The blood of the lily by Jennifer Donnelly Review

The following sample essay on The blood of the lily by Jennifer Donnelly Review. The fatal accident of the tenth anniversary Truman Alpert has completely destroyed the lives of his family. After one year, the father, Lewis does not keep the state from more. As Nobel laureate, he is world famous, may take a professorship at Harvard, and in Boston he has a girlfriend. His wife, however, threatens to lose his mind as she sits in her room constantly at the easel and pictures of her beloved son paints.

Torturing soul pain and that feels Truman’s sister Andi at the death of her brother guilty. Again and again she sees the little boy lying in the street, looking into his eyes. Was once the seventeen top student of a private elite high school, but now she is interested in anything more. The desire to put an end to their lives, can not suppress even the strongest psychotropic drugs. Alone in the music and her favorite teacher Nathan can switch off temporarily.

After two years of their school performance are bottomless, her conclusion is at risk, and the headmistress puts her parents written notice.

Mom will not perceive the letter, but Dad puts on immediately. What he finds, shocked him: The house is a dump; everything is clogged up with Moms images. He must act and lets Mom after consultation with the attending psychiatrist in a hospital ward. There one takes her first the art supplies and clothes them in pink sweater.

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Andi can not tame her anger. How she had longed for her father how much she had curled up in his protective arms – but now his way of knocking them only occasionally. As Lewis gets a research assignment in Paris – he is the DNA decoding of a king from the 18th century -, it adds to his will and accompanies him. But the father expect even more: it has a perfect thesis submit. Your theme is André Malherbeau, a composer at the time of the French Revolution. In order to quickly return home, they will prepare a presentation.

In Paris are the two guest at Dad’s college friend Guillaume ( “G.”), a historian with the Department of French Revolution, and his wife Lili. In the former working-class neighborhood, the heart of the revolution, they have acquired an old furniture factory – this is the place for a museum dedicated to only the revolution. Yet crates and boxes stacked with non-cataloged documents, lists and articles; even a guillotine was “G.” buy with good luck.

Here Andi feels surrounded by the ghosts of revolution. Worried she feels the horror of the time, especially when they old letters of convicts of 1793 reads. Between all the smorgasbord she stumbles on an old guitar case, is a “Vinnacia”, a rare, expensive piece, made of rosewood and with a rosette inlaid with mother of pearl and ivory. Such an instrument had Louis XVI. Someone had found the suitcase in the catacombs, explains Guillaume.

The case poses even more secrets. When Andi later discovered a false bottom in it and open, she looks straight at a medallion with the portrait of a boy, and she is very reminiscent of Truman. In addition, she finds a diary, begun on April 20, 1795 courtesy of the 17-year-old Alexandrine Paradis, daughter of a poor family of artists. She tells of a little boy, Louis Charles. For a while she lived in the royal palace, became the playmate of the melancholic boy. After the beheading of his parents were locked him up in a tower, and she could not help him more – to put some joy out of him with small fireworks, which they secretly lights at night: a brief glitter of the stars, did not last long … But they risk their lives, because Bonaparte decided to stay on the night “terrorists”, the “green man”, a bounty this second story arc Andi is more and more drawn into the cruel time of the French revolution. Finally, it changes to a “time capsule” in the 18th century and plays the role of peers Alexandrine more …

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The blood of the lily by Jennifer Donnelly Review
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