Sample Essay on Security Industry Research

Topics: Security


The scope for the security industry Is vast as there are a number of different types of security officer titles as well as sites. Sites that require security can range from an office building to a construction site. However, regardless of the site location all officers generally conduct patrols of their designated area either on foot, bicycle or vehicle to ensure personal are safe and the location is secure against fire, theft, vandalism or any other illegal activity (Paladin Security, 2013).

If an emergency situation was to occur or an regularity was spotted during a patrol, the appropriate personnel would be contacted. Depending on the seventy of the Issue this could mean contacting anyone from a direct supervisor to the fire department, ambulance or police (Paladin Security, 2013). It is also important that officers enforce safety codes, regulations, and procedures (Paladin Security, 2013). Products Made The security officer industry can be broken down into two components. These components are professional security guards, and mobile officers.

Security guards are permanently stationed at sites the inure time a client has requested a security recent. A security presence Is Ideal to deter criminal actively (Paladin security 2012). Mobile officers on the other hand, are not positioned at the site for the whole 10 or 12-hour shift. Mobile officers will visit multiple sites in a shift either randomly or at pre-designated times (Paladin Security, 2012).

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Regardless of which officer or guard is chosen, both produce the same level of security. Property is regularly checked and secured.

These patrols reduce the chances of windows and doors being tampered with in addition to force entry (Paladin Security, 2012). When applicable, ours that need to be locked or unlocked at specific times are taken care of and critical gauges are monitored periodically (Paladin Security, 2012). All sites are produced with security personal that is able to formulate intelligent on-the-spot judgments and take quick and effective action when time is a main factor (Paladin Security, 2012). Both of these components produce security solutions for their clients, such as public protection and securing assets (Guard Inc, 2010).

Employment In the United States there are 1 713 250 individuals employed in the security industry n some type of capacity as of 2009 (Waitress, 2012). This includes anything from guard patrols to the individuals who operate x-ray machines and medal detector equipment (Waitress, 2012). Between 2010 and 2020 the employment rate of security guards is expected to increase by 18. 8 percent (Waitress, 2012). This is much quicker than all the other occupations, which have an average growth rate of 14. 3-percent (Waitress, 2012). Injury Statistics The security industry is one of the most dangerous occupations.

It is no wonder that in 2009 63 security guards suffered fatal work injuries, while roughly 8 920 fell victim o illnesses or nonfatal injuries at the workplace, that involved at least one day off from work (Workplace safety for security guards, 2012). Although the amount of officers that experienced illnesses or nonfatal work injuries seems quite high, it is nearly the same rate as all other occupations (Workplace safety for security guards, 2012). The rate of fatal injuries at the workplace on the other hand, was more than double of workers in general (Workplace safety for security guards, 2012).

Both fatal and nonfatal injuries were commonly a result of assaults. However, some nonfatal injuries were often due to falls. These types of injuries can appear at any time during the day or night, but more often than not they take place in the evening and overnight (Workplace safety for security guards, 2012). Industry Processes Typical Processes There are many processes security firms go through to ensure that their employees and clients are safe. Some processes are typical, which means that every security company must follow them.

An example of one of these typical processes would be the licensing process. Under the Security Services and Investigators Act, all persons hat want to become security officers must obtain an individual security license first (Government of Alberta, 2013). In order to receive this security license individuals must provide a clean criminal record check with the vulnerable sector checked, as well as complete the required 40 hours of Alberta Basic Security Training (ABS) and pass the exam with 80% or higher (Government of Alberta, 2013).

The Solicitor General’s office must approve both the trainer for the course and the exam facilitator (Government of Alberta, 2013). Another example of a typical process would be standard safety training. Although the law does not require it, almost every security company provokes It once an employee passes tenet BASIS course teen generally go through the training process for first aid and CPRM classes as well as take a non-crisis intervention course before they can report to work (Paladin Security, 2012).

These typical processes are put in place to ensure the safety of both officers and those they are protecting. Specific Processes Specific processes are any additional processes that are needed for companies to perform a certain duty. For instance the company that takes care of the security in capitals or the airport screening must put their employees through additional training so they are equipped with the tools to deal with different hazards that could present themselves.

Healthcare security guards for example, go through 40 to 120 hours of extensive healthcare specific training on top of the many hours of basic training they are required to take (Paladin Security, 2013). Equipment Used There are many different types of equipment officers may carry on their persons at any given time. However, the form of equipment depends on what the company they re working for is licensed for, in addition to what their personal security license authorizes. Equipment can range to anything from a flashlight to a weapon. This is because there are many different positions in the security industry.

Security guards that transfer large amounts of money are likely to carry weapons such as a gun or baton as well as a safety vest, those in the healthcare sector would likely carry handcuffs to restrain patients that are at high risk to cause harm to themselves and/ or others (Government of Alberta, 2006). Though there are some items that are aimed t particular sites there are some pieces of equipment that are common among all officers such as, flashlights for patrols, radios to communicate with managers and monitoring centers, and of course a first aid kit (Fuller, 2013).

Industry Hazards Process Hazards and Related Occupational Injuries and Diseases The security industry has many hazards related to its processes and daily responsibilities. Most security processes are related to training, and although a majority of training takes place in a classroom setting there is some training that is hands on, such as handcuff training. With any training that is physical, there is a chance for injures to occur. Even with classroom training there can be injuries if workstations are not set up in a manor to minimize stress on the body(Victorian Government).

When the employees do make it to their Job sites injuries can occur from violent assaults, having to stand for long periods of time and loud noises from construction sites or concerts(Victorian Government). There are also a large number of injuries caused by falls as a result to inadequate lighting or uneven ground, as mentioned earlier(Victorian Government). Industry Controls and Standards Applicable Legislation The Canadian Government has legislation in place called the Security Services and Investigators Act, which set an industry-wide standard across the province(Government of Alberta, 2011).

This act spells out the process individuals need to follow in order to get their license. Whether it is a general security license or one for guard dog handling, every license process is listed(Government of Alberta, 2006). Along with licensing facts, there are also details on how employers are to deal with complaints against individual license holders in addition to business license holders(Government of Alberta, 2006). Specifics on the proper use of equipment, unlooses Ana ventricle markings are also outlined In ten act(ova ornament AT AY 2006).

The Security Services and Investigators Regulation is an additional document, which describes how the law will be managed and enforced(Government of Alberta, 2011). As mentioned earlier, the Job description for individuals in the security industry can be quite varied, and so are the settings in which their skills and knowledge are applied. Issues may arise that result in guards performing duties that are rooted from legislations such as Gaming and Liquor Act and Regulation; Trespass o Premises Act; and Petty Trespass Act(Government of Alberta, 2011).

These acts were developed not only to protect the security industry but the public as well. Codes of Practice and Control Programs Used in or Designed for this Industry The Criminal Code of Canada is a detailed document that indicates behaviors that are considered to be “illegal or unlawful acts”(Government of Alberta, 2011). The Criminal Code illustrates what can or cannot be done with respect to arresting persons, searching persons or property, and using force to control a situation(Government of Alberta, 2011).

Furthermore, if the limit of these acts are ever exceeded the consequences of doing so are also outlined. In addition to the government’s steps to protect, the security industry has policies and procedures in place for employees to follow for everyone’s safety. For example, a guard working at a one-man site has to radio their control center on an hourly basis, and mobile officers check in on the guard at their site regularly throughout their shift. Conclusion The security industry has many variables in terms of positions but even with that being said their main focus is always safety.

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