Hindustan Shipyard Apprenticeship

Board of Directors Chairman’s Address Notice Directors’ Report Comment of the Controller and Auditor General of India Auditors’ Report Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Account Schedules to the Accounts Notes Forming Part of Accounts Balance Sheet Abstact & Company’s General Business Profile Cash Flow Statement Social Overheads Last ten years at a Glance Ships Built 1 3 6 10 21 28 33 34 35 45 59 60 61 63 65

Front Page Back Page : “M. V. Good Pride” 53,000 DWT Daimond series the biggest Bulk carrier built at HSL for M/s. Goodearth Maritime Limited, Chennai.

: Repair of Mobile off shore Drill Ship Sagar Vijay of ONGC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Cmde. NARESH KUMAR, VSM, IN (Retd) Shri RAKESH MAHAJAN Shri GYANESH KUMAR, IAS VAdm. N. N. KUMAR, AVSM, VSM Capt. P. V. K. MOHAN Shri VINEET GARG, IAS Dr. T. R. K. RAO, IRTS Shri Rajneesh Gupta, IAS Shri K. V.

Brahmananda Reddy, IRAS Chairman & Managing Director Director (Finance & Commercial) Director (from 22-02-10) Director (from 22-02-10) Independent Director (from 06-06-08) Director (from 16-7-09 to 22-2-10) Director (from 6-8-09 to 22-2-10) Director (upto 16-7-2009) Director (upto 6-8-2009) COMPANY SECRETARY Shri INAITULA BAIG BANKERS Indian Bank State Bank of India UCO Bank Syndicate Bank Corporation Bank Canara Bank AUDITORS M/S.

G. R. KUMAR & CO. Chartered Accountants 9, Merrylife Apartments, Doctor’s Colony, Pedda Waltair, Visakhapatnam – 530 017.

REGISTERED OFFICE 209 & 209A, Vikram Tower 16, Rajendra Place New Delhi-110 008 Phone Fax : 011-25737425 : 011-25730029 HEAD OFFICE & WORKS Gandhigram, Visakhapatnam – 530 005 Phone : 0891-2577404/2577437/ 9493792132 (PRO) 9493792351 (PRO Office) Fax Web : : 0891-2577502/356/667 hsl@hslvizag.

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com www. hsl. nic. in E-mail : 1 CHAIRMAN’S ADDRESS Dear Shareholders, I have great pleasure in welcoming you to this 58th Annual General Meeting of your Company and share with you some of the significant achievements of the Company during the year under review.

During the year, the administrative control of Hindustan Shipyard Limited was transferred from the Ministry of Shipping to the Ministry of Defence on 22nd February,2010 through a Presidential Order for requirements of Defence. The Directors’ Report and the Audited Statement of Accounts for the year 2009-10 and the Notice to the Shareholders have already been circulated and with your permission, I take them as read. HSL is one of the largest Defence Shipyard in the country, and it has 68 years of glorious history in ship building and repairs.

HSL has built 163 Vessels including 11 Plotforms ships and repaired around 2000 vessels for various clients. HSL has thus achieved many significant mile stones and earned a name for itself as a ship builder of repute both within India and abroad. The highlights of the year 2009-10 are as follows : a) In keeping with its image as a premier shipyard, HSL has shown consistent growth in almost all aspects of its activities. More importantly, the company has been able to achieve progressive growth for the last five years pending implementation of the revival plan.

The year 2009-10 has also been a special one for the company in many ways. The Company achieved the highest ever income of Rs. 662. 03 Crores in its history despite restrictions imposed on taking fresh orders since last two years. The Ship Repair Income of Rs. 266. 04 Crores was also the highest ever. The Company recorded a profit after tax of Rs. 2. 32 Crores for the year 2009-10 as against the loss of Rs. 140. 01 Crores in previous year. Details of the Keels laid, ships launched, handed over, productivity improvement measures 3 ) and income generated are given in the Directors’ Report. c) Some of the major achievements during the year are as follows :
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• • Three ships were delivered including the last 30,000 DWT Bulk carrier. First largest 53,000 DWT Bulk Carrier was floated from Building Dock. Keel was laid for four new vessels. Launching of the first and second Inshore Patrol Vessels from slip way. New infrastructure set up for pipe manufacturing & testing. Progress of ONGC rig repairs contract of approx Rs. 00 Crores has been remarkable and most of the works were completed in given time frame of one year. The ship building order book position is lean and new orders for small crafts as well as high value orders for capital ships are expected from the Navy and Coast Guard. The order book is likely to grow exponentially over next five years with construction of Warships and Submarines. Recently Ministry of Defence has placed an order on HSL on 27th August,2010 for construction of 3 Numbers 50 Ton Bollard Pull Tugs.

