The Components of Effective Teaching

There are many components of effective teaching that I have become aware of since the beginning of the semester, An effective teacher always has a plan for the day’s lesson. This plan will include accommodations for varying students, and will be supported by a fallback plan in case of unforeseen (or forgotten) events. Such a teacher will also integrate different subjects into her or his lesson plans in order to provide a fully rounded education for the class Additionally, it is imperative that an effective teacher spends roughly the first six weeks of the school year teaching classroom behavior skills, These skills must be proactively taught and presented to students, helping them practice and model appropriate behaviors.

If we want to correct a child’s behavior we must work with them from the beginning, not wait until after they’ve made a mistake and then punish them. Children need to be seen, and an effective teacher makes sure that the students know they are being supervised.

Not only does this help keep their behavior in check, it makes children feel safe and allows them to explore and grow into greater human beings. An effective teacher provides structure for the classroom, something that promotes both a sense of safety and organization. When children understand what they are expected to learn, it becomes much easier for them to do so. The same goes for behavioral expectations While kids need to feel safe and secure, it is also important that they don’t feel trapped or sealed away from the world.

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Allowing exploration is your own classroom is essential, and I want my students to feel welcome everywhere in the room, The room should belong to me just as much as it belongs to them; the only difference between us is that I am the instructor and the children are the students. An effective teacher is cognizant of the tone of voice that she or he uses when speaking to their students.

The primary focus of an effective teacher is on the positive achievements of their students, rewarding them with praise for their efforts. It is important to not praise students for getting the correct answer or finishing quickly, Instead, we must applaud the process that they go through, for it is that process that we must strengthen We must also help our students assert confidence in their individual cognitive processes, alongside a desire to work to their fullest potential. The tools they learn to use are ones they will carry for the rest of their lives. Tests and homework will be left in the past because those are not the answers that matter. These forms of assessment serve as data collection and it’s about as close as we can get to seeing into the child’s mind. If we are to teach them, we must attempt to fully understand their minds and formulate lessons based around the receptivity and learning potential of our students.

Lastly, an effective teacher allows students to claim some responsibility for their own learning. Too many children feel as though they have no control over what they learn or when they do it Not only will I create opportunities for student to have jobs in the classroom, such as homework collector or handout giver, I will give students some choice in what they want to learn and when. Nine Limes out of ten students will still have to complete all of the same learning, the only difference being that they feel more in control of the situation. It is no harm to me if the students feel empowered and responsible, and in fact it can only prove to benefit their learning. Most importantly an effective teacher needs to be willing to learn and grow, continuously evolving.

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The Components of Effective Teaching. (2022, Oct 18). Retrieved from

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