Women Development Policy 2011

Topics: Human Rights

1. Introduction Half of the populations of our country are women. So women development is the precondition of national development. There should have equal opportunity and equal rights for women to ensure national development. In our constitution through several articles the equal rights and opportunity of both men and women have been established. It is a harsh reality that it needed 40 long years after its independence to come up with a policy guideline to ensure the rights of its women. The women development policy has created a great scope for the advancement of women empowerment.

The national women development policy has ensured women’s rights in formulation and implementation of economic policies. 2. Background The National Women Development Policy (NWDP) was first formulated in 1997 by the then Awami League government. But it was not possible for the then government to implement the policy. The Awami league government has also taken two years to turn their words into action, as reinstating the 1997 women policy was one of the electoral manifesto of the current government.

In 2004, the then BNP Jammaat led government approved another women development policy deleting or replacing phrases like ‘equal right’, ‘equal and full participation’, “right to land”, “inheritance” and ‘property’, with ‘constitutional right’, ‘preference’ and ‘greater participation’. In 2008, the then caretaker government announced the women development policy legalizing women’s equal rights, including property rights, which were opposed by a section of Islamic clerics. The present policy is the revival of 1997 women development policy, to the fulfillment of an election pledge by Awami League.

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3. Development planning and women

In the first five year (1973-1978) program had been taken to rehabilitate the women. For the first time emphasis was given on women development. The issues on which importance were given includes women education, health and family planning, social welfare development women empowerment. Different programs were taken on the basis of foreign fund. 1972 the then government established women rehabilitation board for women development. In the second five year plan (1978-1980) several programs were taken to empower women and to increase their capability. Same programs had been taken in the third five year plan (1985-1990).

In the forth five year plan (1990-1995) women are considered as a part of socio-economic development several programs has been taken to introduce them in the main development activity. Followings issues are given much importance for women development: * Education * Health * Ensure women participation in agriculture trade and commerce * Eliminate poverty * Provide legal assistance to women etc. In the fifth five year plan much importance has given on those issues. Government has ratified CEDAW charter, Beijing Platform for Action and government has also promised to implement national plan for women development. . World perspective and Bangladesh Bangladesh actively participated in the first world women conference, Mexico in 1975. So women development is considered as an international issue. The United National (UN) declared the year 1975 as the ‘women year’, for the achievement of socio-economic, political development and empowerment of women. The second women conference was held Copenhagen in 1980. The conference indentified three broad goals such as education, health and employment. The third world women conference was held in Kenya, 1985. The common wealth formulated ‘Gender and Development’ program in 1995.

Bangladesh has ratified the ‘Beijing Declaration’. It was also promised to implement the development planning for women development. 5. Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women To eliminate all forms of discrimination against women in socio-economic sphere of life the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) was formulated in UN in December 1979 and it was activated in September, 3, 1981. In 1984 Bangladesh ratified this CEDAW charter through reserving the four articles 2, 13 (a), 16 (a) and (f).

Bangladesh has to submit report to UN every four years. The last sixth and seventh periodic report was placed to UN in 2009 and it was presented in CEDAW committee in 25th January, 2011. 6. Human rights of women and constitution The constitution of People’s Republic of Bangladesh was introduced in 1972. According to article 28 (1), ‘The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. ’ In the article 28 (2), “Women shall have equal rights with men in all shares of the state and of public life. In the article 29 (1) it has said that, ‘there shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in respect of employment or office in the service of the republic. ’ According to article: 65 (3) of our constitution, “there shall be reserved forty-five seats exclusively for women members” and in the article 9, women participation has been ensured in the local government institutions. 7. Present condition of women Women have to equally participate in education, training, science and technology to ensure their economic empowerment. Women have remarkable achievements during the last 100 years.

They are playing significant role in medical, training, administration, politics and decision making process. Their participation in different challenging professions such as- doctor, engineer, scientist, police, army, navy are increasing day by day. So to make this development process more strong we have to ensure equal participation and opportunity of both men and women in every aspect of life. The necessity of women policy knows no bound in this regard we should eliminate all sorts of existing discrimination against women. The present condition of women has discussed below:- 7. 1.

