant in app) name Diya, it corrects the children and also spelled with correct pronunciation, when students touch any word in English story, then Diya tells about Hindi meaning of it. It also cheers when students complete any paragraphs in a story which is a motivational factor for the reader. App use google’s speech recognition and text to speech technology. For conducting my action research the school SBL government school Sulkhaniya Bada and respective community, 25 students I have selected from government school itself. Literature review

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The Next Level of Education. (2022, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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