Gabrielle On White-Howard

College tuition is different throughout the whole world. Students worry about the financial problems that they would have to face with the tuition. People stress so much about their financial problems for colleges when they should be worrying about their education. When I was looking for colleges to apply to the first thing I would always look at was the tuition and thought about being in debt. Even though I looked at tuition first my first concern was always my academics and then I would worry and stress about the financial parts.

I always thought the school would give you financial aid, which would help you get through all four years, but sometimes you don’t qualify for financial aid. In my personal experience, I didn’t get as much financial aid that I wanted. Due to the fact that schools thought my Mom made enough money. From my experience, I don’t believe schools take-in consideration the things parents have to buy.

For example, they have to pay rent, the water bills, electric bills, car insurance, and they have to buy groceries for the house. All the money they make isn’t just sitting around it’s being used for the necessities that are needed. Now, I always believed there are a lot of scholarships out there that offer a lot of money. But, what I didn’t think of is that a lot of them are only for first-generation students. The fact that I’m not a first generation student there were a lot of great scholarships that I couldn’t apply for.

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Also, there were a good amount of scholarships for people who have siblings, but being the only child I couldn’t apply for them. Those were the two major things that kept me from applying to great scholarships that could help a lot. With my perseverance, I did find some good scholarships that gave you it because of academics. I was lucky to get some great scholarships due to my academics.

There are some people in the world that had to mainly focus on the financial aid; they didn’t really have the opportunity to find a school that the loved. If they did it was too much. The beginning of my senior year of high school when everyone was applying for colleges, a lot of my friends said they couldn’t go to the college they wanted. Even if they got financial aid and scholarships it still wasn’t enough. Some of my friends wanted to go to four years colleges but they couldn’t afford it so they had to go to community college instead. Seeing that my friends couldn’t go to college it was saddening. In conclusion, students shouldn’t have to worry about financial aid they should just have to worry about finding a good college with great academics. With financial aid being a huge problem I’ve seen it deter people from wanting to go and get a further education.

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Gabrielle On White-Howard. (2021, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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