Women in different profession During the last 100 years women have achieved only 30 percent progress. In the education and employment sector women have one third presences against men. In the 9th parliamentary election only 19 women have elected directly. Women have 45 reserved seats in parliament. The grand total of women members in parliament is 64. Although there are five women minister including prime minister are responsive for important ministry. In the law profession women have only one forth participation. In the secretary level of government there were only four women in 2010.

At present there are five women justice in the high court. According to last year police report there are 1,937 women police in police department. From recent research work done by ‘women for women’, it can be said that only 8-10% women are working in the government offices as the 1st and 2nd class gazetted officer. Although there should have equal rights for both men and women. 7. 2. Women in education There is not much difference between boys and girls in the primary and secondary education level. But in case of higher education the difference rate is 0. 53.

They are not being able to take higher education for child marriage. A report of UNICEF world children shows that, in our country 64% women get married before they become 18 years old. 7. 3. Women participation in economic activity In the labour market there is a huge difference between male and female labour. A report shows that in the recent 10 years 1 crore 30 Lac labour entered into labour market, among them 50 Lac are women. A survey of Bangladesh statistical Bureaus shows that, economical capable labour force is 4 crore 95 Lac, among them 1 crore 13 Lac are women. 48. 0 percent of the total labour force are involved in agriculture. The women who are involved in economic activity get lower wage than a man. In a manufactory market women earn 43 percent income than a man. In the readymade garments sector, agriculture and construction sector we can see a huge wage discrimination between men and women which is not acceptable at all. In the recent 2010-11 budget education ministry has allotted only 23-29 percent and health ministry has allotted only 32. 33 percent money of their total expenditure. So such discrimination is not acceptable. 7. 4.

Increase rate of women oppression The trend of women oppression has changed in the recent time. Besides eve teasing women are oppressed regularly through mobile and internet. A research shows that about 39. 7 percent of urban women and about 41. 7 percent of rural women are oppressed differently in our country. A chart is shows in these regard below: Type of oppression| 2005| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| Acid attach | 13| 142| 95| 80| 63| Familial oppression| 89| 635| 577| 608| 281| Oppression for dowry | 356| 334| 294| 296| 285| Rape| 585| 515| 436| 486| 446| Fatwa | 46| 39| 35| 20| 35| Sultana, 2010: 12, The Daily Nayadiganto) 7. 5. Women’s achievement are not few Although women are oppressed, harassed and facing different kinds of discrimination, their achievements are not little at all. Mother is now introduced as a guardian of her children and in the recent time as women gets an opportunity to become a justice of high court. Victim center for depressed women children, familial conflict law-2011 has been passed, introducing leave for mother for six months and for formulating gender based budget for 10 ministry during the financial year 2010-11. Sultana, 2010: 12, The Daily Nayadiganto) 8. Women and law To prevent women and children oppression the existing laws are revised and government has also formulated new laws. Some of the significant laws are below:- * Dowry Prevention Law * Child Marriage Prevention Law * Women and Children Oppression Prevention Law-2010 For providing legal assistance and advice to the victim women and children a cell and rehabilitation centers have been established. 8. 1. Familial Conflict Law- 2010

Familial conflict law-2010 is formulated to ensure equal rights of women and children which has been discussed in our constitution CEDAW charter of UN 1979 and children rights charter, 1989. 8. 2. Citizenship Law (Revised), 2009 The citizenship law was revised by the parliament in 2009. Through the revised law mother has given the right to give citizenship of her children. 8. 3. Mobile Court Law, 2009 To reduce eve teasing and prevent sexual harassment an article 509 has been introduced in the mobile court law, where the executive magistrate has given the power to take immediate measures regarding those issues. 9.

Difference between National Women Development Policy -1997 & 2011 It is a harsh reality that in a country that was born protesting against oppression and injustice, it needed 40 long years after its independence to come up with a policy guideline to ensure the right of its women. The government approval of the women development policy 2011 in a view to preserve women rights has been seen by many as a major step forward in women’s fight to come out of their subordinate status. Approving of this policy was one of the electoral manifestos of the ruling party which, in their earlier tenure has formulated a women’s development policy in 1997.

