The Piece Of String Story Analysis

Topics: CultureTruth

This essay sample essay on The Piece Of String offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay’s introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below.

I. Analysis of Elements

A. Fictional characters
The story’s two major characters are both considered as a stereotype character. Their functions were easy known as the writer clearly discussed their parts and countenances in the narrative. The story’s supporter is Maitre Hauchecome. He was wrongly accused for stealing a pocketbook with five 100 francs and some concern documents.

Every clip people saw him. they harassed him. He can besides be a dynamic character. From being a simple and guiltless adult male. he was all of a sudden ruined by unfairness.

Another character is Maitre Malandain. He was surely identified as the adversary of the narrative when the writer stated that he was the enemy of Maitre Hauchecome and when he even said the city manager that Maitre Hauchecome was the 1 who stole the pocketbook.

Last. he was the ground for the destroyed life of Maitre Hauchecome.

Minor Fictional characters were besides seen in the narrative. They are the city manager. Maitre Authirne. tavern keeper and a Equus caballus trader. Maitre Fortune. proprietor of the pocketbook. and Marius Paumelle. the 1 who found the leather pocketbook. These characters are all considered a level character for they did non alter all over the narrative.

B. Conflict
The struggles used by the writer in the narrative were adult male vs.

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adult male and adult male vs. society. Man vs. adult male occurred when Maitre Hauchecome was accused for acquiring the black leather pocketbook incorporating five 100 francs and some concern documents by his enemy – Maitre Malandain. Another struggle shown was adult male vs. society. Being incognizant. people around him still alleged him even though the farmer at Ymanville already returned the pocketbook.

C. Point of View
The narrative is uttered in Third Person Point of View since the storyteller of the narrative is non a character in the narrative. Furthermore. the storyteller is an foreigner who sees the head of the characters. He inquired:

“Is Maitre Hauchecome of Breaute here? ”
Maitre Hauchecome. seated at the other terminal of the tabular array. replied: “Here I am. ”
And the officer resumed:
“Maitre Hauchecome. will you hold the goodness to attach to me to the mayor’s office? The city manager would wish to speak to you. ”

II. Discussion of the Subject

1. You can ne’er be guiltless one time you’re accused
As rumours are easy dispersed presents. people will merely judge the manner they think about you without cognizing the truth. No affair how you deeply explicate. you will ever be thought of as guilty. And whether you are already free from the indictment. it is impossible that people will quickly bury what you had undergone. By the clip Maitre Hauchecome was mistakenly accused of stealing merely because of picking up the twine. everyone thought that he was a rascal. After the accusal. people overlooked him. and even when the pocketbook was already returned. 2. How society can be barbarous

In life. one time you’re suspected. people around you will ever pull off to hold bad ideas about you. They easy believe in what others say and they will non care about how you will experience. In the instance of Maitre Hauchecome. he was wrongly alleged by his enemy of acquiring the pocketbook. Peoples disbelieved him as he said that he was non the stealer. And when the pocketbook was returned by a adult male. the society still thought that he had an confederate who returned it.


III. Vocabulary

burgh- a borough or chartered town
swerved- diverged ; veered
throng- a big. dumbly packed crowd of people or animate beings
savage- fierce. violent. and uncontrolled
rheumatism- any disease marked by redness and hurting in the articulations.
musculuss. or hempen tissue exasperated- infuriated ; maddened
protruded- jutted ; projected
jovialness- endowed with or characterized by a hearty. joyous wit or a spirit of good-fellowship threshold- a strip of wood. metal. or rock organizing the underside of a room access and crossed in come ining a house or room. perplexed- confused ; puzzled

IV. Figures of Address

1. Personification
“Their blouses. blue. “stiff-starched. ” polishing as if varnished. ornamented with a small design in white at the cervix and carpuss. whiff about their bony organic structures. seemed like balloons ready to transport them off. ” 2. Consonance

“Maitre Hauchecome was seized with a kind of shame to be seen therefore by his enemy. picking a spot of threading out of the soil. ” 3. Litotess
“What grieved me so much was non the thing itself as the prevarication. There is nil so black as to be placed under a cloud on history of a prevarication. ” 4. Hyperbole
“He went place ashamed and indignant. choking with choler and confusion. the more dejected that he was capable. with his Norman craft. of making what they had accused him of and of all time self-praise of it as of a good bend. ” 5. Appositional

“The following twenty-four hours about one o’clock in the afternoon Marius Paumelle. a hired adult male in the employ of Maitre Breton. farmer at Ymanville. returned the pocketbook and its contents to Maitre Houlbreque of Manneville. ”


V. Analysis of Literary Devices

1. Flashback
“I was seen. me? Who says he saw me? ”
“Monsieur Malandain. the harness shaper. ”
The old adult male remembered. understood and flushed with choler.
Flashback was presented when Maitre Hauchecome tried to remember the clip when Monsieur Malandain was looking at him while he was picking up the piece of twine. 2. Imagination
“In the public square of Goderville there was a crowd. a multitude of human existences and animate beings assorted together. The horns of the cowss. the tall chapeaus. with long sleep. of the rich provincial and the headdress of the peasant adult females rose above the surface of the assembly. And the blatant. shrill. shouting voices made a uninterrupted and barbarian blare which sometimes was dominated by the robust lungs of some countryman’s laugh or the long lowing of a cow tied to the wall of a house. ”

