Magna - a mobility technology company

Topics: Company

Magna is a mobility technology company—the only automotive supplier with deep systems knowledge and expertise across the entire vehicle. Founded in 1957, Magna is currently employing more than 10,000 employees and presently the headquarters are located in Aurora, Ontario.

With an annual revenue over 10+ billion(USD), Magna aim to be the customers’ preferred global supplier partner for the automotive industry, by delivering the best value built on innovative products and processes and World Class Manufacturing. They strive to be the employer of choice, an ethical and responsible corporate citizen and a superior long-term investment for their shareholders.

Magna is a global leader in automotive design and manufacturing.

Magna is a mobility technology company and one of the world’s largest automotive suppliers with 340 manufacturing operations and 93 product development, engineering and sales centers in 28 countries. Their competitive capabilities include body exteriors and structures, power and vision technologies, seating systems and complete vehicle solutions. Their common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (MG) and the New York Stock Exchange (MGA).

Safety Measures

Workplace safety cannot exist on best practice rules and approaches alone. A safe workplace depends on how well the individuals, in both administration and on the manufacturing floor, adhere to and communicate about safety standards. There were some general safety factors that were required to be followed—

  1. Keeping the correct posture while working—Working for a longer time in the same posture can have some detrimental effect on the health and physique of an individual.
  2. Taking regular breaks—Regular breaks during the work was necessary and this is important to avoid any work related injury and illness.

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  3. Using proper tools and equipment’s—It’s a huge safety risk to not use the relevant tools and equipment’s, tools like safety glasses, gloves and armguards were primarily required, safety boots were also required.
  4. Reporting any unsafe conditions to managers—We were told to say “NO” if we feel uncomfortable performing any task, and any condition which can led to an unsafe environment was required to be reported to any available manager ASAP.
  5. Staying sober—Alcohol consumption in the workplace was strictly banned and any person intoxicated to alcohol OR any drug was not allowed to work

Job Duties

Being a worker in an Automotive industry, there were some general duties that were required to be accomplished and performed:

  1. Assess vehicle engine and mechanical parts to isolate issues accurately.
  2. Assess vehicle computer and electronic systems to repair, maintain and upgrade.
  3. Conduct routine support work aiming to vehicle usefulness and life span.
  4. Repair or replace the broken parts and fix issues.
  5. Maintaining the tools in good condition.
  6. Maintaining all logs and job related paperwork.

Learning Objectives

  • Time management

Managing your time is often the key to your shop’s success, and to maintaining a work-life balance. Effectively managing your time means a boost in productivity which means an increase to your profit margins. It means less stress so you can better take on what each day brings with focus and clarity. With this job, you can easily learn time management, we just had to work fast to the machine speed so the production can be completed on time and to the company goal.

  • Punctual

Morale in the workplace is higher when everyone is punctual. When someone is chronically late, the natural flow of work is disrupted as other team members adjust to cover for the delay. Employees who are waiting for a change of shift might become agitated and impatient knowing their replacement is always late. With this job, another skill I learnt successfully was punctuality, waking up early in the morning is a pain but this pain can help you gain success and satisfaction.

  • Multitasking

Multitasking is defined as performing more than one duty or function at the same time. People who are able to multitask have the ability to perform several tasks nearly simultaneously. I use to work on more then one machine at a time and also maintaining the production on time

Job Experience and Review

Working in an automotive department can help you achieve great skills and these skills can be useful and beneficial moving forward in your life, experience matters, and the experience I had during my co-op was great:

  1. Working in this department helps you gain good communication skills, it gives a chance to talk to people, get some experience, grab the positives out of that experience from your peer, these skills are not only useful in this particular field, but in every field of your life, a person lacking good communication skills will face some issues and problems that are certainly avoidable.
  2. Working in this job, we were required to report 10 minutes before the actual start of the shift and this was beneficial in the sense that it made me punctual and was a great source that helped me learn time management, managing time is always important and it teaches a number of techniques that aim to increase the effectiveness of a person in getting the things done that need to be done.
  3. Learning from peers and going through some substantial amount of training helps you learn things in an effective way, we were given some hands-on training that not only builds the self-motivation but it also helps gain confidence, the experience I had was great and this co-op term can be life changing for me, as this was the first time I worked for an actual car company and hopefully this will help me get a better position and a job that suits my capabilities.

Recommendation to the Future Co-op Students

If someone is looking for a job that not only earns you good income but is a great learning experience as well, I would suggest the student or individual to look up to Magna internationals, one would say it is an exaggeration, but I firmly believe that it is worth a shot. It changed my view towards automotive, hope it works for others as well, going to a job and doing the same work time and again can be boring, but at this job it is not the same case, everyday is a new experience and the

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Magna - a mobility technology company. (2022, Mar 08). Retrieved from

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