Pocahontas Disney Movie Summary

Topics: Pocahontas

In 1995, Disney™ released 3 movies; ‘The Lion King’ and ‘Toy Story’ which are amazing movies with great storylines and not to mention their beautiful animation. The final film was ‘Pocahontas’. Honestly, I was very disappointed when I watched this movie because Disney™ made a lot of mistakes; the iffy plotline being one of the biggest. That said, I believe the criticism that this movie receives is unneeded as making a movie aimed at children about a true historical event is very difficult and I think Disney™ has done a pretty decent job at this.

The movie revolves about the main characters; Pocahontas- the only daughter of a Native American Chief of her tribe and John Smith- an Englishman seeking new life with other settlers in the New World. At the beginning of the film, her father informs her that he had planned her betrothal to Kocoum; the village’s greatest native warrior. However, Pocahontas’ curious and adventurous nature doesn’t allow that.

Unknown to her father, a vision of a pointing arrow leads her to meet John Smith.

This Disney™ movie was inspired by the real story of Pocahontas. In reality, she was the chief’s daughter and also did meet Capt. John Smith, but when this event occurred John Smith was 27 years old and Pocahontas was only 10. Their encounter and how she saved John Smith were also stated by him, and there is no proof showing that they actually met. There is actually more evidence declaring they didn’t meet; Children in Pocahontas’ tribe were carefully watched and cared by everyone in the community, seeing as she was the daughter of the chief, she was most likely heavily guarded and her father knew where she was at all times, so there is a very low chance that she was able to sneak off to meet Smith.

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Besides the historical inaccuracy and the lack of a solid plot, it is clear that the animation in this movie is top notch. I believe that the best-looking scene is ‘Colours of the Wind’. Along with showing a clear message, the song incorporates the diversity of Pocahontas’ lifestyle compared to John Smith’s. Even though none of the songs in the movie

In conclusion, I recommend you introduce this movie to children as it showcases an educational overview of Native American and Modern English culture. It is not a perfect movie but Disney™ did a satisfactory job of creating a film off of a historical event. The historical inaccuracy is also necessary to make this a family friendly movie. I think this movie has great potential but for now it is the great 1995 Disney™ classic we all know and love.  


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Pocahontas Disney Movie Summary. (2021, Dec 21). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/pocahontas-disney-movie-summary/

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