Imagery was shown since the writer was able to allow the readers imagine the existent topographic point of Goderville by allowing them have the ocular image of it. The lines made the readers feel as if they were present in the really minute. right between the lines. 3. Suspense

He inquired:
“Is Maitre Hauchecome of Breaute here? ”
Maitre Hauchecome. seated at the other terminal of the tabular array. replied: “Here I am. ”
And the officer resumed:
“Maitre Hauchecome. will you hold the goodness to attach to me to the mayor’s office? The city manager would wish to speak to you. ”
Suspense was seen since the writer successfully allow the reader inquiry about the things will go on next. Intense feeling was besides present to the readers as they wait for what will go on to Hauchecome. and as they ask why he was called by the city manager. 4. Chekhov’s Gun

“Maitre Hauchecome of Breaute had merely arrived at Goderville. and he was directing his stairss toward the public square when he perceived upon the land a small piece of twine. Maitre Hauchecome. economical like a true Norman. thought that everything utile ought to be picked up. and he bent distressingly. for he suffered from rheumatism. He took the spot of thin cord from the land and began to turn over it carefully”

By the clip Hauchecome picked up the twine. it seems like it has nil to make with the narrative. But it became notable towards the center of the narrative because it was the ground why he was blamed for stealing every bit Malandain told the city manager a different narrative sing the thing Hauchecome picked up. 5. Asyndeton

“The adult females. holding placed their great baskets at their pess. had taken out the domestic fowl which lay upon the land. tied together by the pess. with panicky eyes and vermilion crests. ”
The line shows Asyndeton as the writer merely used comma to hold uninterrupted flow of ideas which speeds up the beat of the transition. and to hold more memorable thoughts.

VI. Valuing

1. Eagerness
Throughout the narrative. avidity was obviously seen in the character of Hauchecome. By the clip he was accused because of the incorrect statement said by Malandain. people around him beleaguered and disbelieved him. He was really eager to turn out to the people that he was guiltless. And when he knew about the returned pocketbook. he even spread it to some aliens merely to verify his artlessness. 2. Cynicism

This value was decidedly exposed when Hauchecome. blamed for stealing the pocketbook. was suspected by the society even though they did non cognize the truth. Intuition was shown by the people around him. They didn’t give Hauchecome a opportunity to support his artlessness. alternatively they criticized him. He besides experienced racism as the people say bad remarks to him.

VII. Social Relevance

“You shall non travel around as a defamer among your people. and you shall non stand up against the life of your neighbour: I am the Lord. ” -Leviticus 19:16
Connecting to the poetry. we should cognize how to love others. as we are called boies of God. We shouldn’t accuse others for the wickednesss they have committed because we do non cognize what their grounds truly are. Overpowering to people can already do us to perpetrate wickedness.

In our society. we invariably hear people around us speaking about another individual. Judging them instantly the manner they act. Particularly to adolescents. they criticize individuals they do non like. They do non cognize that what they are making is already considered as an wickedness. Furthermore. we can detect that unfairness is frequently go oning in our state. Some delinquents are non being punished by the jurisprudence merely because they have the authorization and decidedly. the money.

In drumhead. we should larn to accept the failing of others and we must non take advantage of it. Finally. we should non be the ground for the ruin of others.

VIII. Comprehension Response

1. Is Hauchecome more of an ignorant or an guiltless adult male? Why?
In my sentiment. Hauchecome is more of an nescient adult male. He merely went to Goderville without cognizing that he will be able to run into his bad luck at that place. He was besides nescient in the instance he was suspected even though he was non the 1 who stole the pocketbook. He was incognizant that his enemy already disgraced him. And by the clip the pocketbook was returned. people in his milieus still talked behind his dorsum negatively. 2. Who do you believe should be blamed for the decease of Hauchecome? He. himself or the society? Why?

For me. both he and the society should be blamed for his decease. He. himself should be blamed since he allow the people around him affect him. He should hold ignored them for he knew to himself that he was guiltless. He wasn’t able to stay strong when people tried to impeach him.

Furthermore. society should besides be responsible for his decease as they were the ground for the failing of Hauchecome. They kept on stating bad thoughts to him which made him feebler and made him experience non to contend any longer. 3. How does the narrative mirror the job of societal injustice-its victim and its proliferators?

Appertaining to the narrative. Hauchecome was blamed for the offense he did non make. People easy judged him even though they did non cognize the truth. Towards the terminal of the narrative. he was still non given any justness.

This mirrors the job of the society wherein justness is non being sensible. Some felons are off from punishments. while the guiltless people are being punished and are going the victims. Peoples easy believe in rumours and give accusals instantly without inquiring for the existent narrative.

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