Hormone promotes root growth in cuttings

Topics: Plants

The hormone again is applied to where the cut was made, and promotes adventitious root growth. If your cutting has adventitious root growth and a merriest it shall form into an entire new plant. 2. After taking our cutting we proceeded to remove leaves from it. We do this in order to fully maximize the plants growing potential. If leaves are not removed from the cutting the plant will be using more energy and water to supply those leaves. It is best to remove leaves so that the new root growth will receive supplementary water and nutrients.

. After observing our Coleus cuttings for the past 3 months it is apparent that significant growth occurred. The stem height along with the number of leaves on he main stem axis increased drastically, it was quite easy to observe the growth of our Coleus. Our seedlings on the other hand grew slower than our cutting. The stem height definitely increased in our seedlings but at a slow pace.

4. Planting a cutting is a way of asexually propagating a plant.

Cuttings are genetically identical to the mother plant, therefore it is a new plant but it doe not have any different genetics than the mother plant. 5. Asexual propagation is beneficial in many ways such as the plant will reach maturity faster, and that you can have a genetically identical plant to the mother plant. The drawbacks of asexual propagation include lack of genetic diversity, and susceptibility to epidemics. In lab observed how genetically identical my coleus cutting was to its mother this is because it was asexually propagated.

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Sexual propagation on the other hand is the propagation of plants through seeds. Sexual propagated plants are not identical and this was observed through the differences of the coleus seedling’s. Sexual propagation is beneficial because it creates more diversity within the plant, so the plant becomes less susceptible to epidemics. The disadvantage of sexually propagating is the time it takes, and reprobating by seed is less successful. 6. The thresholds we set for observing our coleus were beneficial to us.


The thresholds allowed us to get a proper count of leaves or branches every time we made observations. 7. Leaves are formed through the steps of stem, leaf, then bud. Leaves are allowed to grow bigger due to cell expansion occurring, but the reason they do not grow continuously is that they have no merriest so cell division does not occur. Once a leaf is knocked off it does not grow back due the fact that no cells are dividing. 8. See graph 9.

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Hormone promotes root growth in cuttings. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-colleus-lab-report/

Hormone promotes root growth in cuttings
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