The following sample essay on Personal Navigation Devices In Life tells about multifunctional and portable device.

What technologies are required to facilitate the success of PND? Personal navigation devices can become the next must-have gadgets. They add more comfort in the busy life in the sense that they give you an ability to concentrate on one thing less. PND like, say, GPS are starting to win over customers, from weekend hikers or bikers to people who are just tired of their lousy sense of direction.

Some consumer GPS navigation devices feature interactive street maps that may also show route information, and step-by-step routing directions. For these reasons PND’s are very helpful and useful.

Who are some of the leaders in PNDs? What are the likely factors that will contribute to winning in this marketplace? There are many companies, which try to develop and enhance PNDs, but probably the most famous leaders are TomTom, Garmin, Navigation, Magellan. The most important factors for the competitors that will contribute to winning in the marketplace I think are the ability to build a device which would be multifunctional and portable, not costly and with the features which would satisfy different customers depending on their particular interests and needs.

What will be a likely future for PNDs? I believe that dedicated PNDs will continue to be preferred for use in the car. However, in-car navigation systems will be complemented by handset-based systems for pedestrian navigation. New devices such as portable media players, ultra mobile PCs, Internet tablets and mobile Internet devices will also integrate navigation systems into their applications.

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 Apply as many TCOs to Personal Navigation Devices as possible. I decided to choose Garmin, since it’s easier to apply TCOs to the company:

  • Garmin – is the parent company of a group of companies founded in 1989, that develops consumer, aviation, and marine technologies for the Global Positioning System.
  • To protect their property, most of the processes Garmin patented, but most of its software and applications are licensed, except some of them like, for example, XM Patent Application for Sending and Receiving Images.
  • Garmin is very competent in the various fields like GPS receivers, StreetPilot devices, GPS eTrex series, iQue line of integrated PDA-GPS receivers, sonar fishfinders with GPS capabilities.
  • The company should continue to collaborate with the different vendors and complementors to add the new features. It probably should develop more independent marketing and manufacturing units around the World to increase and encourage the R&D.
  • The company probably has to work more in the different directions, but based on the existing and recognized strength – developing navigation devices. Recently it achieved the great reputation in the developing navigation systems for the aircrafts and “won” the huge revenue.

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Personal Navigation Devices In Life. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

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