The present policy promises to create an enormous scope for women empowerment in Bangladesh. Formed from 1997 to 2011 if took a long time for the women development policy to see the light of the day. Although the 1997 women policy proposed equal rights of women in inherited property and proposed unnecessary amendments to existing contradictory laws. The 2011 policy has conveniently avoided the issue of equal rights of women to inheritance. The new policy says that women will have full control over the inherited and earned property instead of mentioning equal right of them.

The NWDP 2011 has also made a wide scope for women’s development in Bangladesh in all aspects. The new policy has included some additional contemporary issues. Such as:- * Provisions for the development of indigenous women, physically or intellectually challenged women. * Rights of women coping with the effect of climate change and so on. Again, the new policy has incorporated a clause to formulate a gender sensitive budget. This budget can ensure women’s inclusion in the whole planning and development programme of the country. 10.

Objectives of National Women Development Policy -2011 Followings are the objectives of NWDP-2011: (a) Establish equal rights for women and men according to the constitution of People’s Republic of Bangladesh in every aspect of state & lives. (b) Ensure security of women in social familial and state life. (c) Ensure the economic, political, social, administrative and legal empowerment of women. (d) Establish the human rights of women. (e) Ensure the full and equal rights of women to participate in socio-economic development. (f) Build up women as educated expert human resource. g) Eliminate all kinds of discrimination between men and women. (h) Eliminate all sorts of oppression to women and children. (i) Provide necessary services for women development. (j) Proper step should be taken to ensure the sound health and nutritious of women. (k) Innovate and import new technology for women and banned the use of those technology which goes wrong with women. (l) Provision for the development of indigenous women, physically or intellectually challenged women. (m) Give assistance to women entrepreneur to develop their business. 11. Necessity of women development policy

In our society we can see that women are deprived of their rights and opportunity in every aspect of their life. Although the half of the population of our country are women. Without their full participation in the development process we will not be able to go ahead further. So their contribution knows know bound. In that case the national women development policy can play an important role for protecting their rights. In this sense we can give a practical examples: In our country women have to struggle for the control over earned property in many cases, this policy will help to establish one’s rights to own property.

Regarding the control over property, women often need to coupe to court, fight cases and then manage to get a verdict in their favour. But this policy will change the state of women who will not be requiring court cases to establish their ownership over their property and their rights to be recognized. National women development policy is needed for the following reasons: (a) Preservation of human rights of women Human rights are those which are needed for a human to live independently. A state’s constitution, a law or the international laws are the highest paper of human rights.

State is aware to protect these rights. But in modern times the human rights of a man are not followed properly. But in the most of the cases the human have rights of women are not maintained. Women have to struggle in their every aspect of life from birth to death. They are depriving of their rights. The present women policy is a milestone for the women for preserving their minimum rights. The policy will help to strengthen their rights and to achieve their desired goals. (b) Preventing women oppression Bangladesh is one of the poor countries of the third world.

Beside this our social structure is not helpful for the overall development of the women. Women have a limited and weak participation in the social structure and most of the people belief in social and religions superstition. This leads to the under development of women. Women are oppressed physically and mentally from his own house to the different aspects of his life. In our daily newspapers we have a lot of proof of such incidents. In our country there are various reasons behind such oppression, as like dowry, familial misunderstanding and impoliteness behavior of men.

In recent time’s acid throwing, fatwabazi and sexual harassment has increased at a large number. For those reason the government should come forward to stop this oppression and ensure the constitutional rights of women. Hence, the NWDP is an effective step taken by the government. (c) Ensure women empowerment Women should be empowered socially, politically and economically. Women empowerment will be ensured when a woman will be able to take her decision independently. But in our social structure women are considered as the subordinate to men and they force women to do their duty.

