Director's Choice: Film vs. Novel Plots

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In addiction, the essay will also cover the reasons why director allowed specific plots In the film are different from the novel. According to the movie, Core and her husband Nick were running a restaurant on a street. They decided to hire someone so that they can provide better service. Frank was a drifter, and he was attracted by Core, which made him decide to work for the couple. Frank started to flirt with Core at work but Core was not showing interests in him at beginning until she found herself fell in love with Frank during those days.

Soon they decided to elope because Core could not stand live with someone she did not love.

But the elopement turned out to fall by the reason of losing source of income. They come back and scheme on murdering Nick so that she will not losing the diner. However, the first murder did not succeed because the police around and a cat made short circuit accident.

They killed Nick at second attempt but Frank broke his leg and prosecutor found out. Frank turned in Core after talking with prosecutor in exchange of trying murder only on Core. Core escaped from the lawsuit but since then Core and Frank did not trust each other anymore. They lived together without happiness.

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This relationship with mistrust was not ending until Core found herself pregnant. She asked Frank to go to the beach they dated before and Core found that Frank still loved her.

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There seemed to be a destiny. When she imagine everything could go right, an accident happened to Core. A car hit Core and Core died. The police found a letter from Core to Frank. Knowing all detail between the lovers, police decided to charge Frank under murder. There is no doubt that this movie reflected the selfish and greedy from human being. Frank knows Core has a husband, and he soul seduce her.

However, Core cheated on Nick then planed for a murder in order to obtain the diner. On one hand, Core cannot suffer poor life. On the other hand, she wants to do some achievements by the diner. She is absolutely femme fatal that failed the first attempt and takes a second chance with no hesitating or regret. Another evidence of selfish Is Frank sign the document to charge Core Is the criminal suspect of Nicks death. Even before that, Frank was trying to explain for Core when the car was turning over and over why she was already down the road and yelling for help.

However when he was told that there was an insurance queue which he did not know, he changed. So Frank was not responsible for Core with the name of love. Selfish pushed him to betray. Furthermore, the movie reflected also importance of trust and communication. Core had bias on believing Frank turned her voluntarily. Moreover, the main reason of their trust crisis is because of the Insurance queue which was signed by Nick. However, Frank thought It was Selenga Dye Core Ana sane wants to nave ten money all to nearest . Even IT lawyer helps them get away from prison, both of the lovers were afraid of the other one will frame himself or herself.

The most touching part of the movie was the lover came back to the beach they fell in love, Core threw the question whether Frank will take her back to the seaside. Core was brave enough to risk her life to rebuild the trust and happiness in the past. And suddenly the car accident broke every piece of beautiful memories in the dust and brought the story to an end. Since the movie was adapted from the novel, there are some different plots. And all the differences are reasonable. In the novel, Core is a Mexican woman with dark hair and dark skin while in the movie, she is white and beautiful.

That is because the director makes Franks love more superficial. Maybe it is because of the time limited, the movie cut off many loving details between Core and Frank while in the novel, there are many words to talk about it. However, in my opinion, the main reason is that the director wants the audiences focus on the personalities(selfishness, greed, desire, trust, etc. ). In addiction, if the movie shows many details about their sex scenes then people who are underage would not allow to watch it. As far as I am concerned, segments of passion is not necessary in the movie since audiences can feel Core and Franks love urine their action.

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Director's Choice: Film vs. Novel Plots
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