The Importance of Role Models for Child Development

Children these days need role models more than ever. Crime rates are at a high, gang activity is increasing, and parents are working more, resulting in children being unsupervised. It all boils down to one word: why? Could one reason be that children are not being properly supervised? Parents have to take up second jobs or work really long hours to keep up with the increasing prices of homes and cost of living. This leaves teenagers and young boys and girls more exposed to the rough crowds and peer pressure of society.

Instead of coming home from school and going down to the end of the street to play a game of baseball with the boys in the neighborhood, boys are now caught up video games that encourage shooting and fighting. Who in our world can help change this?

How can we as adults help the younger generation? We can encourage, suggest, and recommend positive activities and good people to look up to.

Athletes? Never, has anyone asked for athletes to be perfect human beings and ask that they don’t do anything wrong. Yes, there are baseball players who use steroids, NBA players who leave the court to fight people in the stands, and yes there are football players that have gold teeth. But another argument that could be made is that there are far more good athletes than there are bad. Look at Michael Jordan, the best basketball player ever. He wasn’t caught up in drugs, gangs, and violence.

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So doesn’t it all start with the parents?

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The Importance of Role Models for Child Development. (2022, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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