Women should come forward to establish their position. Both women and men have their equal right and dignity. From the dawn of the civilization women and men worked together to make the future brighter. To ensure the participation of women in the development process they need to be empowered mentally, economically and politically. That is why modern social science termed women development as the empowerment of women. Empowerment is linked to the total human emancipation. (d) Bring a positive change in social structure Human life is not stable. There should have a positive change with this changing process.

We have to keep pace with this process. But some people in the third world countries do not like the positive change to happen in reality in society. They show excuses to prevent this change. Gender issue is an important aspect of society. It determines the relationship status between men and women. Although our constitutions strictly ensured the equal rights of men and women in every aspect of their life. For that reason we have to make a positive change in the relationship between men and women. In a certain point of the social development process a few socially determined actors created a cultural hemisphere, which pushed the civilization not to think women as equal to the men. This cultural phenomenon changed the thought process of society and the society started discrimination between men and women and ultimately women become change a deprived part of society. So we should have to change such pattern of the society. (e) Achieving economic and social development Although women are the half of the population of our country but they cannot fully participate in the economic development process of our country.

Their activities are only limited to the domestic work, which is unfair and rude. But if they get enough opportunity they will be able to proof themselves. They can able to do any difficult task. Their strong participation in the agricultural sector industrial sector especially readymade garments sector have strengthen our economy. The recent women policy has proposed to ensure equal and full participation of women in every sector they like. In one side it is necessary to empower our women and the other side it is much needed for bringing socio-economic development. f) Achieving democracy and good governance Democracy and good governance are those elements which should be practiced regularly. In a democratic process people have their right to protect their will. It is a cruel reality, women are deprived in family and society, in decision making process, in administrative process of governance and most importantly in economic activities. Even the women contribute in the process of social development, which has also financial value, are being ignored by the society.

Presently this process gets extra momentum as one vice-chairman at upazilla level has already been included and deputy mayor at municipality level is going to be include. The present women development policy is a milestone for achieving true democracy and good governance in our country. Source………. 12. Debate with National Women Development Policy-2011 There is a on going discussion about the National Women Development Policy 2011 (NWDP). There are lots of debate about this policy going around the country. “Inherited property” is at the focal point of their debate.

Islamic Oikya Jote (IOJ), a partner of the BNP led opposition alliance has been assuming that the women development policy might contradict Muslim law with regard to equal share of women in inherited property. In a number of statements by the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MOWCA) said that, the policy does not contradict with Muslim law. The new policy says that women will have full control over the inherited and earned property instead of mentioning equal rights to them. But the activists of Islamic organization do not agree with that statements. The concept of ‘property’ has a number of dimensions.

One is “movable property”, another is “fixed property”, “earned property” or ‘inherited property’. In a broad sense women will be given equal opportunity and full control over respective properties as Bangladesh is a country where women often cannot claim hundred percent control over any kind of property. This policy would help women to have control over their existing and earned property. In the proposed NWDP the government has decided to amend existing contradictory laws to ensure equal rights, equal opportunity and equal participation of men and women in every aspect of life.

On the other side government has also promised to implement the “Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). In the CEDAW charter, it is told to ensure equal rights of men and women in every aspects of social life. So that the Islamic thinker and the analyst of this policy think that there will be a scope of equal rights of women in the inherited property. But the government in disagrees with that. There are so many in sentiency and self-enmity of this women development policy. These are described below: In the article 25. of women development policy 2011 it is said that, women have full control over their right to land, earned property, inheritance and credit to earn and enact necessary new laws to put these rights into practice. According to government statement, in the women policy women do not have the equal rights to inherited property. But in the article 16. 1 it is mentioned that, “Men and women should gave equal rights in every aspect of life according to the constitution of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. ” In article 16. 8 it is said that, “all sorts of existing discrimination between men & women will be removed. In article 17. 1 it is mentioned that, “all sorts of discrimination in case of political, economic social and cultural rights of women will be removed and government has also promised to implement the CEDAW charter in that policy. ” According to the article 17. 2, “necessary steps will be taken for the publicity of CEDAW charter and implementation of that. ” In the article 17. 4 it is said that, “necessary amendments of existing contradictory laws. ” According to the women development policy, women should have equal rights and equal opportunity in every sector.

