Review Critical Points

Topics: Calculus

Review critical points

A critical point is a point where the partial derivatives are both O. In this lecture, we
will continue to explore critical points and learn how to actually decide whether a
particular point is a minimum, maximum, or sadale point.
There are various kinds of critical points. Local minima, local maxima, which are like
that, and saddle points which are neither minima nor maxima. And, of course, if you
have a real function, then it will be more complicated.

It will have several critical

In this example, there are two maxima and a saddle point in between them. The
contour plot shows the maxima as circles that narrow down and shrink to their
highest points. The saddle point appears as a figure eight-shaped level curve that
crosses itself.
And if you move up or down here, along the y direction, the values of a function will
decrease; along the x direction, the values will increase. So you can see where the
critical points are just by looking either at the graph or contour plot.

So the question is. how do we decide between various possibilities? Local minimum,
local maximum, or saddle point. How do we find the global minimum or maximum of
To decide where a function is the largest, generally you must compare its values. For
example, here if you want to know what is the maximum of this function, well we
have two obvious candidates. We have this local maximum and that local maximum.

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And the question is which one is the higher of the two? is
In general, you find the maximum of a function by computing the function at both
points and comparing the values. If you know that it is 3 at one of them and 4 at
another, then 4 wins. In this case, though, both critical points are tied for maximum. If
you are looking for a minimum of this function, then it is not going to occur at any at of
the critical points.
So where is the minimum? It turns out that the minimum is actually on the boundary,
or at infinity. Global minima and maxima can occur off critical points. We have to
check for boundary and infinity behavior to know where a minimum or maximum will
actually be.
So in general, this could occur either at the critical point or on the boundary of a
domain of definition that we are considering. We'll get back to that; for now let's try to
focus on the question of what type of critical point it is.

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Review Critical Points. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from

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