Your Company is thus creating value addition by not only achieving path breaking achievements in shipbuilding & Ship repairs but also developing indigenous repair capabilities of Naval Submarines and Offshore Rigs in the Country. I am happy to report that due to these efforts, the overall production of this yard has improved from 63772 DWT in the year 2008-09 to 67572 DWT in 2009-10 with a capacity utilization of 89%. On approval of the financial restructuring, the yard will be able to make good profits in the coming years.

These all round improvements in the performance of the company were made possible by team work, dedication, sacrifice and hard work put in by all our employees. Industrial Relations during the year continued to be peaceful and harmonious. Grading vide Memorandum of Understanding The performance of the Company for the year, as per the internal Assessment, is expected to be adjudged as “Very Good” in terms of the MoU signed with the Government of India. Corporate Governance It is the constant endeavour of the company to dopt and maintain the highest standards of ethics in all spheres of business activities. The Company’s philosophy of Corporate Governance is based on the principles of honesty, integrity, accountability, adequate disclosures and legal compliances. It strives for transparency in decision making. The company adheres to good corporate practices and is constantly striving to adopt the best practices. Ministry of Defence has approved additional post of Director(Corporate Planning) and Director(Strategic Projects) for meeting the new business goals & requirement of the Company.

The Company is also making all efforts to enhance transparency through use of IT systems, ERP, e-tendering and e-procurement. 4 Future Out look Your Company is fully committed to build quality ships for the Indian Navy and Coast Guard. Consequent to transfer of Administrative control of HSL from Ministry of Shipping to Ministry of Defence, the Company is endeavoring to obtain orders from Naval and Coast Guard Ships for large capacity utilization. The Company is also planning to upgrade its infrastructure through major modernization programme for concurrent construction of ships & submarines.

The company plans to enhance its design capability by modernizing its Design office with additional Tribon Licenses and augment the manpower strength for detailed design of Submarines and Warships. Yard Modernization The yard needs immediate upgradation to increase its production capacity in order to cater for the defence requirements. The yard infrastructure also needs to be upgraded for construction of submarines. The modernization programme is being taken up on high priority. Skill Development The Yard is planning to induct young workforce to take care of large attrition due to retirements.

The Skill Development through training is one of the high priority areas to hone the skills required for construction of complex warships and Submarines HSL has travelled a long way in these years and I have no doubt that this yard will continue to make significant contribution to the ship building industry and the National security at large in the days to come. Acknowledgements I would like to conclude by thanking the Central and State Government Authorities, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Shipping, the Naval and Coast Guard

Authorities, the Dredging Corporation of India Limited, the Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. , The Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. , M/s. Goodearth Maritime Limited, and the Shareholders for the trust they have reposed on us. I would like to place on record our thanks to the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, the Principal Director of Commercial Audit and Ex-Officio Member, the Statutory Auditors, Internal Auditors for their valuable suggestions and co-operation.

I also acknowledge with gratitude the continual assistance and guidance received from the Indian Navy and Coast Guard. Last but not the least, I appreciate the vital role and hard work put in by all the employees of the Company to achieve its goal and the Board of Directors and the Ministry of Defence who have supported and guided the Company for the turnaround. Jai Hind Cmde. Naresh Kumar, VSM, IN (Retd) Chairman & Managing Director 5 NOTICE OF 58th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

