Revenge Is the Dominant Theme in Beowulf

Vengeance has been a major theme in Beowulf and in John Milton’s Paradise Lost and it brings to question the real reason as to why these characters committed these acts of revenge. In Beowulf, revenge is principal to to the culture of warriors. Specifically, revenge was taken as a “blood-feud” which included fighting those who killed your kinsman, king, or lord. In Paradise Lost, Milton’s story is a revenge cataclysm. Satan tries to seek vengeance against God while Adam and Eve are Satan’s innocent victims.

Satan and Beowulf each had their own reasons for revenge however their reasons fall into question as to whether they are justified or not.

Revenge is a prevalent theme in Beowulf. One particular instance is when Grendel’s mother sought out vengeance for the death of her child. When Grendel’s mother finds out that Grendel has been slain by the Geats she emerges from her swamp and attacks Heorot while everyone is sleeping managing to kill one of Hrothgar’s advisors, Aeschere.

This act of revenge against the Geats is justified on her behalf because her own child got murdered. “Sorrow not, wise warrior. It is better for a man to avenge his friend than much mourn. Each of us must await his end of the world’s life. Let him who may get glory before death: that is best for the warrior after he has gone from life. Arise, guardian of the kingdom, let us go at once to look on the track of Grendel’s kin” (Beowulf 45).

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Beowulf, being a hero, states that instead of grieving one should avenge his fallen kinsman. He also states the fact that we will all die eventually so we must make this life worthy and glorious by living courageously. When the dragon destroys the Geats’ land Beowulf acts upon this and decides to kill the dragon. He slays the dragon however this time it was for the treasure. The purpose of Beowulf’s revenge against Grendel and Grendel’s mother was that he partly did it for his people but he mainly did it for honor and loyalty. He also killed the dragon for treasure. Beowulf’s actions in this epic come out to be selfish and unjustifiable, ultimately bringing upon him his death.

In Paradise Lost, satan had a different kind of revenge in that he was enraged at God for creating man and the earth, and he also wanted to be like God and even greater than Him. Because of his rebelry, God evicted satan from heaven and sent him to Earth which as a result charges his revenge. Satan enacts his vengeance by deceiving Adam and Eve into eating the apple of the forbidden tree which in turn results in the fall of man. Satan’s plot of revenge was fueled merely by rage and pride and there was no good thing that came out of his acts. “But what will not ambition and revenge descend to? Who aspires must down as low as high he soared, obnoxious first or last to basest things. Revenge at first though sweet bitter ere long back on itself recoils” (Milton 251). Satan knows that his plan will backfire on him but he carries it out. Ironically, he ends up in Hell. Satan’s vengeful acts were not justified because of his disobedience against God which ultimately caused pain and suffering in the world.

Paradise Lost and Beowulf share a common theme of revenge while they also have distinct differences as to why they enacted revenge on their rivals. Beowulf demanded vengeance from Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon after they eliminated his people however he did so for his own personal glory and pride. Satan, filled with anger, desired nothing more than to be greater than God. His deception towards Adam and Eve sparked the fall of man which ultimately made man sinful. The phrase “what goes around, comes around” remains true in both of these stories in that Beowulf died because of his greediness and pride. In Paradise Lost, Satan was cast down to hell for his attempts to dethrone God. Revenge might seem great but ultimately it is disastrous because it harms everyone and everything.

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