MILKYRON - a Variety of Polvoron Product Analysis

I. Executive Summary

The researchers Nikki Y Pulumbarit and Jessa P Alberto are both graduates with degrees in Hospitality Management at Mariano Quinto Alarilla Polytechnic College. The business plan entitled MILKYRON it is a variety of polvoron that has the mixture of fish and powdered milk. The product offer a healthful benefit to its clients through promoting consumption of fish specially fot the children who are not fond of eating fish. MILKYRON is very nutritious compared to the other polvoron offered int the market because it contain fish which is a good source of protein and also the milk which is rich in calcium.

Why MILKYRON is Unique and Beneficial

MILKYRON is very unique because of its flavor and its affordable price. The owners Nikki Y Pulumbarit and Jessa P Alberto are both financially capable on handling a business and the starting capital will be P 100, 000. 00. The mission of the business is to provide unique and healthful variety of polvoron and to consider foremost the satisfaction of the customer.

The goals and objectives of MILKYRON is to start the business on April 25, 2013 and by gaining good customer feedback, to encourage other teenager to build their own business too even they are young. Also to expand our knowledge and capability on handling the business.

MILKYRON will be beneficial to its customer because it has the mixture of fish which is good source of protein and milk which is a good source of calcium it is nutritious yet affordable. The future product will be Fishy Yummy Yema also it has the mixture of fish.

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The business is registered at Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under Sole- Proprietorship. Sole Proprietorship is a type of business enetity that is owned and run by a single person. MILKYRON is manage by Nikki Y Pulumbarit as the general manager and Jessa P Alberto as the Assistant Manager.

Product manager will be Nikki Y Pulumbarit responsible for over-all running of the business and responsible for securing contracts, financial/ accounting and marketing purposes. Product Assistant Manager will be Jessa P Alberto responsible for securing employees compensation and responsible for customer service. The product MILKYRON will be marketable based on the data collected through survey answered by the respondents. According to the Age between 12-20 years old want to buy our product. In terms of Gender women are more likely interested on our product, the question “will you buy MILKYRON? most of the respondents answered that they will buy our product while the other are undecided. The survey also ask them that “what will be the best drink that will complement on our product? ” most of them answered that water is the best complementary drink in MILKYRON. The business will located at Mc Arthur Highway Meycauayan Bulacan because most of the respondents answered that the perfect spot is on Commercial Area. MILKYRON has many competitors these are some, Goldilocks Polvoron, Sasmuan Polvoron who offered a natural kind of polvoron. This proves that our product is very unique because of the fish flavor itself.

The price is very affordable it costs only P 5. 00 per piece. MILKYRON will be advertised through fliers, leaflets, tarpaulins and most of the time on social media sites like facebook and twitter. Organization / Person| Description| Purpose| JV Tarpaulin printing| Printing Services| Advertising| Globe Telecom| Mobile Phone Services| Customer Service and Advertising| Savemore Supermarket| Supply Shop| Ingredient Supplier| Engr. Benjamin Moronia Jr. | Financial Advisor| Financial Inquiries andProduct Consultant| K. Dot Computer Services| Computer Service Provider| Computer services|

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MILKYRON - a Variety of Polvoron Product Analysis. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

MILKYRON - a Variety of Polvoron Product Analysis
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