Haunted Metal Scrap

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Essay on “Haunted Metal Scrap”

What is now all drawn to the exorcists, just a renaissance that … I remember 6-7 years ago, something similar happened with vampirami.Vprochem, the latter is a matter only for the benefit of (evolution of Lagutenko to Pattinson impressive :-)). Here we have a very entertaining story the next expansion (of course – we need peace and no less) is quite advanced in a symbiotic relationship with otherworldly forces personalities (merged in ecstasy with the state system) and opposing them to “simple” the guys on the other side.

Well, “simple” is still quoted. Among them there are different cloak-and-dagger masters. Stunning mixture detective, spy novel, urban and classical fantasy. Here Kornev as always managed to wrap all dashing and write interesting types. Read all in one go, and it would have been very great, if not one BUT ….

The author decided to treat us the primitive history in the first person (for which he thanks a lot – because terribly fed up) and multi-level narrative where numerous storylines, developing parallel to merge into a single stream after the story … and here is a little lame horse.

No, if you read carefully (or recalculate every third), all as that becomes clear and transparent. But if you just enjoy reading, the head sometimes slips a little. Fold stylistically coherent picture of the author did not quite work out. However, for an attempt to 5+. So novel was a good and fun, but a little bit is crude. Recommended reading for all lovers of the genre.

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Haunted Metal Scrap. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-haunted-metal-scrap-book-review/

Haunted Metal Scrap
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