Inappropriate Statement About TNT in Vietnam

Topics: Communication

TNT should be placed all over Vietnam so this bitchy would disappear from the map. That’s all It deserves after taking away my freaking best friend. I did see plenty of people die In Vietnam, but this was bucking unbelievable, partly because he was my bucking best friend and partly because of the way It happened. Just Like we used to, Curt and I went to play catch with a smoke grenade, which was certainly the greatest name ever thought, under some huge trees; the biggest Eve ever seen of my life.

Essay Example on Curt Lemon

We were having a great time. In fact, everyone always had a great time with Curt; he was such a nice guy, a respectable guy. However, this bitchy of Name decided It was enough. As Curt moved away from the shade of the gigantic trees, he stepped on this bucking booby-trap. It was definitely no usual booby-trap. His freaking body was lifted so high that you couldn’t even look at it because of the dazzlingly bright sun.

I was under the impression I was watching a firework. It was bucking surreal.

Curt Lemon, my freaking best friend in the world had died and I could not believe it. The explosion was so powerful that I felt my heart responding to it. It felt just like when a firework ends; the biggest piece of the show explodes and the explosion is so important that sometimes you get scared and you close your eyes for a second, even if you know it’s a show.

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But, afterwards, when you open your eyes you can appreciate all the beauty of it. Name made several awesome shows of that kind, but this one was no bucking good show.

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Inappropriate Statement About TNT in Vietnam. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from

Inappropriate Statement About TNT in Vietnam
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