Notice is hereby given that the 58th Annual General meeting of the Shareholders of Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. , will be held on Friday, the 24th September, 2010 at 11. 00 A. M. at Shipyard House, A1/314, Safdar jung Enclave, New Delhi110 029 to transact the following business: ORDINARY BUSINESS 1) Adoption of Annual Accounts of the Company for the year 2009-10: To receive, consider and adopt the Balance Sheet as at 31st March,2010 and the Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2010 and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon. ) To fix the remuneration of the Auditors to be appointed by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the Financial Year 2010-11. SPECIAL BUSINESS 3) To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification the following resolution as a Special Resolution: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 17(1) and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 and subject to confirmation by the Company Law

Board, as prescribed in Sub-section (2) of the said section, the Memorandum of Association of the Company be altered so as to change the place of the Company’s Registered Office from its present situation at 209 & 209A, Vikram Tower, 16 Rajendra Place, New Delhi in the State of Delhi to Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. , Gandhigram P. O. , Visakhapatnam-530005, by substituting the words “in the State of Delhi” for the words “in the State of Andhra Pradesh” in Clause 2 of the Memorandum of Association of the Company.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the company secretary, Shri Inaitula Baig be and is hereby authorizeda) to make, on behalf of the company, the petition under Sub-section (2) of Section 17 of the Companies Act, 1956 to the Company Law Board for securing confirmation to the alteration to the Memorandum of Association of the Company so as to change the place of the Registered Office of the Company from the State of Delhi to the State of Andhra Pradesh; to file, along with the petition, his memorandum of appearance before the concerned Bench of the Company Law Board as and when summoned to do so and represent the company in all hearings concerning the petition of the company; and to appoint, on behalf of the company, Company Secretaries in Practice, advocates, lawyers, counsels and other consultants, if and when required, to represent the company and plead on its behalf before the concerned Bench of the Company Law Board and or any other agency in all matters connected with the petition of the company. ” b) c) 4)

To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification the following Resolution as a Special Resolution: 6 “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of the section 31 and other applicable provisions if any of the Companies Act, 1956, the New set of Articles of Association of the Company, a copy of which is placed before the meeting, duly initialled by the Chairman of the Meeting, be and is hereby approved and adopted as the Articles of Association of the Company in supersession and substitution of the existing Articles of Association of the Company. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Secretary of the Company be and is hereby authorized to take all steps for giving effect to the resolution. By order of the Board Sd/(Inaitula Baig) Company Secretary New Delhi Dated the 19th August,2010 NOTES : (a) A member entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a Proxy to attend and vote instead of himself and a proxy need not be a member of the Company. (b) The instrument appointing the Proxy, if any, should, in order to be effective, be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than 48 hours before the time of holding the meeting. (c) The relative Explanatory Statement pursuant to Section 173(2) of the Companies Act,1956, in respect of the Special Resolution set out above is annexed hereto. To All the Shareholders Statutory Auditors Directors Chairman of the Audit Committee. 7

EXPLANATORY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO THE SECTION 173(2) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 ATTACHED TO THE SPECIAL RESOLUTION As required by Section 173 of the Companies Act,1956, the following Explanatory Statement set out all material facts relating to the business mentioned under item Nos. 3 & 4 of the accompanying Notice dated 19th August,2010. 1. Item No. 3 Clause 2 of the Memorandum of Association of the Company provides that the Registered Office of the Company will be situated in the State of Delhi within the jurisdiction of the Registrar of Companies at Delhi. Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL) is a Central Public Sector Undertaking wholly owned by the Government of India (GoI).

Though at present the Registered Office of the Company is situated in the State of Delhi at rented premises, the company’s Administrative and work offices are in Andhra Pradesh and all business activities are based in the State of Andhra Pradesh. If the Registered Office is located in Andhra Pradesh it will be convenient, efficient and also economical to manage the operations of the Company. The shifting of Registered Office to Andhra Pradesh will enable the Company to have better and effective control over the working of its Registered Office. It will also enable better coordination and integration of the Company’s activities, which in turn shall result in more efficient and economical working of the company. HSL Factory & Administrative Office is located at Vishakhapatnam in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

