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ngoba uThoko noSifiso bethandana futhi bazophikelela ukushadana
because Thoko and Sifiso love each other and will persist to marry each other
ngoba uMshengu noMaNdlela abafuni uThoko ukushada uSifiso ngoba uyinkawu
because Mshengu and MaNdlela don’t want Thoko to marry Sifiso because he is an albino
UMshengu ufuna uThoko ukukhokhela imali uwufundise ngayo
Mshengu wants Thoko to pay him back the money for her education
Ubaba kaThoko
Thoko’s father (1)
Uyise kaThoko
Thoko’s father (2)
Umgunyeni noMaNdlela
MaNdlela’s husband (1)
Ushade noMaNdlela
MaNdlela’s husband (2)
UMshengu akafuni uThoko ukushada
Mshengu does not want Thoko to marry
UMshengu ufuna uThoko ukukhokhela imali uwufundise ngayo
Mshengu wants Thoko to pay back the money she owes him
UMshengu akathandi uSifiso ngoba uyinkawu
Mshengu doesn’t like Sifiso because he is an albino
Isigcino ngesami
It ends with me (1)
UMshengu uthi “isigcino ngesami” enkundleni yokubili
Mshengu says “it ends with me” in Act 2 Scene 3
Kuyogcina mina
It ends with me (2)
Abakhongi bathi “kuyogcino mina” enkundleni yokuhlanu
The Uncles say “kuyogcina mina” in Act 2 Scene 5
UMshengu ufuna uThoko ukuthola umsebenzi ukuba uphoyisa emva uqeda enyunivesi
Mshengu wants Thoko to get a job as a policewoman after she completes university
Akafuni uThoko ukushada uSifiso ngoba akazukhokhela imali
Doesn’t want Thoko to marry Sifiso because she will not pay the money
futhi uSifiso uyinkawu bese ucabanga ukuthi abazukulu bakhe basobheka ngani
because Sifiso is an albino and then his grandchildren will look like him
UMshengu unenkani
Mshengu is headstrong
Ukhulume noMshengu ngoba uThoko ufune ukutshela UMshengu ukuthi uSifiso ufuna ukushada yena
Speaks to Mshengu because Thoko wanted to tell Mshengu that Sifiso wanted to marry her
Ubonile uSifiso phambili kukaMshengu bese ubonile uSifiso uyisishawa
She saw Sifiso before Mshengu and then saw he was an albino
Manje akafuni uThoko ukushada uSifiso
Now she doesn’t want Thoko to marry Sifiso
Indodakazi kaMshengu noMaNdlela
Mshengu and MaNdlela’s daughter
Intombi kaSifiso
Sifiso’s girlfriend
Ufunda enyuvesi
She is studying in university
Ufuna ukushada isoka lakhe, uSifiso
She wants to marry her boyfriend, Sifiso
UThoko unenkani
Thoko is headstrong
Isoka kaThoko
Thoko’s boyfriend
Ufuna ukuyovela ekhaya kaThoko ngoba ufuna ukushada uThoko
He wants to come to Thoko’s house because he wants to marry Thoko
In order to appear at home
Ufuna ukushada uThoko ngokushesha
He wants to marry Thoko quickly
ngoba udinga yena ukusiza umama wakhe
because he needs her to help his mother
ngoba uyagula futhi akafuni abantu ukucabanga ukuthi ushade nentanga kamama
because she is sick and people would think he married some as old as his mother
She is as old as
Ngoba iminyaka kaThoko iyahamba
Because the years of Thoko are going
Umngane kaThoko
Thoko’s friend
Uyazama ukududuza uThoko ukuthi abazali bakhe bazothanda uSifiso
He tries to comfort Thoko that her parents will like Sifiso
Umfowabo kaMshengu
Mshengu’s brother
Ubaba omncane kaThoko
Thoko’s uncle
Ufuna ukusiza uThoko nenkinga unayo noMshengu ngoba uThoko udinga ukushada manje ngoba ugugile
He wants to help Thoko with her problems with Mshengu because Thoko needs to marry now because she is old
Asiyazi isikhathi kodwa ngicabanga ukuthi isikathi esidlulile
We don’t know the time but I think that it happened in the past
ngoba UMshengu ufuna uThoko ukuba uphoyisa
because Mshengu wants Thoko to be a policewoman
Asihloniphi amaphoyisa manje
We don’t respecr the police today
We don’t respect
We don’t know them
Umoya wakho uphansi
You aren’t well
Bantu abamhlophe
Albino (3)
UThoko uxoxa nomngane wakhe uJabu
Thoko is talking to her friend Jabu
UMshengu uhleli noMaNdlela bayaxoxa emva kokuphuza itiye
Mshengu sits with MaNdlela and talk and then they drink tea
UThoko noMaNdlela bahlangana egcekeni, sebeyaxoxa
Thoko and MaNdlela assemble the in yard to talk
UThoko noSifiso bahlezi phansi kwesihlanhla, bayaxoxa
Thoko and Sifiso sit down by a bush to talk
UMshengu uthembisa uzogwaza abakhongi kaSifiso nemkhonto uma baphikelela
Mshengu promises to stab Sifiso’s uncles with a spear if they persist
UNampu uxoxela UMshengu ukuthi uzobampofu ngoba akazumkeli imali e-lobola
Nqampu tells Mshengu that he will be poor because he will not get lobola money
bese uxwayisa UMshengu ukuthi uzizothoba yena
and then warns Mshengu that he will humiliate himself
UJabu uxoxela uThoko ukuthatha izingubo zakhe futhi ufanele uhlala kanye neMahlase
Jabu tells Thoko to take her clothes and to live with the Mahlases
UMaNdlela akaboni ungumyeni yakhe ngoba uzobanodlame
MaNdlela doesn’t recognise her husband because he has become violent
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