My Social Location in History and Society

To begin I would like to define exactly what social location is, according to Heinlein, “Social location is the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society. Social location has to do with a person’s age, race, gender, Job, income, and education. ” (Heinlein 201 5 peg) Our book says, “To find out why people do what they do, we look at social location” (Heinlein, 2015 peg). And I believe it also tells who we are so, my next words are in fact who I am.

First, I am a mother and a wife, a woman. As of right now I am what society sees as the norm for a mother and wife role. My Husband goes to work and I stay home and take care of our two small children. I cook, clean, and make sure everything is overall always in order at home. While I feel like this is expected because my husband works, I do still think that if I did too, or only, or if he did not, that I would still typically be expected to maintain the household and the children.

While some can see this as an advantage, there are also ions.

Such as, woman are seen as weaker, and/or easier targets. Also, there are something that are so much easier for men, Like being uneducated and still being able to get and rise statuses within a Job. Next, I am white. I do believe In society It Is easier to be a white woman than any other race.

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It Is more accepted and I am more privileged. Even though I see this as really unfair, races are not treated equally or fairly. Then, I am a Christian. As a woman In church all may know we are far less powerful than the men.

We do Sunday school, BBS, cook, clean, and are a pretty voice In the choir. We do not preach, teach or make any decisions. In church I would be the underdog, or not thought of as highly. I would say we are a middle class family. My husband works hard to make as much money as possible. We do not live a dream life, yet we do not go without. I would say that there are some advantages and disadvantages to being middle class. Advantage being that we have everything that we NEED, and a disadvantage being that we have to work harder and longer for the hinge that we want.

My social location Is a network of different statuses. All of which allow me to feel powerful or not so much, It allows me to speak or stay silent, depending on where I am or who I am with. Hansel says ‘The sociological perspective stresses the social contexts In which people live. It examines how these contexts Influence people’s lives. ” (Hansel 201 5) and In my case Social location establishes who I am. Hansel,J. (2015 peg 3). Sociology: A down-to-earth approach. Core concepts.

Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing social Location By differentiation what they do, we look at social location” (Heinlein, 201 5 peg). And I believe it also tells something that are so much easier for men, like being uneducated and still being able to get and rise statuses within a Job. Next, I am white. I do believe in society it is easier to be a white woman than any other race. It is more accepted and I am more fairly. Then, I am a Christian. As a woman in church all may know we are far less in the choir. We do not preach, teach or make any decisions.

In church I would be the My social location is a network of different statuses. All of which allow me to feel powerful or not so much, it allows me to speak or stay silent, depending on where I am or who I am with. Heinlein says “The sociological perspective stresses the social contexts in which people live. It examines how these contexts influence people’s lives. ” (Heinlein 201 5) and in my case Social location establishes who I am.

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My Social Location in History and Society. (2017, Nov 15). Retrieved from

My Social Location in History and Society
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