For Administrative convenience and in order to carry on its business more economically, conveniently, efficiently, effectively and advantageously, it is deemed expedient in the overall interest of the company to shift the Registered Office of the Company from the State of Delhi to the State of Andhra Pradesh. The Directors are of the opinion that shifting of Registered Office would ensure better cost and operational control. Therefore the Directors, consider that the Memorandum of Association of the Company would be altered so as to change the place of its Registered Office from its present situation at 209 & 209A, Vikram Tower, 16 Rajendra Place, New Delhi in the State of Delhi to Hindustan Shipyard Limited, Gandhigram P. O. , Visakhapatnam -530 005, in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

After the proposal is approved by the Shareholders, a petition is required to be made, under Section 17(2) of the Companies Act, 1956 to the “Company Law Board” for confirmation of the alteration to the Memorandum of Association of the Company so as to shift the Company’s Registered Office from the State of Delhi to the State of Andhra Pradesh. Therefore, the proposed resolution also seeks Authority to the Company Secretary to make the said petition to the Company Law Board on behalf of the Company. The Board commends the resolution to the members for their consideration and approval. None of the Directors of the Company is interested or concerned in the proposed Resolution. 8 2. Item No. 4 The present Articles of Association of the company were adopted in 1970. The Companies Act and other applicable rules have been amended/changed from time to time.

The Articles of Association of the Company have been amended from time to time to incorporate/delete some of the Articles since their adoption. Your Board of Directors considers that instead of amending the existing articles substantially which would have been a very cumbersome affair, it will be proper and convenient to adopt the New set of Articles of Association in substitution of the existing articles of Association of the Company. Hence a new set of Articles of Association of the Company have been prepared in conformity with the companies Act,1956 and in line with similar corporate entities in Ship building & Shiprepair under administrative control of the Ministry of Defence.

A copy of New set of Articles of Association will be available at the Registered Office of the Company for inspection by any member of the Company on any working day during business hours of the Company. Copies of the proposed Articles of Association will also be available at the Annual General Meeting. Your Directors commend the proposed Resolution for your consideration and adoption of the New set of Articles of Association of the Company to replace the existing Articles of Association of the Company. The Board commends the Resolution to the members for their consideration and approval. None of the Directors of the Company is interested or concerned in the proposed resolution. By order of the Board

Sd/(Inaitula Baig) Company Secretary Place: New Delhi Date: 19th August, 2010 9 DIRECTORS’ REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2009-10 The Shareholders, Hindustan Shipyard Limited. Gentlemen, Your Directors have pleasure in presenting this Fifty Eighth Annual Report on the working of the Company, together with the Audited Accounts and Auditors’ Report for the financial year ended 31st March 2010. The Company achieved the highest ever Income of Rs. 662. 03 Crores in its history. The Ship Repair income of Rs. 266. 04 Crores was also the highest ever. The value of Production for the Financial Year 2009-10 is Rs. 608. 43 Crores as against Rs. 460. 13 Crores in the previous year.

The Profit after tax is Rs. 2. 32 Crores for the year 2009-10 as against the loss of Rs. 140. 01 Crore in previous year. 1. TRANSFER TO MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Considering the strategic location of HSL and requirements of Defence, the President of India transferred the administrative control of Hindustan shipyard Limited from the Ministry of Shipping to the Ministry of Defence with effect from 22nd February,2010 under Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules,1961 vide notification No. 1/22/1/2010-Cab, Dated 22nd February,2010. The Shipyard would now play a major role as a Defence yard and undertake construction of Hi-tech Warships and Submarines. 2.

