Breakfast and Lunch for Kids' Development

Is is a well-known fact that in today’s world it is indispensable for each and every school to serve good and qualitative types of food for students which are enriched with vitamins, minerals and other important components for better mental activity throughout the day Having breakfast, snacks and school lunches is significant for further children‘s development. Thus, Canada’s Food Guide provides its readers with necessary information about what types of food should be implemented in schools As a matter of fact, eating vegetables and fruit, grain products, milk and alternatives as well as meat and alternatives provide students with substances that provide nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of their life (Feeding Your School Age Child).

According to the statistics, an astonishing number of more than thirty million children pass through school cafeteria lines every day in the United States.

In addition, meals have to be lower in fat, calories and sodium and include lean proteins, bigger quantity of fruits and vegetables and whole grains (Why Students Hate School Lunches).

In fact, the decrease in portion sizes appears in order to lower the level of childhood obesity Accordingly, the USDA (U.Si Department of Agriculture), which comes to a resolution of what meals shall be included in cafeteria menus, has taken the matter into serious consideration and come to the conclusion that giving intellectual, moral, and social instructions to students about healthy eating habits is highly necessary, It is also considered to be essential to serve twice as many fruits and vegetables and limit proteins and carbohydrates.

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However, students are to a large extent dissatisfied with this the state of affairs, leading to massive protests and even boycotts (Should the federal government require healthy school lunches? The question of whether eating unhealthy food prevents children from concentrating has become the issue of the day. Hence, even American people themselves assume that they consume junk food on a regular basis too frequently According to the Women’s and Children’s Health Network, diet has a tremendous effect on children’s focus and concentration while studying. Junk food as well as foods which contain a big amount of sugar uses up the supply or resources of energy levels and, consequently, the possibility to be focused on something for a long time, It goes without saying that energy and focus are significant for pupils and without eating regularly and normally the productivity at school will be decreased (How Junk Food Affects Children).

Despite this, some actions and implementations could be done in order to make students eat more frequently in school cafeterias The first issue is cost In fact, the best choise would be to serve bigger quantity of vegetarian meals with the aim of dealing with elevated food prices. Moreover, a new initiative was created which is called “California Thursdays” The main principle of this concept is that one day per week, schools in some districts of California will strive to offer local and, desirably, sustainable ingredients. Such a solution could also be put into effect by many other schools in America (How Can Schools Make Lunches More Appealing to Teens?). Overall, it should be mentioned that eating unhealthy food is one of the main problems of young people in schools, for this habit may lead to deplorable and sometimes irrecoverable consequences. Nevertheless, it is never too late to change the state of affairs and make children love healthy food for the benefit of all.

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Breakfast and Lunch for Kids' Development. (2022, Dec 16). Retrieved from

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