How a Nation Chose a National Army

Topics: Country

John Jay addressed these words to convey that everything that we accomplished, we do it cooperatively as a nation. The outcome of this debate would alter the future of our country. As a nation, we can choose to possess a national army to shield our country from incursions and anything portentous to the aegis of United States. Having a battalion prepared at all times, even in times of peace, is pragmatic and imperative for getting ready for any attack or wars put on our country.

Whilst we might not necessitate an army now, when in times we do, our nation would be incapable to fend for ourselves. Envisage this, a foreign country heading straight for our new, debilitated and inadequate country with their navy ships and muskets.

What would we do? Many lives would be lost and we can preclude that. “Although they damage liberty and economy, the presence of disciplined armies in Europe make sudden conquests impractical, and prevent the rapid devastation that foreshadowed war before their introduction.

” That was said by Alexander Hamilton from Federalist No. 8, the presence of strong, disciplined armies will prevent war and attacks. There isn’t a need for inhumanity, the existence of an army is enough to fright assailants away. One of the main reasons why anti-federalists are against the constitution is that they claimed that the Constitution gave the central government too much power. The Constitution declared four ways to prevent tyranny: Federalism, Separation of Power, Checks and Balances, and the Great compromise.

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According to the Constitution, central and state governments aquire power that was split and shared in a federalist system, intercepting tyranny of one over the other.

James Madison expressed his thoughts of federalism in Federalist Paper #51. “…the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two distinct governments…The different governments will each control each other, at the same time each will be controlled by itself.” Although one might think that the executive branch might use the army for atrocious things such as declaring war and materializing tyranny. Howbeit, that is not the case, under Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution, legislative branch has the power and jurisdiction “To declare war…” Therefore the executive branch cannot control the army to transpire tyranny. We can’t afford another war happening, the US is heavily in debt and another war will bring us down. We just experienced the Revolutionary War a few years ago and cannot withstand another. The soldiers had not yet been payed back and citizens of the US are still physically and mentally recuperating from it.

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How a Nation Chose a National Army. (2021, Dec 25). Retrieved from

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