CAPITAL STURCTURE : The Authorized Equity Share Capital and Paid-up Equity Share Capital of the Company as on 31st March 2010 stood at Rs. 304 Crore and Rs. 301. 99 Crore respectively. 3. THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE COMPANY FOR THE YEAR 2009-10 WAS AS FOLLOWS : All figures in Rupees Crores Description Total Income Profit/(Loss) before Depreciation, interest and income tax Depreciation Interest & Finance charges Profit/(Loss) before tax Provision for Income Tax of earlier years Deferred Tax Asset Net Profit After Income Tax Ship Building 265. 24 (39. 11) 4. 17 13. 89 (57. 17) Ship Repairs 276. 59 99. 68 00. 41 8. 47 90. 80 Retrofit Unallocated 115. 03 0. 47 1. 17 8. 46 (9. 16) 5. 17 (35. 97) 0. 71 21. 59 (58. 27) Total 662. 03 25. 07 6. 46 52. 41 (33. 0) +31. 86 + 4. 26 2. 32 10 The “NIL COMMENT’ Report of the Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex-Officio Member, Audit Board is enclosed vide ANNEXURE-1 to this report. The Financial Restructuring is under active consideration with Government of India. 4. CONTRIBUTION TO CENTRAL EXCHEQUER: Your Company’s contribution is Rs. 52. 91 Crores during the year 2009-10 to the Central Exchequer by way of Income Tax, Service Tax, Customs Duty, Excise Duty and Fringe Benefit Taxes. 5. 5. 1. DIVISION-WISE PERFORMANCE : SHIPBUILDNG The Shipbuilding Division of your Company achieved a Value of Production of Rs. 243. 08 Crore for 2009-10 as against Rs. 258. 9 Crore of the previous year. 5. 1. 1. MAIN EVENTS The following events have been achieved during the year 2009-10 in Shipbuilding Division. Sl. No. 1) Event Delivery Date 27. 04. 2009 10. 08. 2009 17. 08. 2009 Description of Vessel Owner Oil recovery and pollution Visakhapatnam Port Trust control vessel Fourth 30,000 DWT Bulker 32-Ton Bollard Pull Tug Launching of First IPV Floating of First 53,000 DWT Bulker Launching of Second IPV Second 53,000 DWT Bulker Fourth Inshore Patrol Vessel (IPV) Fifth Inshore Patrol Vessel (IPV) Third 53,000 DWT Bulker Goodearth Maritime Ltd. (GML), Chennai New Mangalore Port Trust Coast Guard GML, Chennai Coast Guard.

GML, Chennai Coast Guard Coast Guard GML, Chennai 2) Floating / Launching 28. 05. 2009 18. 06. 2009 04. 11. 2009 3) Keel Laying 24. 06. 2009 29. 09. 2009 29. 09. 2009 31. 03. 2010 11 5. 1. 2. MOU GRADING / RATING MoU grading / rating for the year 2009-10 as per self evaluation is “Very good”. 5. 1. 3. Order Book position as on 31st July,2010 The first of the Six Nos. 53,000 DWT Diamond series Bulk Carrier i. e. , “M. V. Good Pride” the biggest Bulk Carrier built by HSL was delivered to its owner M/S Goodearth Maritime Limited on 12. 4. 2010 in the august presence of Shri. M. M. Pallam Raju, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Defence and Smt. D.

Purandeswari, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for HRD. HSL is having the orders for construction of 12 ships and the value of orders is Rs. 894. 84 Cr as on 31st July,2010. These ships are under various stages of construction. The First biggest 53,000 DWT vessel delivered to owners The detail of the order book is as follows : Sl. No. 1 2 3 Yard No. 11137 to 11141 11154 to 11158 11160 & 11161 Type of the Vessel Owner Value (Rs. in Cr. ) 583. 68 231. 19 79. 97 894. 84 5 Nos. 53,000 DWT Diamond series M/s. Good Earth Maritime Ltd, Bulk Carriers Chennai 5 Nos. Inshore Patrol Vessels Indian Coast Guard 2 Nos. 50-Ton Bollard Pull Tug Total Visakhapatnam Port Trust 5. 1. 4.