So ultimately the religious leaders think that women should have equal rights in their inherited property. Some problems and the issues which go against the holy Quran and Sunnah are as follows: (i) The women development policy is formulated as a strategy to implement the CEDAW charter. The articles 2, 3, 9, 13 and 16 of CEDAW charter go against the Islam. But in that women policy government has expressed his full wish to implement the CEDAW charter. (ii) In the women policy there is a reflection of CEDAW charter. In the CEDAW charter women are presented as the European style, where the Islamic orders are not followed at all.

But Islamic culture is totally different. (iii) In the women development policy women have given equal rights in every sector. But in Islam it has also ensured the equal rights of women but men must have to play the leading role. (iv) The religious leaders think that, in the women policy the system of maintaining religious ritual and order is ignored totally. (v) The religion Islam has built a social life through the mutual cooperation of both men and women. So that the few religious leaders think that the present women policy will break this familial bond.

As a result they consider this policy as anti-Islamic. (vi) Based on some article of women policy there should have a chance of establishing equality between men and women in future. 13. The position of civil society regarding this debate The present women development policy has been criticized by the different religion based political party. They termed the women policy as anti Quran. But on the other side the civil society has welcomed this policy. Different women organization, activists, Nagorik Uddgog, professionals and intellectuals have appreciated this government’s initiative to ensure omen’s rights. We have discussed some problems of women policy. The civil society has cleared their position regarding these problems: (i) Those who are opposing the women policy they fear that through this policy women of our country will be forced to maintain the western culture. It is just only their fore cast, but in real there should not have any scope of maintaining western culture. Culture belongs to a nation. We have a long tradition of our Bengali culture. We have a cultural tradition of our own. So we do not need to follow others. ii) The second reason behind their enmity is that women policy will destroy the familial bond of our society. But their imagination is absolutely wrong. In our society women are always deprived of everything they need. They are very much controlled by the male dominated society. They are treated as the subordinate to men. There should have mutual respect, equity and cooperation among them. Whenever a women stands for her legal rights, at that time it seems very negative for the entire society. Even the religious leaders do not take it positively. But the women policy will strengthen the tie of familial bond. iii) Another fact is that, for the present women development policy there will be an equal opportunity for the women to establish equality in inherited property in future. But the government has already avoided the issue of equal rights of women in inheritance. The new policy says that women will have full control over the inherited and earned property instead of mentioning equal rights to them. (iv) The forth reason is that the system of safeguarding women according to islam is neglected here. But anywhere of the women policy there is no such scope of avoiding this issue.

The Islamist group just only misguiding the people. Every woman has their right to maintain her dress code. It depends on her choice and it is related to our cultural system. Nobody is bound to follow any rules here. Nothing is said on that issue in the policy. (Majumdar, 2011:12, The Daily Prothom Alo). 14. Challenges of implementing women development policy-2011 (i) Male dominated society and their attitude It is now universally accepted that women are deprived of their rights. Considering the socio-economic status they are subordinate to men. Our society is always dominated by men.

Here women have little things to do. Women always think that they are subordinate to men. Domestic role is their only duty to play. But without their full involvement in the development process we cannot go a long way. Though both men and women have equal rights but we are not in habit of thinking so. Women empowerment is the demand of time. So we should change the attitude of men to have better development. Still they are opposing this policy. (ii) Administrative hindrance Administrative agents play an important role for implementing all kinds of law and policy.

But our civil administration is highly corrupted and mostly dominated by men. So there should have administrative hindrances for implementing this policy. Our administrative agents have the lack of willingness to implement this policy. So it would be natural to have hindrances in the process of implementing this policy. (iii) Lack of mass participation In a democratic process mass people are responsible for all sorts of power. But unfortunately it is true that our male dominated mentality and different kinds of social and religious political parties have been not able to accept the change.

