The following example essay on “Performance and Motivation” considers the motivation of the company’s personnel as one of the main factors in increasing labor productivity.

Motivation is willingness to perform , it is a force, internal or external that makes a person put in more efforts, do more than the bare minimum, it is a pre-requisite for a high performance. It is the motivation which acts as a driving force compelling a person to work hard and put in all his efforts in order to perform exceptionally, achieve and stand out of the crowd.

Performance and motivation are the two sides of the same coin, they co-exist with each other. Wherefore when a typical manager cares more about performance, he has to pay more attention towards creating and sustaining motivation.

The question under review in simpler words could be stated as, a high performance oriented Manager is more concerned with employees contribution or the outcome (what employee gets), than employees expectation.

Wherefore it wont be wrong to comment that, the above statement seems to establish relationship between firstly, Employees individual efforts, i.e., what he gives to the workplace, secondly, the outcomes, i.e., what he gets from the workplace and lastly, Employee Expectation- the desired outcomes or Personal Goals , i.e., what employees want from the job.

Prima facie, if the phrase what employees want from the job is considered as bare needs of the employees, the process theories may seem to support the statement unlike the content theories which out-rightly disagree the statement for ignorance of employee needs; however, if the phrase is considered in form of Employee Expectation- the desired outcomes or Personal Goals, that may or may not be limited to the employee needs the Process Theory seems to be in consonance with the Content Theory.

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The Expectancy Theory of Motivation studies similar aspects hence, would serve as a best platform to analyse the statement.

The Expectancy Theory is said to be propounded by Victor Vroom but has been developed and refined considerably by the contributions of various scholars over the due course of time. The Expectancy Theory has a wider scope than the content theory that studies the needs of the employees as a source of motivation. The Expectancy Theory, in addition to importance of needs of an individual studies the thought processes of an individual employee, wherein the desirability of outcomes associated with high performance drives an individual to put in more efforts in order to increase his/her performance.

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Performance and Motivation. (2019, Nov 26). Retrieved from

Performance and Motivation
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