The Truman Show Transcript

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In the film “The Truman Show. ” one epistemic job that is being tackled is the job of how adult male is able to go cognizant of things that he one time had no thought approximately. Do we acquire to cognize things or do we get cognition because of our mere experiences of things or does it affect something more than that? In order to hold a better appreciation of the inquiry at manus.

John Locke’s intervention of human cognition and experience can supply us with a model to get down with.

John Locke’s construct of thetabula rasaTells us that in the beginning we do non basically have any thoughts and cognition. It is through experience that we are able to get thoughts and. hence. cognition of the universe we live in. As Locke will state us.

the head is ab initio presumed to be like that of a white paper. nothingness of all features and without any thoughts. Possibly one manner to construe Locke’s premise is that it is through our interaction with the universe and with others that we begin to derive cognition piece by piece from the clip that we gain consciousness from childhood.

Truman Show Transcript

The film “The Truman Show” is one which portrays the life of a adult male who appears to hold been populating in an unreal universe all along—a telecasting show.

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That is. everything around him is set-up. which includes the decease of his male parent up to the clip when he becomes an grownup. All of his day-to-day experience has been predetermined and that every other person in that unreal society knows that Truman Burbank. the chief character in the film. is populating in an unreal universe.

Throughout the class of his life. Truman acquires knowledge through his day-to-day interactions with those around him. Apparently. these many things which surround him are basically imitations or shut to being an exact transcript of the things in the existent universe. Since Truman’s universe is a universe of artificiality. one may reason that the cognition that he is able to get is cognition which is unreal or an imitation of the existent cognition in the existent universe. In general. it can be pointed out that the cognition of Truman is unreal and. hence. non existent exactly because the universe where he lives and the universe which he acquires his cognition from is non the existent universe but one which has been specifically constructed for the intent of a telecasting show.

With respect to the instance of Truman. Locke will most probably state us that even though Truman’s universe is unnaturally constructed. Truman is however able to get cognition which he makes usage in his day-to-day covering with other people around him. But more to being able to get cognition. it can be said that the cognition that Truman is able to get is unreal.

Populating in an unreal universe set-up for the primary intent of making a telecasting show which is supposed to run throughout one’s life-time. it is inevitable that what one knows are things which are entirely based on what one has experienced in that unreal universe. Indeed. it will be unlogical to state that Truman’s cognition is that of the existent universe merely because Truman hasn’t had any contact with the existent universe outside of his unreal society which might hold given him existent and true cognition. As Truman becomes more and more acquainted with the unreal universe he lives in. it is most likely the instance that his consciousness will reflect what he has been able to see in his universe.

Furthermore. Locke’s presupposition of the head as ab initio devoid of any substance or of any thoughts and that our heads would finally hold to get thoughts through experience and interaction with the universe explains the instance of Truman turning up in an unreal universe.

Since Truman was born and grew up in the conjectural universe of Seahaven. Locke would presuppose that the cognition of Truman as he grows would be purely confined or limited to the cognition that is available in that universe. Hence. it would instead be rather impossible for Truman to get at any other cognition other than the unreal 1s in his unreal universe. The ‘blank’ head of Truman from his birth has been seemingly filled and etched with unreal cognition along his life-time in that conjectural kingdom.

One interesting point. nevertheless. is the thought that even though for the people outside Seahaven. they may handle Truman’s cognition as unreal piece. on the other manus. the Truman may handle his cognition as existent cognition because he is incognizant of the external universe that watches his every move. The footing for stating that Truman’s cognition is unreal or is non existent is that there is an external universe which knows for a fact that Truman is populating in an unreal society filled with people holding unreal societal connexions and relationships. For the portion of Truman. he may really good hold no such thought and that all he may be cognizant of is that the manner in which he understands his environing environment is every bit existent as it can be.

John Locke may really good reason that. so. the lone manner for Truman to get cognition. whether unreal or existent. is through his experiences. If Truman gets to see unreal things around him. so it must be the instance that he gets to hold unreal cognition utilizing the external universe as the footing for the world of cognition. Locke’s thought that the head is able to get thoughts through experience has with it a certain signifier of disadvantage. That is. if one is acute to sing unreal things in an unreal universe. the greatest danger is that one will be holding unreal cognition. Therefore. to populate in an unreal universe and to see the things in it is to obtain unreal cognition. In the existent universe. the same besides holds true and that experience is important to the formation of human cognition.


Schwoerer. L. G. ( 1990 ) . Locke. Lockean Ideas. and the Glorious Revolution.Journal of the History of Ideas. 51( 4 ) . 531-548.

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