People participation is needed for formulating the policy. People are not aware of such policy. They are always keep in dark when taking such policy. On the other side government have limited publicity and measures regarding such issues. (iv) Weak position of government and political party Government and political parties play an important role in the democratic process. Their role is essential in the policy formulation and implementation process. But the political parties of our country are not totally aware of women development. Besides some religion based political parties are also protesting the women policy.

So it is hardly seems to be difficult to implement this policy. (v) Extreme poverty and economic crisis of women Poverty is a great curse for any development. Most of the people of our country live below the poverty line. Economic growth will not be achievable without reducing poverty. Economic development plays a significant role for overall development activities. So it will be difficult to implement the women policy against extreme poverty and economic crisis. (vi) Limited presence of women in political structure There is huge gender discrimination in our political structure.

Women’s participation is limited considering mans participation, although both leading political parties leaders are women. In the general election the direct participation of women are not significant. Women participation in the political structure are limited to reserve seats. So it should be difficult to raise their voices against the male dominated society to implement the women policy. (vii) Negative publicity Different religion based political parties, Islamist activists and organizations have staged demonstration against the proposed national women development policy and they are demanding its immediate withdrawal.

The Islamist leaders accused the interim government of trying to implement anti-shariah policy in the name of national women development policy. It is a great hindrance to implement the policy. (viii) Lack of democracy and stable political condition Democracy and political stability is the precondition for overall development of the country. In a democratic process everyone get the equal opportunity to protect basic rights. Economic growth can be ensured through this process. But in our country the instable political condition is not helpful for the implementation of such policy. ix) Organizational limitations An organization plays a dominant role to complete task or to establish any rights properly. So there need a powerful and progressive organizations. In our country there are number of women organizations which are working hard to establish their rights. But in some cases their activity is not strong enough. They are not be able to make them strong in supporting the women policy. (x) Lack of motivation in the leadership process There is not well established organization related the women development. They are not concern about their activity.

Leadership process of those organizations is not strong enough. Women are not motivated by those organizations because of their limited activity. So it is also a challenge for implementing the national women development policy. (xi) Lack of women awareness and education of women Women are the half of our total population. Without their involvement in the development activity we cannot go a long way. But the status of our women is poor. Most of them are illiterate and unaware of their rights. So it is difficult for them to establish their rights. Most of them are in deep trouble.

They should come out total light. If they are leg behind it will be difficult to implement the policy. (xii) Lack of active participation of civil society Civil society influences the government decision making process through their different activity though they do not take participation in that process directly. But they are only involved in different activity such as seminar, symposium, giving statements and workshops. They do not have active participation in the question of women empowerment in our country. It acts as a major challenge in the way of implementing the national women development policy. xiii) Lack of legal structure and problem of implementation According to the article 27 of our constitutions it is said that, “All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law. ” The prime objectives of women policy is to ensure equality and equity of both men and women in all sphere of life. Change has been made regarding these issues. But those are not well enough. In our country we have so many laws but not have the proper implementation. The present women development policy is a guideline for women empowerment. There should have well established legal structure to implement the policy.

Without this the policy will not be fruitful for the development of women. (xiv) Fundamentalism The fundamentalist of our country have never accepted the progressive change on any issue. They have always opposed that issue. The recent women policy is not also acceptable to them. Different religion on based political parties, Islamist activists have threatened the government not to implement the policy. They wrong explanation about the policy is misguiding the mass people. 15. Limitations of women development policy-2011 In the article no. 10, 27, 28, 29 of our constitution the equal rights of women are acknowledged.

It is a great achievement for the women development. But our political and other social factors create hindrances in the process of women development. Our democratic process is not strong enough for such development. There is lack of willingness of our political leaders to take initiative for women development. Women development policy is the demand of time. But the women policy cannot able to reflect the hope and expectations of the largest part of our population. Some of the limitations of women policy are discussed below: (i) Inherited property is the basic and biggest source of property of human in any other country of the world.

