Scholarship for International Students

Professional Disposition

Teaching as a professional career requires the practitioner to attain certain professional attitudes, values, and beliefs. These traits are depicted through the teacher’s behavior as he or she interacts with the learners, colleagues, and community. The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) emphasizes the need to have professional dispositions that will incorporate moral and ethical canons in a teacher’s career. Teachers are supposed to be aware of the prevailing states of their professional dispositions, and after realizing the faults in their dispositions, come up with strategies that will eliminate their weaknesses.

This paper outlines the current state of my disposition based on an electronic survey, a plan to improve my dispositions portfolio, as well as an explanation to relate them to today’s educational world.

Strengths and Weaknesses in My Current Dispositions

According to the National University, scholarship, teamwork, active reflection, responsible citizenship, and standards of exemplary practice are the five fundamental professional dispositions obligatory for effective teaching.

I have developed most of these dispositions, but for others, there is a need to improve them during my credential program.


Regarding this disposition trait, I have labeled it emerging since I have not depicted high-level devotion in self-directed learning activities and critical thinking exercises in teaching. Teaching is an evolving profession where pedagogical styles and strategies keep changing to improve the effectiveness of the practice. As such, a lot of research and experiment based studies are essential to connect, synthesize, and transform ideas into new forms that will be of benefit to the profession, an act I have rarely performed.

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I have not been directly involved in researches and studies aimed at deepening my knowledge and skills in both the academic disciplines and the teaching literature.

Disposition Development plan

To build my scholarship disposition, I am aiming to (a) conduct an empirical study that will investigate the importance of differentiated instruction in elementary school (b) engage in two study tours per year that will aggravate my knowledge in elementary education, and (c) attend the annual First Five California Commission workshop that aims at instilling teachers with additional knowledge. Having several, peer-reviewed types of research to my name will be the appraisal parameter for my improvement in scholarship disposition. This will help with more knowledge and new information regarding teaching as a profession. Ultimately, I would like to have more self-directed learning activities that will contribute to the existing education literature.

Responsible Citizenship

My responsible citizenship disposition is developed in that I am sensitive to human diversity in the education fraternity and appreciates diversified community and cultural norms. I have been actively involved in differentiated instruction through grouping my students in certain clusters that considers their community and cultural norms. Each class is composed of diversified students with distinct backgrounds, talents, and abilities. The teacher is not always from the same background as his or her students. For instance, I hail from Ibo tribe in Nigeria, and most of my students come from English speaking countries. However, I have been excellent in creating a rapport by incorporating our diversities during class sessions. According to Banks et al., (2016), culture is considered a construction parameter in education and both teachers and students should use it as a means to facilitate learning. I have been active in considering my students’ cultures and used them in class while giving examples to enhance their comprehension. Further, I am keen on evaluating my students and nurturing their talents. I give random chances to learners who believe they can sing, dance, draw, or write to showcase their talents. Besides, I guide them whenever they need additional help.

Disposition Development and Equity and Diversity

Developing my scholarship disposition is vital for modern day education. Studying differentiated instruction will equip me with the knowledge to handle students with learning, behavioral, social, and health challenges by coming up with strategies that will complement their limitations. Engaging in educational tours will be good for physically associating in an environment with different people and appreciate their cultural, economic, and racial diversity, and how their differences can be used facilitate learning constructively. Interacting with vast literature will be good for developing my role in and out of school as a teacher.

The responsible citizenship disposition I possess is essential for equity and diversification in education because it makes the educator respect the learners irrespective of their backgrounds and abilities. With this disposition, it is easy to create rapport with your students despite their cultures. For learners experiencing economic challenges, the teacher can help due to the respect and appreciation he or she has for diversity.


Professional disposition is an outstanding criterion to help develop a teacher’s professional effectiveness. For me, I have attained the developed level in responsible citizenship, standards of exemplary practice, active reflection, and teamwork dispositions. However, I need to work on my scholarship disposition to familiarize myself with literature and contribute to its development. Both the developed and the emerging level-attributed disposition are critical in facilitating equity and diversity in modern-day education.


  1. Banks, James A. & Banks, Cherry A. McGee. (2016) Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives. Ninth Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Scholarship for International Students. (2022, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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