Nadia Murad. Joint Efforts to End the Use of Sexual Violence

Nadia Murad is a survivor, to simply put it. She is also a 2018 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, alongside Denis Mukwege, in their “joint effort in ending the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and arm conflict”. At the tender age of 19, Nadia, an Iraqi Yazidi woman, was ripped from her home during an ISIS invasion. The small village of Kojo was physically and emotionally destroyed by members of the Islamic State in Iraq. Thousands of Yazidi women, including Nadia, were taken prisoners, in the worse possible way.

These women were used as sex slaves for the most part, but they endured horrific beatings, burning, and rapes. For Nadia, her ordeal only lasted 3 months, until she was finally able to escape after being taken in by a family, who were able to smuggle her out of the ISIS-controlled city of Mosul.

Although, Nadia’s story is told from an international. Her activism is focused on ending a modern-day problem, which is still rampant, sex trafficking.

The problem that is present in modern-day society, not just internationally, but at home in the United States. ( ). When I suggested the topic for my term paper be Nadia Murad, I was quite sure how I could relate her story to our constitutional rights as Americans. I certainly knew her story was valid and important to know about, but the connection was there for me. Until Professor Dawn Donohue discussed the 13th Amendment. Which states as follows, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction” (U.

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S. Const. amend. XIII). When it was explained in detail, that’s when the two topics clicked, now in the U.S. modern-day, slavery does exist.

It can be difficult to grasp the realization, that although slavery was abolished in 1865 because of the 13th Amendment, slavery is still alive in the U.S. Modern-day slavery comes into two major forms human and labor trafficking. Human trafficking is defined as a “form of modern slavery that occurs when one person exerts control over another person to exploit them sexually. The victim is controlled through manipulation, violence, or a threat of violence and cannot walk away” (Allies Against Slavery, 2018). Unfortunately, this form of trafficking occurs all around us in the U.S. Young girls between the ages of 12 through 14 are the majority of children that are abducted and/or lured by traffickers (Donohue, 2018). Traffickers are attracted to young girls who have run away from an abusive home, and who are in vulnerable positions in need. The young girls are seduced by the idea of a better life, of someone who will provide for them and give them the fairytale life that all little girls want. Unfortunately, those hopes are short-lived when reality strikes. These girls are branded by their traffickers, drugged up, beaten, raped, and forced into prostitution with little to no way of escape. And these girls are not succumbed to just working on the streets but also on the internet as well. The internet allows the sale and trading to be executed with ease and convenience for the seller and buyer (Donohue, 2018). But what could a powerful country like the U.S. be doing to combat this issue? Well, the U.S. government spends 300 times more money yearly to fight drug trafficking than it does to fight human trafficking (Donohue, 2018).

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Nadia Murad. Joint Efforts to End the Use of Sexual Violence. (2022, Apr 24). Retrieved from

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