How I Met My Husband Summary

Topics: Communication

At a young age, women have a tendency to be naive and innocent. With that, the two factors create a vulnerable persona in a girl, and it compels a person to feel sympathy towards them. “How I Met My Husband” consists of a protagonist, Edie, who is also naive and innocent as well as humble and simple. These traits convince me to believe her to be a sympathetic character in the story. As a young, naive, gullible girl, I feel nothing short of pity for Edie.

Her status as “the hired girl” influences the way I react to her as a reader also. When Edie meets Chris Waters, she becomes embarrassed and bashful once she reveals her true status, and all she wishes is for him to leave her alone. Since Edie is inexperienced with men, she does not know how to act properly in front of them. The fact that she does not know any better compels me to sympathize for her.

I was feeling more sympathy for her when she allows herself to believe she had been more than Just another woman to Chris.

How You Met Your Husband

Then, she is waiting days, which lead into months, before coming to the realization that “no letter was ever going to come” (peg 146). Any person can recall what it had been like to be wide-eyed when they had been younger. It can sometimes be amusing when you realize how naive you were. Sometimes, like Edie, it can be harsh to come to the realization of how naive our actions are.

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But we sympathize with ourselves and for others because of it.

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