The sample essay on Ansoff Matrix Reference deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay’s introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.

Access to Business Unit Title: Marketing – Level 3 Credit Value: 6 credits Tutor: Alison Unwin Unit Code: 3-BA1-045 Email: [email protected] ac. uk This unit has 4 learning outcomes. LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PROPOSED ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (TBC) Assessment Evidence Answer paper The Learner should be able to: 1. Establish the importance of the marketing environment The Learner can: 1.

1 Analyses the difference between micro and macro environmental factors 1. 2 Compare and contrast a minimum of two tools such as SWOT and POWER SWOT and apply to business solutions 1. 3 Critically contrast Primary and Secondary research methods 2. Evaluate the use of tools such as Boston and Ansoff Matrix to business situations 2. 2 Analyse the effectiveness of models such as Porter’s Generic Strategies 3. 1 Evaluate consumer buying behaviour and the adoption process 3. 2 Analyse the role of marketing mix to specific products 3.

3 Evaluate the Product Life Cycle in various forms 3. 4 Investigate different pricing strategies 3. 5 Analyse the significance of place and different distribution techniques 4. 1 Investigate and contrast the use of new and/or emerging technology in the marketing and distribution of specific products. 2.

Appreciate the significance of Marketing Strategy Essay 800-1000 words 3. Recognise the use of Marketing Tactics Research report Approx 1500 words together with a short reflective account 4. Understand the significance of new and emerging technologies to marketing strategy and process Research report Approx 1500 words together with a short reflective 1 account The outline of the unit content includes: Marketing environment, marketing strategy, marketing tactics, new and emerging technologies.

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The unit content will be delivered in the form of: Tutor lectures, handouts, activities and the use of the internet for additional research.

The handouts and lectures will give you the basic information you need for your assignments but it is important that you do other research on the topics to be able to deliver an excellent piece of work. The written assignments will be given in the next few weeks. As with all your other assignments it is important to correctly reference any work you use from books, publications and the internet. Please see the booklet given to you during your induction or research project lessons for how to reference correctly and how to complete your bibliography.

Bcg Matrix And Ansoff Matrix

Deadlines: The final deadline for the whole unit is the last week in January but there will be earlier deadlines for Learning outcomes 2 and 3 and the answer paper will be done in the class room during a lesson (probably after the October half term). All deadlines will be given to you when you are given your assignment briefs. All extensions will be done through the correct procedures (as per your course handbook) and any deadlines missed without a valid extension will only be marked at the lower Pass. All completed assignments will be handed into the tutor in a hard copy with the correct ‘front sheet’ fully filled in. Assignment brief Grading Criteria: ? To get a Pass you will have to answer all the Learning outcomes to a satisfactory level ? To get a Merit you will need to fulfil the Learning outcomes and the Grade Descriptors 1, 2 & 7 (look at the Merit column) ? To get a Distinction you will need to fulfil the Learning outcomes and the Grade Descriptors 1, 2 & 7 (look at the Distinction column) A copy of the Grade Descriptors are attached to this document o o o o Learning Outcome No 1 – Answer paper Learning Outcome No 2 – Essay 800-1000 words

Learning Outcome No 3 – Research report Approx 1500 words together with a short reflective account Learning Outcome No 3 – Research report Approx 1500 words together with a short reflective account The reflective account should be an evaluation about how you have found researching and writing the report. Scenario You work for a professional organisation who advise businesses on all matters to do with marketing. You have been given a business to work with and to give advice on various matters to do with their marketing strategies etc..

You will be required to advise the business on a number of aspects and give a written report to your selected business. Please choose a business that you would like to use as your case study for the whole unit. Choose carefully and pick a business that you find interesting or already work/ed for. You will be required to research the business and its marketing strategies, so make sure your business has plenty of information available to you via various research methods, i. e. publications, internet, journals etc.. 3

Learning Outcome No 1 (Establish the importance of the marketing environment) Answer paper 1. 1 Analyse the difference between micro and macro environmental factors Please use your chosen business and analyse the difference between the micro and macro environmental factor that concern your business. First explain the difference between micro and macro environmental factors and then give details on the micro and macro environmental factors that could impact your chosen business. 1. 2 Compare and contrast a minimum of two tools such as SWOT and POWER SWOT and apply to business solutions

Use your chosen business and describe and use at least two marketing tools such as SWOT, POWER SWOT and PESTLE analysis to assist with various business solutions that your chosen business may come across. Examples could include: Expansion, new product, new market, new competitor, recession etc.. 1. 3 Critically contrast Primary and Secondary research methods Please describe both Primary and Secondary research methods, giving examples and then critically contract the two research methods, giving examples. Remember to look at Grade Descriptors 1, 2 & 7 to be able to get a Merit or Distinction

Deadline: Opportunity to give in a draft copy to Alison by 15 November or before and final deadline is 29 November. Workshops will be done in class (not 8th November because of Ofsted) 4 Learning Outcome No 2 2. Appreciate the significance of Marketing Strategy 2. 1 Evaluate the use of tools such as Boston and Ansoff Matrix to business situations 2. 2 Analyse the effectiveness of models such as Porter’s Generic Strategies Essay 800-1000 words Essay Question: Why is the use of marketing strategies significant in all businesses? Guidance:

Use your chosen business and evaluate the tools such as the Boston Matrix and the Ansoff Matrix to relevant and potential business situations that your chosen business may come across. Examples could include: Expansion, new product, new market, new competitor, recession etc.. Then look at Porters Generic Strategy model and analyse how effective it is and how it can be used in your chosen business. Remember to look at Grade Descriptors 1, 2 & 7 to be able to get a Merit or Distinction Deadline: Opportunity to give in a draft copy to Alison by 29 November or before and final deadline is 13 December. Workshops will be done in class 5

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Ansoff Matrix Reference. (2019, Dec 06). Retrieved from

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