Saint Leo Core Values

Topics: Human Rights



Saint Leo Values

Relating Saint Leo Core Values to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

Indeed, it is evident that the tenets embedded within the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights emulate the Core values embedded in Saint Leo University. The principles within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights coincide with the Core Values of Community of Saint Leo University in various ways. This is based on the primal assertion exemplified by the ethics and morals exalted in both institutions regarding the individual and the society.

Irrespective of the differences in the objectives of the two institutions based on the stakeholders, it is still clear that both principles and values within the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and Saint Leo University relate to provide equality, fairness and respect of human dignity within the community and society.

In accord with the Prelude of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, emphasis is put on the development of aptitudes, character and knowledge by Saint Leo University for the sole purpose of maintaining its excellence.

Saint Leo University ensures that it sets a general standard of accomplishment for all students in order to allow them to develop their skills, personalities and understanding and as such, acquire appropriate and effectual acknowledgment nationwide and globally. This relates considerably to the overall overture of the Declaration of Human Rights, which also acts as a general standard of accomplishment for all persons and countries for ensuring the protection of rights and liberties and recognition locally and universally for all peoples through instruction and education.

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Consequently, with respect to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ principles, Saint Leo University endeavors to promote the development of sociable and cordial learning communities countrywide and worldwide. Furthermore, to fulfill this objective, Saint Leo University attempts to nurture a sense of belonging, interdependence and unity without political, sex, color, language or racial distinctions. As such, Saint Leo University plans to build a communally responsible environment for learning that excludes discrimination that arises from a country’s international status regarding the specific community receiving service from the University. This is in line with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which strives to ensure that every individual receives education and learning irrespective of ideological, physical and terrestrial distinctions.

Alternately, Saint Leo University strives to ensure that the exclusive talents and aptitudes innate within an individual receive value or appreciation and reverence. Regarding the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the University attempts to promote friendship and lenience, indulgence among various stakeholders of institutions such as groups and students. The objective of this is to ascertain the provision of an abundant scope that will support the liberated trade of thoughts and innovations among persons. This specific statement correlates to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which endorses and fosters the delivery of opinions without intrusion and restriction and the reception and exchange of innovations, ideas and information among individuals through various forms of media irrespective of any boundaries.

Furthermore, Saint Leo University strives to promote personal development for all individuals. Based on this value, Saint Leo University urges the development of every individual’s body, soul and mind in order to acquire balanced lives. As such, members within the community must express their obligation towards individual development in order to reinforce the disposition of the community. As such, Saint Leo University ensures that personal development is exalted through education in order to ascertain decent development of the individual personality. This is in accordance with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which ensures that every person within the community possesses communal duties aimed at complete development of personality. Furthermore, the communal duties should make it possible for personal development.

Finally, Saint Leo University facilitates communal development on a global scale by ensuring that it provides the require resources. As such, the University nurtures a force of service in order to facilitate the provision of resources that will assist in the development of communities. Saint Leo University ensures that resources are optimized and applied within the community in order to adhere to the goals and mission of the institution. This is in accordance with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which ensures that every person and community are entitled to receive resources in order to ascertain full development of individual personalities and the development of the community as a whole.

In conclusion, the principles in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Saint Leo’s Core Values of Community indeed relate to a considerable degree. Both doctrines ensure that peoples and communities live with each other cohesively. Consequently, the doctrines for both institutions stress on the full development of personality among individuals regardless of the distinctions and as such, negate the use and support of discriminative and biased tactics. Restricting such practices based on the principles and the values upheld by both codes propels the objectives of the institutions, which involves the facilitation of equality and fairness in the provision of intrinsic needs for every person in every community nationally and internationally.

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