Publication of American Government Presidential Actions

Have you ever wondered why president George w bush made the 2009 executive order of establishment of a temporary organization to facilitate United States government support for Afganistan. The ASO and the American government. In this order president, Bush was trying to set up an American government in Afganistan and preventing it from being a terrorist safe place so he set up temporary agencies to support the Afghanistan army. The USA government felt too many terrorists were using Afghanistan as a safe haven.

Because of that president bush set up temporary agencies like the ASO to help keep terrorists out of Afganistan and get rid of the terrorism. This action was taken because America felt threatened by all the terrorists. Also, because they wanted to help get Afghanistan’s economy back to decent, and to make it so they can perform tasks given to them.

In order 13487 establishment of a temporary organization to facilitate United States government support for Afganistan, we learn the reason it was important and how much it truly affected America.

This Executive Order impacted the social relations with Afganistan because the USA felt threatened and wanted to have more control over a place where many terrorists would end up. Also, the USA was at war with Osama bin Laden who was a terrorist leader and the more terrorist went in the bigger his army would get so the USA wanted to have groups monitor the land and see if there are any treats. They also wanted to improve the Afghanistan government because then they could fend for them selfs and put someone capable in office.

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The constitutional question is how are we going to protect our nation for attacks, and how are we going to keep our ground. The order was made because the USA wanted to gain more control and insert its power into the Afghanistan government so they could help end terrorism, and influence the economy so they could make more money and improve relations with other countries. On 01/22/2009 was the day President Bush put the executive order of establishment of a temporary organization to facilitate United States government support for Afganistan was put into effect. The public thought that even with all these actions bush had not gone far enough to protect the country, but in 2006 the worries were at 55% that only dropping to 47% by 2008. Also in 2006 26% of people worried about civil liberties and restrictions that grow ten percent in just 2 years. It was around this time that pictures of abused terrorist were leaked and it was then that the USA citizens started to worry about the polices used on the terrorist because the USA said we did not torture people but they did.

This order was made to protect the American people and their rights from terrorism. With this act, the USA could suppress some terrorism and help Afganistan get back a little bit of economy back so they could defend themselves instead of us. The order was made to protect the land and people of this country and by doing it is protecting the constitution. Also, it´s making sure the people in this country are safe from terrorists and will not have their rights like the pursuit of happiness, life, and liberty taken away from them. The social significance of this order is to build a good relationship with the Afghan government and help them build an economy and build a good democratic government. Yes, this order is still relevant because we are still fighting this war against terror and the agency made through this order he ASO is still running. Also, this agency is still helping aid the government and helping train troops.

In order 13487 establishment of a temporary organization to facilitate United States government support for Afganistan, we learn the reason it was important and how much it truly affected America. The constitutional question is how are we going to protect the American land people and rights from terrorists and how will we aid. The public thinks this is working to fight terror and to silence the amount of terrorist going into Afganistan. But they also have been worried about civil liberties more as the years went on. Help the Afganistan army and government get back on its feet, keep an organized diplomatic American force in Afganistan, and to terror out of the USA. That is the reason this order was important and needed.

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Publication of American Government Presidential Actions. (2022, Feb 08). Retrieved from

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