In The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy, the Story of Ivan Ilyich

Unlike most stories, the death of Ivan starts the novella, describing how those around him reacted to his death and the after mass of his passing. Following those events, the story of Ivan is told, describing his life and those who surrounded themselves around him. Personally, I believe Ivan’s death begins the novella like this to introduce the reader to the harsh and cold environment that Ivan lived in. The way the society around Ivan reacts to his death is quite astonishing.

Instead of being sympathetic and sorrowful about the loss of Ivan, his co-workers and others are more concerned about monetary aspects and benefits that would be coming for them. It is by using this type of chronological order that Tolstoy is able to establish the theme of this work, showing the shallow relationships that plagued Ivan’s life, as well as a society today. Tolstoy also uses his death in the beginning as a way to introduce the artificiality and selfishness of the people that were in Ivan’s life and allow the reader to have an idea of what to expect during the story discussing Ivan’s life.

At the beginning of this story, while everyone is attending Ivan’s funeral, Peter approaches his casket and described it as “the expression on his face said that what was necessary had been accomplished… besides this, there was in that expression, a reproach and a warning to the living. This warning seemed to Peter Ivanovich out of place, or at least not applicable to him”.

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These couple of lines are quite bold, especially to be not only at the beginning of a story but talked about during a funeral. I believe these lines are used a way to foreshadow to points in the story and the struggles that Ivan faced and eventually overcame right before his death. However, the people involved in his life lived similar toxic lifestyles and were superficial and Ivan in a way knew that those in his life would most likely realize these wrongs, just as he had. Another very powerful statement at the start of chapter two states that “Ivan Ilyich’s life had been most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible”.

This bold statement is a strong indication to the life Ivan lived, for he did live a simple life, he was so indecisive about everything in his life, that he lived under other’s rules, did what he thought he had to do, and was surrounded himself with people based on class, to help his image. Ivan’s life was sad and he truly did not live, because of the way he chose to go about his life, which was later described in detail in this story. When the novella begins, Peter Ivanovich, who is Ivan’s close friend enters stating that Ivan Ilyich had passed away. A co-worker of Ivan’s, Fëdor Vasilievich who instead of being concerned about his death was found thinking “the promotion means an extra eight hundred rubles a year for me besides the allowance” showing the shallowness of Fëdor.

Further on in the conversation, Peter and several people were talking about what occurred, but again instead of focusing on the sadness of the event were found saying “had he any property?” “I think his wife had a little-but something quite trifling” proving that these people that were supposedly close to Ivan really only cared about the monetary gains they could receive from his death. To make matters worse, as Peter is conversing with Ivan’s wife, Praskovya Fëdorovna, she described Ivan’s remaining days stating that he had “suffered terribly the last few days…for the last three days he screamed incessantly. It was endurable. I cannot understand how I bore it; you could hear him three rooms off. Oh, what I have suffered!”. Praskovya’s true character was displayed in these lines, showing that while her husband was suffering terribly, instead of focusing on him and the pain he had to endure, she points the focus on herself and all that she had to go through. It is quite shocking and almost unnerving to think someone could be this heartless and selfish over their own husband’s death to draw the attention of the event on themselves.

Peter’s reaction to what Ivan’s wife had told him, also proves his egotistic nature more so, where he thought “three days of frightful suffering and then death! Why, that might suddenly at any time, happen to me” where again, instead of thinking of his dear friend, he diverts the attention on himself and how he would react to such horrors. During the story, Ivan’s condition gets progressively worse, where many do not believe the pain that he is in or do not give him the attention he so desperately needs and deserves. It is not until, Gerasim, who is their servant is told to look after Ivan, that he is finally able to receive a little relief. Unlike really anyone introduced in the story (perhaps besides Ivan’s son), Gerasim is selfless and does things for people as an act of kindness, not for the benefits he may gain, but to assist those who need the help.

One day, Ivan is so weak, that he unable to make it to the bathroom in time and instead of making a big deal of it, Gerasim is found cleaning the mess up, not complaining and berating to Ivan. Ivan said “Gerasim! That must be very unpleasant for you. You must forgive me. I am helpless” to which Gerasim replied “What’s a little trouble? It’s a case of illness with you, sir” showing his good nature. Gerasim continues to help comfort Ivan who is in a lot of pain, doing whatever he can to provide some relief to Ivan during his remaining time left. One day, Ivan finds that when Gerasim holds his legs up, the pain he endures is lessened and then “Gerasim sat down and held his legs, and began to talk to him. And strange to say it seemed to him that he felt better while Gerasim held his legs up”. All of Ivan’s life, he never had someone that went out of their way for him, nor did he truly go out of his way for other people.

It was at this moment, that Ivan was not only comforted by the action of Gerasim, but his genuine company, something that Ivan was not used to, was uplifting. Death really scared Ivan as well, and he had a hard time accepting what was occurring and preparing for what was to come. Gerasim once again was able to add insight to Ivan’s dark thoughts by saying “we shall all of us die, so why should I grudge a little trouble?” which showed that Gerasim did not mind doing what he was doing, as he was helping a dying man, doing this all out of the kindness of his heart, hoping that someone would someday do the same for him. Although Ivan met Gerasim at the end of his life, the impact that he had on him was tremendous. Ivan was about to see someone who was truly authentic in what they did and how they acted and treated others. It was a refreshing change for him and allowed Ivan to accept what was occurring and die at peace.

As Ivan continually declines, he is found just barely hanging onto life and has a huge epiphany with Tolstoy stating “it grew clear to him that what had been oppressing him and would not leave him was all dropping away at once from two sides, from ten sides, and from all sides. He was sorry for them, he must act so as not to hurt them: release them and free himself from these sufferings”. Ivan turned his attention and said “and death…where is it?” and went on by saying “so that’s what it is…what joy!”. He then in a single instant passed away. I believe right before Ivan passed away, he realized the life he was living and how those in his society acted. He then noticed that they all focused on the wrong things, lived life for the wrong reasons, and acted in ways that were not altruistic, and for that he felt sorry for these people.

He knew he lived his life wrongly, but he also knew that people like his wife and co-workers idolized things that did not matter and were living through the same issues and for that, he felt sorry for them. Ivan was able to get the perspective he needed from Gerasim, who although lived a simple life, he lived for the right reasons. He lived with a zest for life and happily helped Ivan out in his time of need, something that people should do for others. Ivan understood that he should have lived a simpler life like Gerasim, for he would have been happier and this realization allows Ivan to be accepting of his death and at peace with the wrongful life he lived, after all, Ivan as able to see the issue with the way he lived, something not everyone would be able to do.

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In The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy, the Story of Ivan Ilyich. (2021, Dec 14). Retrieved from

In The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy, the Story of Ivan Ilyich
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