Ocean Exlploration

Topics: Ocean

“The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet. It’s hard to imagine, but about 97 percent of the Earth’s water can be found in our oceans” (“How much water is in the ocean”). Of the 70 percent of ocean only 5 percent has been explored, leaving 65 percent of the earths surface awaiting discovery. With saying this, the majority of the ocean that has been explored is close to shore. Ocean exploration helps to guarantee that the oceans resources are maintained and managed well.

Also it assists with the understanding of environmental change making ocean exploration fundamental to both the mental and physical growth of humans.

The ocean can be seen as one of the earths most crucial natural resources. “It provides food in the form of fish and shellfish-about 200 billion pounds are caught each year. It’s used for transportation-both travel and shipping. It provides a treasured source of recreation for humans” (“Ocean Resources”). Without ocean exploration none of this would be possible.

Minerals including salt, gravel, sand, copper, manganese, nickel, iron and cobalt are provided within the ocean. The acquiring of these minerals can relate to the impacts of The Gold Rush in the sense that it helped shape the mining industry spurring economic growth. Many of the resources provided aid in the discovery of new medicinal products resulting from the studying of the marine environment. “The ocean is one of the most promising sources of new drugs with over 20,000 biochemical compounds having been isolated from marine organisms since the 1980s.

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Substances derived from marine organisms are being tested for a variety of purposes including asthma, cancer, bacterial infections, viral infections and pain management” (“Oceans and human health”). Not only does the ocean provide us with pharmaceuticals, by exploring it, it also teaches us how to reduce the risk of human illness. A common occurrence are harmful algae blooms. They can result in the contamination of seafood and producing toxins. Ocean exploration and observation allows scientists to monitor the oceans and close down beaches if necessary. In saying this, the oceans offers a plethora of useful resources that contribute to human existence.

Ocean exploration reveals aspects of environmental change through technologies such as remote sensing and ocean mapping. “Remotely sensed satellite data and modeling techniques enable the global mapping of seasonal changes in ocean surface topography, currents, waves, winds, phytoplankton content, sea-ice extent, rainfall, sunlight reaching the sea, and sea surface temperatures” (“Oceanography”). By studying these recurring events it helps to forecast floods and droughts which can have drastic effects on the human population. For example, the 1887 Yellow River flood killed approximately 900,000 people. The new technologies we have today work towards preventing catastrophic casualties which are caused by events such as floods. Satellite images produce information on sea level changes which can lead to the erosion of shorelines and the destruction of ecosystems. By monitoring all of these environmental changes it helps us maintain safe ocean levels and monitor global effects.

Although, others may argue ocean exploration is a waste of money and resources, as well as harms the environment. For example, oil shipping has an extreme impact on the environment. The spilling of oil and chemicals into the oceans harms the natural environment. Not only does the shipment of oil hurt the environment so can mining. “Mining the ocean can be devastating to the natural ecosystems. Dredging of any kind pulls up the ocean floor resulting in widespread destruction of marine animals habitats, as well as wiping out vast numbers of fishes and invertebrates” (“Ocean resources”). This causes clouds of sediment smothering the marine life and introducing them to harmful metals. This may also become more prevalent due to minerals found on land being exploited increasing in the amount of mining in the ocean. The natural resources provided are beneficial in many aspects of life however, the means we use to obtain them can be threatening to the environment. The rate at which we are acquiring these resources is much faster and prevalent than the ocean can replace them. These impacts can be avoided by close monitoring and mining regulations.

In conclusion, ocean exploration supply’s us with crucial information on how to control environmental changes and impacts. New technologies allow us to understand these effects and how they occur as well as how to prevent them. The ocean produces a great deal of resources which contribute to medicinal discoveries. The process of how these resources are obtained should be closely monitored ensuring safe methods on extraction that will not harm the environment. By being ecologically responsible, and maintaining the oceans habitats during ocean explorations will secure the benefits for generations to come and be fundamental to both the physical and mental health of humans.

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Ocean Exlploration. (2022, Jan 24). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/ocean-exlploration/

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