Nikola Tesla Great Physicist

Nikola Tesla was a famous physicist who was born at around midnight in the middle of a lightning storm, maybe that sparked him to do what he ended up doing. Believe it or not he also had a very bad obsessive personality, maybe this was one of the contributing factors to him being such a great physicist because he would just obsess over problems and ideas and theories until he finally figured them out and I would have to imagine that even then, he wouldn’t stop and that he would just keep going until he knew as much as possible about everything he wanted to learn about.

Believe it or not he was also an obsessive germaphobe and this caused him to always wear white gloves to dinner, and he would always wash every part of his home and everything he owned with a bunch of rags every night.

Also being the genius that he is he can be partially credited for being one of if not the first person to come up with the idea of having wireless phones and internet.

In his lab you can see the ideas for a wireless method of communicating information and that can be considered one of the things that sparked the whole idea of the wireless phone. Throughout his life, and especially towards the end, Tesla lived in a long line of Manhattan hotels. At the height of his career he lived in the Waldorf Astoria, which is part of the reason he had so many famous friends, including conservationist John Muir and bankers Henry Clay Frick and Thomas Fortune Ryan.

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However, Tesla was focused more on humanity and his experiments than money, so he was never rich and died quite poor, despite his famous friends. Tesla’s experiments can be seen in numerous aspects of modern technology and everyday life, including fluorescent lighting, x-ray machines, radio, television, cell phones, and more. The words spoken by a presenter in 1917 when Tesla received the Edison Medal are still true to this day: “Suffice it to say that, were we to seize and to eliminate from our industrial world the results of Mr. Tesla’s work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, our towns would be dark, our mills would be dead and idle. Yea, so far reaching is this work, that it has become the warp and woof of industry.”

Tesla moved his operations near Colorado Springs in 1899 in order to take advantage of the great amount of space available for experimentation and the free supply of AC power he had been offered there by the El Paso Power Company—and because he believed the thin atmosphere might be conducive to his goal of wireless power transmission. Experiments in a lab with an 80-foot tower, 142-foot metal mast, and enormous Tesla coil formed massive bolts of artificial lightning that supposedly created thunder and errant sparks 15 miles away, surprising people and frightening horses, and surrounding butterflies with halos of St. Elmo’s fire. The bolts also blew out dynamos at a local power company and caused a blackout.

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Nikola Tesla Great Physicist. (2022, Apr 26). Retrieved from

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