Contingency Arrangements For School Trips

Explain the contingency arrangements appropriate to the issues that may arise when children and young people are on journeys, visits and activities outside of the setting. When planning on taking children or young people out of the school premises on a trip or outing, no matter the size of the group the sheer importance of doing a iris assessment in inevitable, this can identify if a trip should go ahead or not give n the dangers surrounding the trip.

By doing this you can look into the trip in depth ND if there are to be any accidents on the trip what can you put in place to either p reverent them from happening, or how to deal with such an incident if it was to happen In my setting once a risk assessment has been completed and we Jackson edge the risks we set in place procedures for what to do if they occur.

These would be t hints like: If an accident was to occur we must always have a first aid kit, and a trained first eider with us at all times whether it be on the transport or out in the open, so that the hill can be treated and checked over to make sure it is safe for that child to c array on with the rest of the outing, if it was a major accident making sure first and for memos we make arrangements for that child to be sent to a hospital, with the consent of their parent/ guardian, we must also have an emergency contact number for them to let the me know what is happening with their child.

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Essay School Trip

Missing Person(s) It is crucial that after every large movement made within the group that all children are head counted to make sure there is the correct am mount of pupils at all times. In my setting if the whole group is to be sectioned into seep a rate groups with no less than 2 supervising then all staff must carry some form of communication linked up to all other staff to report back if a member from a different group is to go missing, so that the supervisors of the other groups as well as t he pupils can be on a look out.

These phones or walked talkies are to be set up to the pop lice encase such an incident is to happen. Because the students I work with are m such older, most of them will have a mobile phone themselves so before the group set of or the trip they must fill in a sheet giving their name, age, mobile phone number and alas buddies phone number and are advised to keep as much battery life to them as possible for emergencies.

Late departure or arrivals Not all trips and outings can run as smoothly as we would like, that’s why we have to make sure that if we are aware that there may be c hanged to departure or arrival times that we let the children know so that they can let the Eire parents know if they are being picked up from the allocated departure stop. Also with all types of rainspout we advise our students to turn up between an hour to half an hour before so that they do not miss the transport, because young people read “approve leave Eng time 09:AMA and turn up at that time on the dot’.

We need the pupils to be there in good time and prepared so that we can actually set of at the requested time. Some things can not be predicted or prevented like bad traffic or accidents on the road, so we must supply enough fresh water on the transport for all students so that they can k pep hydrated if extra hours have been added onto the length of the journey.

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Contingency Arrangements For School Trips
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