Production / Physical Performance The Shipbuilding production in DWT and Capacity Utilisation achieved during the year 2009-10 has been compared with the previous year and is as under: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 12 Description Installed capacity as reckoned (at 3. 5 Standard Pioneer Ships per annum) Production Target (B. E) Actual Production achieved Capacity Utilisation Productivity achieved Unit DWT DWT DWT Percentage M. hrs/DWT 2009-10 75,250 89,261 67,572 89. 80% 27. 20 2008-09 75,250 93,535 63,772 85% 42. 0 5. 2 SHIP REPAIRS The Ship Repairs Division of your Company achieved a Value of Production of Rs. 266. 04 Crore for 2009-10 as against Rs. 144. 3 Crore of the previous year. Ship repair Division has undertaken repairs on 29 Vessels (including 17 Foreign Flag Vessels) of various types belonging to Indian Navy, DCI, SCI, ONGC, VPT etc. EVENTS ACHIEVED DURING THE YEAR 2009-10 1) 2) ONGC’s Jack Up Rig “SAGAR RATNA” {order worth Rs. 450 Crores (approx)} berthed at HSL Wet Basin on 17th August’09 and the repairs are under various stages of completion. ONGC’s Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit ‘SAGAR VIJAY’ repairs were completed successfully as per schedule. Ship repair work orders worth around Rs. 423. 55 Crores are on hand and the target for the next year is to achieve Rs. 275 Crores Turnover in Shiprepairs. 5. RETROFIT DIVISION The Value of Production on account of Submarine Repairs was Rs. 99. 31 crore for 2009-10 as against Rs. 57. 52 crore of the previous year. 6. FUTURE OUTLOOK : The present orders are likely to be completed by early 2012 and we are expecting high value orders from Indian Navy in the near future. New business plan to construct Warships & Submarines are being finalized 13 by MoD along with modernization of the shipyard. Your Company is going to receive orders for three numbers 50 Ton BP Tugs, three numbers 25 Ton BP Tugs and Six numbers 10 Ton BP Tugs, Two numbers 500 Ton Self Propelled Water Barges and One Diving Support Vessel from Indian Navy.

The Company plans to concentrate on the core business of construction of Warships and Submarines. The surplus capacity, if any, available, may be utilized for Commercial Vessels. 7. MODERNISATION : The yard needs immediate upgradation to increase its production capacity in order to cater for the Defence requirements. The yard infrastructure also needs to be upgraded for construction of Submarines. The modernization programme is being taken up on high priority. 8. DRAWING & DESIGN OFFICE CAD/CAM centre has developed completely in-house design for Tugs, water barges and Offshore Patrol Vessels by using TRIBON M3 Software. The Design Office capability & capacity is planned to be augmented to cater for design of Warships and Submarines 9.

QUALITY ASSURANCE The 1st Surveillance Audit & 2nd Surveillance Audit were satisfactorily carried on 22nd to 24th April,2009 & 16th to 18th December,2009 respectively by LRQA, Mumbai. The Quality Management System of ISO 9001:2000 Standard is being maintained through periodical Internal Audits by Quality Internal Auditors throughout the year 2009-10. 10. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Your Company has successfully implemented the following tasks under IT during the year: Extension of LAN facility in Dry-dock and Ship Repair Division, Administrative Building and Design Office for effective communication. Increased usage of intranet for quick intra Departmental Communication.

On-site provisional work order system was introduced in Ship Repair Division to facilitate release of provisional work orders. 11. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Your Company continues to be environment friendly, and has fulfilled all the statutory requirements of Central & State Pollution Control Boards. The Company is committed to meet all the stipulated standards for maintaining and protecting the environment. 12. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The Industrial Relations situation in the Company during the year was cordial and harmonious. HS Staff and Workers Union elections were held on 14. 11. 09. Management has accorded recognition to the union for a period of 3 years.

In order to motivate employees, HSL has implemented new Promotion policy for both Staff and Workmen to streamline promotions. The Wage Revision for Staff & Workmen is due from 1. 1. 2009. The Management has constituted a Wage Negotiation Committee and the negotiations have been completed. The MoU is being processed further for the Board and Government sanction. 13. WELFARE ACTIVITIES Your Company’s concern for the welfare of the employees continues to be paramount and various welfare 14 measures have been implemented. The Hindustan Shipyard Recreation (HSR) Club assisted by the Company looks after the recreational facilities for the employees. Company provided Creche facility for the children of lady employees.

HSR club conducted 63rd Independence Day and 61st Republic Day celebrations on 15th August, 2009 and 26th January, 2010 respectively at Colony Parade Ground. Cmde Naresh Kumar, C & MD hoisted the National Flag on both these occasions and Cultural Programmes were arranged by HSR Club. One additional increment was given to the employees’ who underwent family planning operation. Free medical check up camp was organized for the School children. 14. SAFETY, SECURITY & PRODUCTIVITY The Safety of the workers/employees is accorded utmost importance. Safety gears are provided to all eligible employees every year and the use of the same on the job is also monitored. With a view to educate the employees on Safety, 39th National Safety Day was observed on 4th March, 2010.

