Putcha Name On It 

Topics: HonestyTruth

Have you ever been told the truth and it was hard to hear? Imagine a situation where you could be buying some clothes for a party and you really like it and you aren’t sure if to get it or not and you ask someone for their opinion and it offends you. In “Like The Sun” by R.K. Narayan, the main character Sekhar chose to have a day out of the year, to tell the truth to everyone no matter how bad it would hurt them.

One theme in “Like The Sun” is no matter how honest you are with people, they can still get hurt from your honesty. In “Like The Sun” there are many examples of this statement that can prove that honesty can lead to people getting their feelings hurt. One example would be “ sitting up all night with a hundred test papers was a small price to pay for the luxury of practicing the truth”.

In this quote is Sekhar’s ending result of telling the truth to his boss about his singing after he was welcomed into his home and listened to his boss sing. And the result was Sekhar had his deadline shortened because his honesty hurt his boss’s feelings but he was glad he was honest. Another good example of the theme would be “ Truth, he reflected, required as much strength to give as it is to receive”. This quote is a good example of the truth going both ways because the people that tell you the truth don’t want to hurt you by telling the truth they just want to be honest and say how they feel.

The quote “ The Truth Is Like The Sun” is explaining that the truth can hurt you if exposed to it the wrong way. The people that Sekhar was honest with were ended up being hurt by it. But Sekhar wasn’t intending to hurt them he was just giving them his honest opinion. Sekhar hurt his wife’s feelings when he gave her his opinion on her food and his ending result was her being distant from him when he came home after a long day of telling the truth. Sekhar learned a lot from his experiment of telling the truth he learned that not everyone can handle the truth, as well as people, think they can. It is good to tell the truth but sometimes it can really hurt people because the truth is hard to face sometimes. Most people tell the truth just not the full truth because they are afraid of how people will take it. It comes off differently than it is supposed to sound.

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Putcha Name On It . (2021, Dec 13). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/putcha-name-on-it/

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