How environment interacts with its components?

How environment interacts with its components? What causes interactions between various environment components to be imbalanced and why such interactions are changing over time? These are the questions I pondered over as a kid who knew a thing or two about the environment and its importance. I was curious about various complex processes and forces that control environment changes. This deepening interest in environment motivated me to major,in Environmental studies during my B.Sc., and M.Sc. Consequently, I hunkered down and plowed through the environmental science coursework with aplomb as reflected in my grades.

Thesis research for my M.Sc. degree [entitled “Climate Change Dry Spell Impact on Agriculture”] enabled me to use of various tools and techniques such as Remote Sensing, GIS, ILWIS. I Iearned how Landsat images can be used to monitor, detect and track the changes of the atmosphere and environmental effects. I realized the importance to understand impacts on soil, vegetation and water by calculation of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI).

It was then easy to understand how the database and multiple data generated from such research can be a benchmarking to carry research on different aspect. In addition, I have extensively used Vulnerability Assessment and Adaption (VAA tool). I was also involved in estimation of climatic patterns, laboratory analysis of soil moisture, and questionnaire survey along with rigorous literature review and the analytical compilation of the work. My research enabled identification of the significance and the impact of change in land use to climate, and the vulnerability and adaptation of nature.

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Through exploring the rugged, fragile, and complex geography of nature and pondering over the obscurities of its impact on and by people, I discovered my niche and found solace being attached to geography as my “work-bench”. This breakthrough developed my keen interest on graduate studies on geography and I was aspired to become a geographer. My main interest was to research environmental changes using geographic information system as my tool. I got a golden opportunity to work as a research fellow at American Association of Geographers (AAG). The research, My Community Our earth program (MyCOE) was funded by AAG, NASA, USAID, ESRI and ICIMOD. In addition, I received a Capstone fellowship to present of my research work. I was also awarded a dissertation grant by UNDP and TU for my research on disaster induced climate change. I worked as a research assistant in Central Department of Environmental Science, at TU on Multi-hazard risk analysis and Nationwide landslide inventory as well. This expanded my knowledge and interest on the importance of the use of GIS, RS in research studies. At the end of my study, I was awarded the dissertation award from Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). Shortly after completion of my graduate program, I started working as an Environmental officer in Environmental Friendly Local Governance Program(EFLG) under Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (MOFALD, Nepal). This work experience boosted my ability to apply my knowledge and experiences in the field of environmental changes and developing adaptation tool to real life situations. Currently, I am studying MS degree in geography, at The University of Akron. I have learnt how natural or anthropogenic forcing can drive the existing landscape. I learned to quantify, study how the temporal and spatial changes of an event can be mapped and be presented to world. Currently I am working on dissertation on assessment of land cover changes caused by manmade infrastructures. My study illustrates how the landscape can be fragmented and what are the impacts of the human induced activities on overall existing landscape ecology. During this time, I have accrued skills in using ArcMap, Remote Sensing, including with some GIS programming and Spatial Analysis. Following a master’s degree inspired me to become a geography researcher and now after understanding the importance of geography to study nature very closely, a doctoral graduate program in Geography at Kent State University will help me realize this ambition. My previous research and professional experience has driven me explore in a similar field of research. For My Ph.D. graduate research, I would like to study and extend my understanding on how climatic changes can induce the disaster, how does the anthropogenic factors impact the existing ecosystem like landscape. I would like to investigate and understand the methods for quantification and temporal changes of climatic patterns, climatic events, and climate induced hazards in the long run. I would like to be a research scientist who could respond to the needs of decision makers to plan for the global climatic changes with required variety of the tools and datasets. Thus, I believe doctoral graduate can be a stepping stone for me to reach the frontiers of knowledge in my field of study and enable me to be an independent researcher. My study of

Department of Geography indicates that cutting-edge achievements have been made there, with number of faculty conducting innovative research. Among the research carried out in your department, works of Dr. Jacqueline Curtis, and Dr. Cameron C. Lee are very exciting to me. I would like to work under them if possible. I believe that I do possess the motivation, intellectual ability and preparation to do justice to a demanding graduate program at Kent State University. My excellent undergraduate, graduate records, research experiences, extra co-curricular activities are a testimony to that. Therefore, it will be a tremendous opportunity to transform my dream in to reality by joining Kent State University as a graduate student. Thank you!

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How environment interacts with its components?. (2022, May 24). Retrieved from

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