For Muslims fasting has both advantages and disadvantages

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic year (the Islamic calendar is lunar so therefore the ninth month always changes) observed as sacred with fasting practiced daily from dawn to sunset. The Month of Ramadan is when it is believed Muhammad received the words of Allah (the Islamic word for God) through the angel Jibril, which was later transcribed as the Islamic holy book the Qur’an. Therefore this month is extremely special for Muslims. Fasting during Ramadan constitutes one of the five pillars that make up Islam so is therefore compulsory to all those expected to fast.

The only people exempt from fasting are: Children under twelve The mentally ill.

The elderly – as it would be too strenuous for them but instead they must feed at least one poor person for every day that they have not fasted. Pregnant women or women that are breast-feeding. The ill, women who are menstruating and travellers are exempt from fasting but they must make up the days they miss later on.

There are many clear advantages and disadvantages to fasting over Ramadan and I personally can see that it would definitely affect one’s life for good and for bad. An official statement on an Islamic website about the way fasting should affect your life says – “Normally the fast should not affect the daily avocations, and it should not be a pretext for neglecting normal duties. A fast means a greater effort to perform all the usual duties and something else, more prayers and more charity, and all this in the absence of food and drink”.

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The Qur’an says – “He(Allah) does not want to put to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful”. These two quotes imply that there should be no disadvantages to fasting however I disagree. I believe there are some significant disadvantages that should be taken into account.

Firstly and most obviously, one would be hungry and thirsty. When I asked friends and family how they would feel fasting a whole month their first response was hungry! Being hungry and thirsty for an entire month could also have implications on one’s health. Going without water for a whole day, especially in summer, could lead to dehydration and going the whole day without food could lead to low blood sugar levels resulting in fainting. However when I asked a Muslim university student about hunger during fasting who said – ”I feel a lack of energy for the first few days of Ramadan, but gradually my days become like the other days of the year”. This shows that for some Muslims hunger is not always a problem and that the body can adjust to a different eating habit. However, it should be noted that there is a slight risk that some people may develop an eating disorder as a result.

Another possible disadvantage I can think of is for a Muslim to be excluded due to fasting from social interactions with non-Muslims. Non-Muslims who do not understand the importance of fasting for Muslims might exclude them just because they do not know how to handle food related gatherings with Muslims during Ramadan. Also being around non-Muslim co-workers might mean there is a lot of temptation around. “A lot of people find it strange when they see a person practising Ramadan and ask awkward questions. and there’s always a lot of temptation around you that makes you want to break the fast” – A young Muslim woman from Leicester University.

This could result in a Muslim feeling very lonely if they do not live in a community where there are other Muslims. However, if there are many Muslims around them Ramadan could be more enjoyable and easy because there would be a sense of unity, which is what Ramadan is all about. On the other hand there are many advantages for Muslims taking part in Ramadan. Firstly it is a wonderful exercise of will power. Once the month of Ramadan is over they will feel a great sense of achievement – “After Ramadan I feel like superman!” – a little Muslim boy from England. One of the most important values of Islam is self-control and I personally believe that Ramadan is one of the best ways to gain it. I feel a great amount of empathy for those dying of hunger is acquired.

Going a day without food make one realise how important such a basic necessity is – “I feel so silly when I am hungry during Ramadan because I know I will be able to eat again unlike those less fortunate than me”- An English teenage Muslim. Consequently I think this would give Muslims a less selfish outlook on life and make them appreciate basic needs such as food, shelter and loved ones. Unity is stressed many times in the Qur’an – “The Believers are but a simple brotherhood and brotherhood is important and essential”. I think that fasting can give someone a great feeling of togetherness – “To know millions of people are fasting just like me all over the world is a pretty amazing thought!” – An American teenage Muslim. In my mind the most significant advantage is that fasting can bring people closer to each other, to their community and to God – “During Ramadan all the members of my family appear more at peace with themselves and we all feel much closer”- A young Muslim girl.

It is my opinion that people are more at peace with themselves because whilst Fasting one is not troubled with trivial things and has more clarity towards life. “When I took part in my first fast of Ramadan I had never felt as close to God as I did then”- A Muslim. I believe the reason why Muslims feel closer to God is because they are doing something purely for themselves and for God.

I also think that they feel more connected with God as Ramadan requires a lot more focus on prayers so if one is concentrating on prayers then one should automatically feel very close to their God. In conclusion, I believe that Ramadan has a major effect on the lives of Muslims for both negative and positive reasons. However, it is clear to me that the positive aspects far out weight the negative aspects. Therefore it is my belief that Ramadan is very beneficial and a life enriching expereience for Muslims.

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For Muslims fasting has both advantages and disadvantages
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