The Conflict Situations and the Conflict Management

”Conflict is defined as any situation in which incompatible goals, attitudes, emotions, or behaviors lead to disagreement or opposition between two or more people”. Conflict management can be hard to do because individuals can come into conflict from different things Conflicts typically increase when the company is not being managed properly. Some managers choose to ignore conflicts that arise at work and that also causes more conflict rather than fixing the conflict Managers will not always know when conflict will arise so they should be able to think quickly about how to handle the situation.

“Properly managing conflict has been shown to decrease stress, improve long-term relationships, and reduce emotional defensiveness”. The purpose of this article is to explore generation X and Y’s relationship between personality and conflict handling styles Conflict Conflict can happen within an individual or within a group If conflict is properly managed, then it can reap benefits and gains.

When conflict arises in a group and it is properly managed, it often causes trust within the group “There are five interpersonal conflict management styles.

They are integrating style, obliging style, dominating style, avoiding style, and compromising style”. Personality “Personal characteristics designate different individualities. Personality is what defines an individual This can change from childhood to adulthood due to change of people the individuals are around. “The big five personality traits are openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism“. Generations X and Y Individuals from generation X were born between 1965 and 1980 “Generation X was the first generation to really have to deal with the dramatic shift in workplace paradigms brought about by the technological revolution“ they were the first to have computers,

They have great work ethic and are loyal when it comes to their workplace individuals from generation Y were born between 1981 and 2000.

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They are very career-driven, “Millennials see work as elective if only to further their personal goals; they have a different definition of loyalty than their predecessors and are sometimes described as self centered”. Millennials want to have a good relationship with their boss but they don’t mind leaving their boss to better themselves. Findings “The results indicated no moderating effect of generations X and Y between the dominating conflict handling style and the big five personality traits”. Generation X wants what‘s best for the group rather than just best for themselves. They are willing to compromise whereas generation Y is not. Generation X is not very spontaneous and prefers a plan in place.

What I learned From the article I learned that conflict and an individual’s personality goes hand in hand. Different personalities are going to deal with conflict differently. In chapter 12, I learned the difference between leadership and management. I also learned that there are some issues emerging in leadership. These include emotional intelligence, trust, gender, servants, and being abusive with their leadership role. In chapter 13, I learned that there will normally be conflict of some sense. Collaborating with each other allows for each viewpoint to be heard and allows a sense of individual achievement.

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The Conflict Situations and the Conflict Management. (2023, Mar 20). Retrieved from

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