To propagate and imbibe the message of “Safety Promotion”, an exhibition on safety was held during Safety Week. The employees also took a “Safety Pledge’ during Safety Week and a safety book has been compiled for ready reference. Productivity Day was observed on 12th February 2010, and the period 12th to 18th February 2010 was observed as National Productivity Week. “Prosperity through Productivity” was adopted as main theme for the year 2010 during the Productivity Week. National Fire Services Week 2009 was observed from 14th April 2009 and fire safety drills were held in the yard. 15. TRAINING Training was imparted to large number of ITI Trade Apprentices in the designated trades.

During the year 2009-10, 314 Trade Apprentices have successfully completed the training and were awarded National Apprenticeship Certificates by Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour and Employment, NCVT, RDAT, Hyderabad. Training was also imparted to Graduate Engineers and Diploma Holders. 26 Engineering Graduates, 8 Technician (Diploma) Apprentices were imparted training under the Apprentices Act and awarded Certificate of Proficiency by Govt. of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Board of Apprenticeship Training (SR), Chennai, during the year 2009-10. HSL also arranged in-plant training and extended project work facilities to 1075 students of various Engineering Colleges, Management Institutions and Marine Institutions. 16.

GENDER BUDGETING In pursuance of the instructions of the Government of India, a “Gender Budgeting Cell” has been constituted with four Women Officers to act as a Nodal Agency for all gender responsive budgeting initiatives and to ensure effective implementation of general development programme for women employees like training, advancement of skills, provision of welfare amenities at work place etc. , 17. MEDICAL BENEFITS HSL runs two Dispensaries i. e. , one in the yard which works from 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. and the other at residential area of colony which works round the clock to cater the needs of employees and their dependents. Medical facilities are extended for outpatient treatment by a system of panel doctors for employees of HSL.

Under referral system there are six referral hospitals from where all employees get in-patient treatment and the HSL pays the medical bills directly to the hospitals for the services rendered as per the rate contract entered with them. Majority of the employees including their families are covered under the Medical Reimbursement 15 Scheme for hospitalization and claims amounting to Rs. 3. 83 Crores was disbursed for treatment of employees and their family members during the year 2009-10. Two Ambulances are available at Yard Dispensary round the clock for patients use. Annual Eye Check up by ophthalmologist from Government Hospital for crane operators and drivers was also arranged. 18. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY HSL believes that the activities under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are not philanthropic acts but a humble service to the society.

With a positive commitment to strengthen the fabric of society for improving the quality of life of the workforce, their families and community at large, your Company has undertaken various voluntary steps to enrich social development. The Company’s CSR vision forms an integral part of the business function and covers community development initiatives prioritized on local needs: Gandhigram Educational Society (GES): The educational services are available to children of HSL staff as well as local public in all the six educational institutes which are managed by GES, body constituted by HSL. HSL waived past dues of electricity and water charges of all educational institutions in the HSL Township amounting to Rs. ,36,738/- and provided free electricity & water to all educational Institutions being operated in the HSL Township by Gandhigram Educational Society. Health & Family Welfare: The existing Colony Dispensary is primarily to cater the need of colony residents. However first-aid and medical assistance is given to outsiders in case of emergency when required. Imparting Vocational Training & Setting up of Skill Development Centers: HSL is providing vocational training under the Apprentices Trade Act and Graduate Trainees Scheme of GOI which are both of a statutory nature. 19. RESERVATION OF POSTS FOR SCs/STs/OBCs Your Company has complied with the Govt. irectives with regard to reservation of posts for SCs/STs/OBCs. Detailed statistics regarding particulars of recruitment made during the calender year 2009 and the members filled by members of SCs/STs, the representation of SC/ST and ex-serviceman and women employes as on 1-1-2010 are given at ANNEXURE ‘2’,’3′,’4′ respectively. 20. RESERVATION OF PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED As per Government of India ins

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Hindustan Shipyard Apprenticeship. (2019, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-essay-hindustan-shipyard-annual-report-2010-2/

Hindustan Shipyard Apprenticeship
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