Social status of human is determined through this property. But in the women policy there is no clear statement regarding inherited property. So it is the great limitations of this policy. It acts as a great hindrance in the process of women empowerment. (ii) In the women policy it is said that, women should have full control over their inherited property. But how these should be decided is not made clear in the policy. (iii) There are different religions in our society. In the Christian religion women do not get the full access to her property without earned property and gifts. The Hindu women do not have any right to her inherited roperty. So how these women will establish their control over inherited property are not explained in the women policy. (iv) In the women policy there is no option for “uniform family code. ” The civil society who are aware of women development are demanding that for a long time. But in the women policy there is no reflection of this demand. (v) Few articles of CEDAW charter are extremely restricted in our country which creates barrier for women development. Though government has promised to implement the CEDAW charter but there is no clear-cut direction on behalf of the government for those restricted articles. vi) Participation of women in every aspect especially in national level sports and culture are very much neglected. In the women development policy there is less emphasize given on that issue. (vii) Women oppression is a usual incident in our country. They are deprived and harassed in every aspect of their life. There is no direction to take strong measures to prevent women oppression. There is no discussion of marital rape in that policy. (viii) Different NGOs provide micro-credits the rural women for the socio-economic development. Through this micro-credit system most of the rural women are deprived and exploited.

There is not a single world in the women policy regarding this. Besides there are some other limitations of women policy. Such as follows: (i) There should have equal participation of both men and women in domestic work. But it is not mentioned in the policy. Women are not bound to cook, wash cloths and grow up children. Men have lot more things to do. (ii) “Mohorana” is a trend which is given to a woman at her marriage. But in reality get this mohorana properly. There is no direction to take this in the women policy. (iii) Women are deprived of her right for not obeying the land law.

No measure has been taken in the policy regarding this. (iv) There is no direction for implementing dowry prevention law and preventing women oppression in that policy. 16. Recommendations On the basis of our discussion we can give some recommendation. Such as follows:- 1. Clear explanation should be given about inheritances property. 2. Formulating ‘Uniform Family Code’ on grounds of religion, race, caste. 3. Eliminate all kinds of vagueness. 4. Ensure equal participation of women in every aspect of life. 5. The policy should be turned into law for effective implementation. . Build up awareness among mass people for removing any kinds of confusion about the policy. 7. Ensure active and strong participation of government, civil society and different women’s group for the effective implementation of the policy. 8. Attitude of women should be changed towards development and they should be motivated. 9. Ensure women participation to have socio-economic development and reduce extreme poverty. 10. Women should be self-employed and they should participate in decision making process. 11. Remove all sorts of in consistence of women policy. 17. Conclusion

Implementation of the women development policy should be kept completely outside of politicization, as it is an issue of national development. As the policy is talking about eight crore people who are women, its implementation requires active participation of both the government and civil society through a participatory process along with a specific time bound action plan. Again the new policy now requires a through action plan to monitor the state of women in Bangladesh. As the government has already approved the policy we are now counting on the proper implementation with concentration on carrying out the requirements stipulated by CEDAW.

Women have to be conscious and aware of their rights and should move forward with the unable utilization of the policy in empowering women and ensuring gender equality. References Majumdar, Dr. Badiul Alam (2011). What are the main reasons of enmity? , in Editorial page, The Daily Prothom Alo, A Daily Bengali Newspaper, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 09 Sultana, Mahmuda (2011). How far the economic freedom of women? , in Naree page, The Daily Nayadiganta, A Daily Bengali Newspaper, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 15 The Constitution of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, printed with latest amendment, August 01, 2006, p. ,8,24 Yahya, Abul Fatah Muhammad (2011). Some articles and explanation of the holy Quran, in Religion and life page, The Daily Nayadiganta, A Daily Bengali Newspaper, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 25 National Women Development Policy-1997 and 2011 The Daily Nayadiganta, March-8, 9, 14, 15,21,24,25, 2011 The Daily Prothom Alo, March-8, 9, 10, 2011 The Daily Sangram, March-10, 14, 27, 30, 2011 Daily Star, The (2011). March, 8 ” ” ” ” . March, 10 ” ” ” ” . March, 12

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Women Development Policy 2011. (2017, Dec 16). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-women-development-policy-2011-3651/

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